*Recognizes Light's handwriting whilst examining the Death Note obtained from Higuchi*

*Recognizes Light's handwriting whilst examining the Death Note obtained from Higuchi*

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*recognises that he will never be a woman, fucks off back to and kills himself*

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light deserved it, in a true brainlet move he assumes he's the smartest person in the situation

>Yas Forums turns people into trannies
Honestly not surprised tbdesu fampai

This and Kaiji is peak comfy OST.

Daily reminder that he did absolutely, legitimately, genuinely, unironically, literally and figuratively nothing wrong.

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Good thing we're on 4channel and thus have no chance of that happening to us right bro?

>not pumping a hot load into Misa's hairless cunt at least twice a day

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Yas Forums likes to point out how transexuals disproportionately like anime but do they ever point out how transexuals are disproportionately white? Don't think so

That wouldn't hold in court, the most they can charge him with is not paying tax on the notebook/death note

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Light totally died a virgin.

I'm not the Kira.

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Reminder that he should have closed his eyes, opened a new page, written “you” on it and turned the page again so anyone who manages to steal it and looks at that page dies

Transexuals are overwhelmingly black, actually. Did you even bother googling the stats before coming up with that weak lie?

Chads don't give a fuck about worthless shit, especially not if you intend to create a perfect world.

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>you is a name

Nice cope incel, have sex

No, I’m an anonymous poster on Yas Forums.

>he doesnt know

I refuse to believe he didn't bang her atleast once in their wedding night out of obligation.

Pol never points out the tranny/anime bridgr because they're a bunch of weeb fucks themselves who can't handle the fuck their chinese made cartoons are turning them into literal crossdressing faggots.

>Light and supporters think he's sooper smart when most of his keikaku bullshit is pure luck, and the shinigami helping him out

They make a big deal out of how he swaps notes with Misa to make sure this isn't the case.

No way. He straight up wanted to kill her most of the time.


I fucking hated Misa. What an Annoying goddamn cunt

Imagine today, what would you do to not get caught?
I imagine that searching on the internet for criminals names would put me on a list of suspects.

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L knew all along that light was Kira, he just couldn't prove it in a court of law and so his own rules and belief in justice got him killed

>Good luck, FBI, I’m hidden behind seven proxies!

The show expecting me to believe Rem cared about Misa enough to die for her was asking too much.

Like 98% of girls are annoying cunts, that's just something you deal with to fuck them. At least Misa was a rider and killed herself after Light got BTFO'd. You can't ask for much more than that.

That is incorrect.

This guy really cheated by overusing Ryuk. Light only got a little help from Ryuk and then cheated at the end by using Rem to kill L. But this guy's entire plan hinged on Ryuk doing his bidding. Anybody could win if they had a death god as their slave.

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I'd kill every billionaire and major politician, and make them say its God judging them for hoarding wealth whilst people suffer before they die

Every time a new person taking advantage of society and inequality popped up I'd kill them too.

I wouldn't want any recognition or try to go for every single criminal. Just major ones and people that I happen to hear about

Itd be completely impossible to catch me

Rem voice was made by a woman in the french version was is so in other language?

Ignore all of the one-shots and novels for your own sanity.

I wouldn't do the same thing Light did. I'd just use it on people who slight me

But it was kino as fuck.

>Transexuals are overwhelmingly black, actually.
Only because they are far more sexually abused as children. Remove the sex abuse factor and leave the Yas Forums and anime factors in and white people win

>See a literal fucking demon
>Never bring it up again

>he did absolutely, legitimately, genuinely, unironically, literally and figuratively nothing wrong.
So what do you call brashly killing Lind L. Tailor right off the bat, outing his location? It's the biggest mistake he ever makes in the series.

>Just change facts bro

He at the very least fucked the reporter from his high school


Did the pages erase when Light gave it up? I don't remember them ever examining pages already in there when they recovered it.
My headcanon is that he tore them out without leaving a trace of them somehow.

>rewrite reality and what I said becomes true

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What about this mistake?

>Outplays the whole Shingami World
>The Shingami King Reeeees so hard he creates new rules

>I don't remember them ever examining pages already in there when they recovered it.
they very clearly examined the death note, with the writings still in it. At least Higuchi's.

He was filling up Misa and that news reporter fucking daily. It's not HBO so we don't get to see, dumb coomer.

>hating white people
We win again

His biggest mistake was using confidential police files, and then killing the fbi agent investigating him

He narrowed down the potential suspects to a ridiculous degree for no reason at all

idk why but this post made me lol

>His biggest mistake was using confidential police files


Even the Lind L Taylor mistake was nothing compared to this.

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>the duality of Man

>Remove the sex abuse factor and leave the Yas Forums and anime factors in and white people win
Then you'd have to remove any abuse the whites might suffer too. Why are you so prejudice against whites yet feverishly defend blacks? Why are you so racist?

Light's were erased though, right? They must have been. Maybe the manga elaborates on this.

Didn't read the manga, I have trouble with black and white pictures due to eye issues :(

retarded, he was talking about the sentence formed by the first letters and their order, not the fact that there are only 3 photos and not 4

Was it even the same Death Note, I thought they just passed a few around the Shingami world for the lulz

Theres not enough pages in it

It was the same death note originally held by Light, which is why Light instantly remembered being Kira when he touched it.

It's later proven by the fact that Sidoh takes that same note back after it was recovered from Mello and you can clearly see it's the original note, with 'Death Note' Written in English on the front.

*L looks back at security footage of Light after he touches the Death Note and can see Ryuk*
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I think the biggest mistake was killing the FBI agents. Raye Penber was about to exonerate him because he couldn't find anything. So killing them had the effect of all but proving one of their suspects was Kira, when simply leaving them alone would have probably gotten the investigation off his back.

The camera isn't capable of seeing a shinigami and therefore won't transmit an image of one.

This was actually elaborated upon in a way in the latest one-off manga in which Near is trying to develop technology capable of seeing Shinigami

No, you're missing the point. L lied and said there were 4 messages. The way he presented the scenario, there was nothing Kira would know that Light couldn't deduce. The only scenario in which Kira DID know something Light couldn't deduce would be if L had lied about something (in this case, lied about the number of messages). But Light would only know L had lied if he was Kira. Therefore, Light is Kira.

Oh my poor deluded friend they've retconned that shit with the new one shot, anyone who has touched the death note can see Ryuk now, on tv even

u right

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I don't consider anything outside of the original series canon. Ohba doesn't know what he's doing and has no interesting ideas or way of expanding the series that doesn't just rehash the original.