
Ass Deep Edition


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So, Seven of Nine is going to be the new borg queen next episode. Cap this.

>train for 20 years with Romulan super nuns to become world's greatest close combat elf
>get BTFO in close combat by random evil Romulan lady
Really makes you think.

I like how the sexy android is barefoot most of the time.

>its not his fault
>he's trying!

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Sexy android?

This is just like Star Wars, they're pissing away the one chance we have to see these characters again on these awful fucking scripts.

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Riker and Troi's daughter wasn't an android...why would she be?

Link the new thread in the old one phaggot OP

You telling me you wouldn't try to impregnate this over and over again?

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At least our children would have normal chins.

What is all this Geordi talk? Where did you all find it? Just tell me please........

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riker is still "on reserve" with Starfleet according to nuTrek so presumably they'll drag him out for "one last adventure" at some point this decade.

Was waiting for at least 300 because you know why.

>You telling me you wouldn't try to impregnate this over and over again?

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Fuck ya. Ask me how deep I'd go.

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I would make a baby with her. It would be half android, half human and half baby.

Stunning. Would give birth to chad boys.

bros, why did they have to do him so dirty?

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bros I gotta get a vulcan gf

This is nu-trek incel. You have to kill the past so that stronk android queens can slay.

because no one in nu trek gives a fuck

Nice shop! Her chin is fine.

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She would birth strong sons

Because now you care about sword boy right?

There is a shoop of this one of you faggots made, but that isn't it. That's the actual untouched scene. Her jawr is horrendous.

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Man where the fuck is Worf? I am so fucking sick of nu-trek my God.

Chinnigan, is that you?

She has sex in every episode almost...

here's more of the shot for proofs

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He's coming back next season in the horrific nu-Klingon makeup

I can see her areola

I pray its cancelled so they cant do any more damage...

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good fucking god stop I'm going to be sick
this is like those news articles about how white people should learn to like eating bugs



I pray it's cancelled so /trek/ will stop being shit up with nutrek talk every thursday

Oh no, it's a more painful version of being disintegrated!

>im going to be sick
Oh, user. We've only scratched the surface of jawkino. In ching chong land, having your jawr shaved is quite the event....

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Its all there is now...

bitch looks like Mac Tonight

Funny you say that. It all comes full-circle.

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Every previous series still exists. With so many hundreds of episodes the possibility for discussion is essentially endless.

Why don't the romulans just beam him into a brig.

People claim that conservatives can't like star trek, yet star trek consists almost exclusively of extremely stereotypical portrayals of various cultures to the point even conservatives are a little annoyed by the monotony of it. How do liberals not melt in a puddle of impotent rage when watching racist portrayals of micks, niggers, and other sundry ethnicities?

>he has... ummm.. super-speed
>they.. umm... can't get a transporter lock.

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absolute unit

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Of the three established character deaths his was by far the worst becuase of how utterly pointless it was. Maddox's death is obviously part of this whole retarded synth plot, while Icheb had to be fridged for NuSeven. Hugh's death was completely unnecessary. It kills me because it was good to see Jonathan Del Arco back when they could've recasted his character like the others. He deserved better than this. Shit, I'd rather have a spin-off about the Artifact but with the Tal Shiar bullshit cut out, just a show about Hugh looking out for ex-Borg on a rogue cube.

And to add insult to injury it looked like the bitch was gonna kill him in the opening scene but she spares him for diplomatic immunity only to kill him later.
>tfw Geordi will never see him again

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Star Trek is fundamentally anti-liberal. Yes, it preaches about peace and progress, but the Federation's peace and progress was brought about by PRINCIPLES, a word that liberals utterly despise because it means having standards and knowing right from wrong. Yes, it featured minorities in prominent roles in crews. But they were all held to the same PRINCIPLES as everyone else, and they rose to meet them.

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yes, it IS a sexy android

and I'm pretty sure androids don't have human rights

ITT: Quotes that trigger /trek/
>Romulans have ridges

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All of this is just palaver. The real question is how anyone can claim Star Trek isn't a conservative show when it has:
>that scene where T’pol explains to Archer the difference in IQ distributions between species
>that scene where O’Brien complains that ‘petaQ’ is just a word and it’s silly ‘only Klingons can say it’
>that scene where Ezri tries to ‘redpill’ Julian by showing him the chart with all the Bajorans in top media positions
>that scene where Kirk jokes with Scotty about Spock’s mother being a race-mixer
>that scene where Trip votes for George W. Bush
>that scene were Gowron calls Worf ‘a subklingon fucking targ’
>that scene where Janeway says ‘we have to out-Ferengi the Ferengi'
>that scene where Soval uses the phrase ‘the eternal Ando’
>that scene where Tuvok walks on the bridge and Neelix makes money noises
>that episode where Picards helps forcibly displace the Indians because of a treaty with the Cardassians
>that scene where Worf enters Picard's ready room without knocking and gets phasered
>that scene where Garak promotes a 'dispassionate historical perspective' of the occupation of Bajor

cringe autistic conservabro schizo

It's basically 1960s US liberalism.

D'you think they're gonna kill Seven next week? At first I thought never but now they've killed Hugh for no reason nothing would surprise me. Not gonna lie it would be fucking hilarious if they did only for the fact that pic related would end up being overwritten so fast.

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>real captains have hair

>the phoneposting schizo is at it again

Fuck off with this bullshit

dilate tranny

Only Norf ones. But, Rommies should all have vampire bangs.

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>Romulans have ridges
Unless they're Soufern pooftahs.

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Case and point, dump more archives and soijaks faggot.

>Geordi will never see him again
They could do a Better Caul Sall style show with the two of them, ending with Hugh going to become Director of the Cube. It could happen

Gong to point something out

Recucks "son" Thad was a language genius, Recucks first officer knew over 100 languages

>the first character to not hate Picard for not saving the entire galaxy all on his own
>doing a good job helping his Borg bros integrate back into society
>lol just kill him, who cares
if they killed off Seven I'd be less pissed. She's an angsty lesbian now anyway who pisses and shits on Picard for no reason and has seemingly forgotten everything Janeway taught her. Hugh legit hurts. If they hadn't slipped it into this episode which actually had some good stuff in it with the whole Riker/Troi/Picard meetup, I would've dropped it then and there.

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You're over-thinking it, user. Just look at actual Star Trek. Humanity is a bunch of strongly-identified ethno-nationalist groups thriving centuries into the future. The globalists lost. The one-world, "post-racial", blended-humanity, we're-all-going-to-be-brown-someday, "progressives" lost. In Star Trek, humanity did not blanda up. They built walls and fences and learned to co-exist and get along in peace while preserving each group's distinctiveness. They have a true DIVERSE utopia, not just one that uses muh diversity to turn us all into Brazil someday.

There is NO WAY that "progressives" won the culture and political wars we're in today if that is our future. White people (and every other group) are alive and well and are the norm in Star Trek's future.

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>Picard shills out in full force
Picard isn’t canon

>forgetting the redpill that Neelix said about crimes committed despite being only % of the population.

do one where he is jerking him off


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Thinking a Romulan waifu would be better over a Vulcan gf is highly illogical.

Icheb was recast and killed because the og actor talked bad about Discovery

How do we know he's dead?

Borg regenerate. He's not entirely devoid of borg tech. Might come back when 7 finds his body.

Its gotten to the point that i cant remember which of these are real and which are fake

>Picard shills
Romulans didn't have bumpy foreheads in my day either, you jackass.

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>>tfw Geordi will never see him again

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She's Jimmy Hill's illegitimate daughter

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Stop LARPing