What would you have done in his place?

what would you have done in his place?
hard mode: no rape
if it's GOT to be rape then elaborate a bit

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Theft, blackmail, and espionage.

They'd still get your DNA for the rape.

epic pranks for my youtube channel

But unless they figure out you're fucking invisible then who gives a shit? Think they're gonna take this chick seriously when she's saying it was a ghost who dicked her?

slap Trump daily

Id go round and find some entitled asshole somewhere. Down 3 bottles of ex lax and spray a fountain of literal shit all over him in public. Literally just hosed down with actual shit out of thin air. That would fuck with your mind as well as cover you in poo

I would’ve gone to church and acted like I was God lmfao.

>Think they're gonna take this chick seriously when she's saying it was a ghost who dicked her?

Tbqh I'm not sure anymore.

Go to Paris and wrestle a mime to the ground and have all the people watching think he's the greatest mime to have ever lived.

Then go rape some people.

You can literally live for free like this.

>proceed to rob every Walmart in the tristate area of every fucking trading card they have and spend all day opening packs

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Look for groups of people and let loose massive farts. Then watch them look awkwardly at each other who it was.

so what? they gonna arrest someone who's literally invisible

this, just steal everything you need to live for the rest of your life

become a streamer and pretend to be a cute invisible girl

cum in milkshakes at mcdonalds

How though? People are going to notice boxes of Yugioh cards floating out of the store. Invisibility is kind of a shitty power unless the objects you touch also become invisible somehow.

I respect your vision. Also, I would rape said mime first.

holy fucking based

>commit rapes
>you are now on the run from cia spooks with thermal goggles who want to black bag you and use your body for secret scientific research

>commit no rapes
>exist indefinitely as a comfy voyeur and secretly live in a QT house where you have access to tendies and braps with freeview BLACKED action every friday

was the hollow man a brainlet?

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b-b- but nobody would care if they can't see your tiddies

>exist indefinitely as a comfy voyeur and secretly live in a QT house
holy shit congrats that's the most beta thing anyone could imagine

>>exist indefinitely as a comfy voyeur and secretly live in a QT house where you have access to tendies and braps with freeview BLACKED action every friday
>just live in a hollywood mason without the owner noticing
maximum comfy

No one is going to know. Just slide the packs across the floor while no employees are looking. Keep sliding them out the door.
Do it at like 3am when there's no one around. Probably no one would even notice a giant pile of trading cards and boxes float out the door.

>can get out of the lab
>comes back because................
he could have escaped and do whatever he wanted no one would have believed the scientists

call for you sir

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>wants to watch black men do X
You are a homosexual.

>travel to where famous people live
>intruded in their lives
>post pics on Yas Forums

So you are only invisible not wearing shoes, how do you go around going outside and not wearing shoes? Stepping on glass, nail, hot concrete/asphalt etc how do you avoid this problem?

Question: is my blood invisible once it left the body?

>sneak into celebrity houses
>watch and obtain passwords to their accounts / electronic devices
>steal their nude photos
>post them on Yas Forums

>go into moners house
>take pictures of her butthole
>post to Yas Forums
>become king of the incels

>Stepping on glass, nail,
spotted the eastern european

Whoa, we should team up

i’m already invisible so i wouldn’t change much

what did he do though? don't tell me you believe in tabloids user..

You could always look at the ground.

>what would you have done in his place?

beat up minorities,gays and liberals

Ok, what about stepping on bullet casings and the bodies of innocent children, is that american enough for you?

>Just slide the packs across the floor while no employees are looking
surveillance cameras
>Do it at like 3am when there's no one around
shops are closed at 3am

>Question: is my blood invisible once it left the body?

better yet.... is your semen

Elementary school PE.

hardhitting social commentary

Find where people I didn't like from highschool live and take daily sodium and alcohol induced shits in their house, car, spouses, anywhere.

no I work alone

nope my sperm and sperm cells would be invisible

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try to sneak into area 51

Sure but they will just put on APB on you. Can't prosecute someone you can't arrest.

Walk around HMV after it's closed so I can browse the CDs in peace

And winter?

What walmart do you know that isn't 24/7? Also who gives a fuck. No one is gonna check cameras unless there's a problem, and if they do, so??

turrets would probably sense your heartbeat and blow you away

>elaborate a bit
Fly to Chicago
Find my ex
Follow her home
Make her think her apartment is haunted
Start to ____

Go to movie theaters and watch movies for free. Also talk loudly during the movie.

>Think they're gonna take this chick seriously when she's saying it was a ghost who dicked her?

A religion was built on that.

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well I did write try!

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Nothing stops you from waiting until the store closes retard .

Go wherever I want. Listen to conversations I couldn't normally. Explore places you normally couldn't.

Stay in the lab since the alternative means running around buck ass naked in the cold

What if you'd take a shit in public?
Is it invisible or does the turd become visible as soon as it leaves your body?
Anybody qualified to answer this? Thanks!

invisibility is a beta superpower to have
it's the ultimate fantasy of people with a lot of shame and low self-esteem, like soi males and fat girls
even committing rape is a beta act when you're invisible because the only advantage it affords you is that nobody can see you coom

>wh*toid terrified of seeing the pussy-destructive capabilities of a powerful bvll in person
lmao big cope

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In the movie, he ate food and you saw the gorillas's blood disappear, so I think anything you ingest is obscured by your invisible body so if you took a blasting diarrhea dump it would be very visible once exiting the sphincter.

anything that's external of you is visible, clothes, shit you took etc.

>mmmm black dicks
lol alright shill

I’d probably live at Disney World and watch all the hot Disney Princess girls changing.

Derail trains and yell at Kemp, that absolute retard.

who hurt you?

I would post here. Anonymously.

And what about poop? This could be the most devastating weapon ever imagined.

Steal and assassinate politicians
Maybe rape from time to time, I don't know

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Conclusive, thanks

Try to get a job with the CIA in exchange for the opportunity to rape.

the virility of an alpha bull is only intimidating to insecure incels, period
i'm upgrading your cope to hard cope

that'll be a yikes and cringe for (You)

Please take your fetish to Yas Forums

get into movie sets