Watch Dark

Watch Dark

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I did. S3 when.

already have

How can I watch something without light?

Adam did nothing wrong

oh we got a fucking comedian over here lads

Every episode has a montage of each character crying while a whiny pop song plays at the 45 minute nark. DROPPED HARD.

Factually inaccurate

dude time loops

Why would you start Dark thread without THAT webm

This isn't The Leftovers, it's way better.

Which one?

It's not time loops, it's just one big time loop

they've completly fucked up by adding parallel universes .
prove me wrong, protip: you can't

I'll believe it when we actually see it. So far the only proof is some easily photoshopped pictures and a character showing up with a different time device and a bad haircut.

"that" character didn't know about time travel until just days prior to having a certain thing happen to her thus making it impossible
plus that character says so, so why wouldn't I believe it

I had my doubts about s2 when they had the cringey 'welcome to the future' line at the end of s1. But s2 delivered. I have faith in s3.

watched s1 and liked it started up s2 and i forgot literally everything so i didn't end up watching it

What about the scene where it looks like Adam is hypnotizing her? I don't think they've given that scene any actual context yet.

rookie mistake
you're supposed to watch it from the top

i am right now. Ultimate streaming KINO

>mfw there are actually people who watched the show with the god-awful English dubbing.
I'm usually not anal about that kind of stuff,
but holy shit I couldn't even get halfway through the first episode without swapping back to German with subtitles.

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I thought the same at the end of season one, when they specified a three time period cycle, but then here's a new one!

you wanna know what happens to funnymen down here?

I was introduced to the show with the dub and didn't know there was a sub and now I can't understand it with the subs only. Sorry, I got pleb filtered.

Yeah I turned off the dub within the first few minutes. Subs are the way to watch it.


don't forget the dramatic rain

Very good show to binge but a bit concerned with where they can really go from here with the possibility of multiple dimensions and shit.
S2 was neat, but the whole "X trying to prevent Y actually causes Y" got a bit old. Kinda frustrating when it seems even like people who know about time travel are slaves to their own destiny with no free will.

anons, I want to have a rewatch of both seasons and it seems Dark has disappeared off of torrent sites.
any streams or something? I ain't paying for jewflix

come to my crib bro we'll watch it together

ok but im not sucking your dick man

>Is confused, in your path

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>fuck this you all get arrested

That bothered me too. If everything's already happened then there's no point bothering to do anything. Might as well fuck your aunt until she dies and you become deadpool and the cycle continues.


It's crap. ZeroZeroZero is better.

Im with you on this 1. As soon as they made travel devices that broke the 33 year cycle i wasnt interested. I liked when there was structured rules to the time travel and now thats all broken and they can just go back and change things we have already seen.

-change my mind-

wasn't even aware there was a dub
I can only imagine the absolute state of burgers and how little do these netflix executives think of them to go the extra mile and make a dub

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This dude is like Ryo in Shenmue
>do you know anything about sailors?
>i mean, satanists?

idk about the stranger but Adam sure as shit isn't Jonas
thats a fact

Everyone i know thats seen this (3 people) watched the dub, and i know they would never watch the sub. Americans are retarded when it comes to subs because they need the option to look away from the screen.

No, fuck off netflix shills itt

He was a good man.
Just a bit oblivious.

I could see Adam being Jonas, if only for the trope of the main character being the villain and the show letting us see the start and end point of the arc. The Stranger I reckon will be the one to stop it. And he knows about Jonas only because Adam told him.

Shouldn't've raised a daughter

Did Claudia actually do anything wrong?


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You mean apart from being a terrible mother?

Be the worst three actors in the show
Be the least similar-looking three actors
Be the least believably-aged actresses
Murder father
Be cliché confused moron at one age and cliché omniscient zen wizard at another

Super boring. At first I thought it will pick up the pace later, but it really doesn't. Don't want to spoil too much, but I continued watching only because I knew they'll jump to the future later and it sucked just as much. How on earth can you make the apocalypse so boring.

I tried, I couldn't take it. it sucked

She killed best boy

These are my thoughts exactly. I thought the ending scene of S1 was totally out of character for the show, but S2 pulled off the future setting excellently.

I was born in it. Molded by it.

What is Dark?
Should I watch it?

where there really lesbians pre 1938?

Dark and Gomorrah are the only two good shows out. Prove me wrong?

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>Zero likeable characters: The show
The cinematography and general story is great though

>bald guy not likeable
>jesus dude not likeable

only character i truly hated and wanted off the show was that one bitch being the boss.

i am worried about this but we'll see since it's the last season coming up


Also, why do all the girls have top tier asses? I lived in Germany and I found like 2 girls with gute Qualität Brappers but in that series they all have.

Pure kino

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