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Other urls found in this thread:


what a soulless shill

>it’s a movie about le empowered woman so I gotta shill that shit

can't wait for twitter to tear her apart

How do you burst into tears from a trailer? They're like 35 seconds long.

this tweet was provided by the Disney Company

I can't think of a single movie that has made me even come close to "bursting into tears" let alone a fucking trailer

Don't cry Brie!

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What kind of person cries when watching a trailer?


And from CGI Disneyshit too

If you had sex maybe you wouldn't get so angry about every little thing all the time

>this movie checks all checkboxes in whatever the current agenda is so I like it

Working for that social credit score already. Say what you will about her, she’s preparing for the future.

they aren't gonna let you see your family with low effort bait like that, zhao

eric butts

Maybe if you had less sex you wouldn't get emotional over a children's movie trailer, Brie

when is her term cunt cancer inbound ? gotta be soon that genie shouldnt diss me

Why is this guy hitting on /ourgirl/ though?

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twitter threads should be instant hardware id permaban

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So shes the female Eric Butts? Who the fuck cries over a movie trailer?

Based whiteknighting cuck

this is fucking disgusting bro

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>Captain Marvel and Brie Larson getting a makeover
Marvel recently announced that the Captain Marvel writing and directing team of Anna Boden and Ryan Fleck got the boot - who promoted the film as a feminist and humanist movie - but if Captain Marvel was a big success like Feige's zombie audience likes to claim, why aren't the writers and directors returning? Sure, they might get a Disney Plus series, but does going from directing a "billion-dollar" film to a streaming TV series sound like a promotion? Nope.

>Captain Marvel was Marvel's "The Last Jedi" as it divided the fan base, and it also didn't help that star Brie Larson lashed out in regards to her political views. Guess what? No one cares about Brie Larson's political views (or Chris Evans' or James Gunn's or Samuel L. Jackson's).
>Here's another kicker: Brie Larson is now undergoing an image makeover to make her more likable.

>You don't think her recent appearance on Jimmy Kimmel, her bubble bath "videos" posted to social media, and her selfies with Wonder Woman Gal Gadot (who does know how to market herself correctly) are just coincidence? Nope. It's all part of the plan to make Brie Larson likable.

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She's much better than Butts, don't even put them in the same sentence. But yes, she's is a soya girl.

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honestly she's worse than eric butts
he's dealt with becoming to face of sois everywhere pretty well
brie larson thinks literally everything is some sort of jab at her and freaks out accordingly

I can, Armageddon. It’s the only movie that’s ever made me tear up three times.

Who cares?

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Shut the fuck up brie and keep those titties out if your boss wants my dollars.

lmao no
butts didn't freak the fuck out and try to get the internet to censor mean opinions
brie did

>twitch account
>switch lite that can't dock or stream

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the tears are actually from being childless at 30

Listen here baby gurl. You are gonna get a lot of hate and creeps perving on you. But I wanna say you this. You are beautiful. You are strong.

I just wanna watch you express yourself. I'll be in the kitchen making sandwiches

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who was in the wong here?

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Do these companies really pay actors for these fake-ass endorsements?

The only one bursting into tears was Bob Iger when Coronachan cockblocked him from all that China money they were shooting for

>heroic U.S. debut
Who the fuck uses this terminology to describe a product being released?

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>Gal Gadot (who does know how to market herself correctly)
She's just an israeli jew, which makes her immune to criticism

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>brie larson thinks literally everything is some sort of jab at her and freaks out accordingly
That's because it is.

Damn, this thread is going fast. Brie is truly /ourgirl/

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Learn to CorpSpeak

tear up/lump in throat sure but bursting into tears? come on

Jimmy Wong is a screechy SJW male-feminist that hits on any single and attractive white woman he can. He's a complete beta male bitch.

He got his start by being an MTG youtuber

i will never go to see any movie with Brie Larson ever
fucking WHORE

She's doing the same thing all celebs do when they're coming up and getting a fake persona. It's going to be an awkward transition for her though because she rode that white feminist train so hard. But, she's a young, pretty white woman so they'll let her get away with an abrupt change in image. The same privilege that the white men whom she was bucking against afford her, she'll benefit from like all white women

She's not in it.

The redpill is that the feminist thing was the persona, but no one wants to admit it. Just put Brie Larson 2013 or something into youtube and hear her speak. She's a much different person pre-disney.

Why do Brie threada attract so many seething incels?

hope she sees this bro

It's just a woman getting excited for a didney film. Why all the fuss?

Oh yeah, definitely the former instead of the latter. I don’t actually “cry,” do get plenty watery though.

Bipolar disorder

this thing

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Because you're clearly baiting them into coming here. I still maintain she's not as bad as people sperg out though.
>le movie made me le cry omygosshhhh
Big fucking deal.

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>it's da jews
>it's da chinese they're the reason I'm a short balding easily triggered incel that cant have sex

for me it's pic related

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i know, but i will not go to see any Brie Larson movie in the future because she supports China

>Tweet this at 9 PM
>O oh okay

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Both of those are unironic cancer but tweeting out something about a girly movie isn't that far fetched from a female's vernacular.

She's always been an ugly whore
now she's prettier with fake teeth, nosejob, boobjob and tons of makeup like a tranny

It's just people shitting on an actor, who cares

just play this video whenever you see her virtue signal or something

I don't know if she's supporting china. It seems to be like a typical OMYGOD THIS IS ALADDIN!! kind of reaction, since it's the new Disney movie coming out.
How is she supposed to be considered "cool" in people's eyes when she's obviously trying and failing?

Why did they cut the only bisexual character?

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china is anti lgbtqia

hope you have sex bro

When is she getting pregnant with her half nigger baby?


The real redpill is every single woman in Hollywood is a feminist now, no exceptions. ESPECIALLY the ones who get shilled here. Waifuthreads should be gone.

me when I watched the Joker trailer and finally felt represented

Then why does their Mulan legend feature a bisexual Icon like Li Shang or a lesbian /bi/queer character Milan?

>tweet is from the future
what the hell bro's, am i getting april fooled?

I'm surprised she's even considering this as an option when there were death threats sent to her. Other women have quit social media for less.

What a fucking disgenuine shill. It makes me sick.

problematic superior officer