That's why we call it the ring-dinger!

That's why we call it the ring-dinger!

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Other urls found in this thread:

Sauce on the tits

>You won't be feeling no more back pain after this, boy

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Yes sir, crack addicts gonna love you!

I like big tits

can women do this an not expect a cupping grope any more as playful bants

This guy is a creep.

For me its Mondragon Chiro.

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That was a molestation.

She's fucking crazy though, what is this shit that she does?

”I’m gonna have to send you a bill for that”

>Smells his thumb

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Yeah she homeschools all her weird kids too. But goddamn she could do anything she wants to me.

Can't find good pics of her mommy milkers but they are always looking good in her vids.

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JEEEEZ nice milkers

Chiropractors are scam artist quacks who get their certifications from degree mills. The fact that so many chiropractic videos often have attractive models with big tits and asses for maximum clickbait should raise a red flag. What actual doctor would do that shit?

she problably was very popular during high school and was a mega slut that's for sure.
she still could be behind her hubby's back


She was weird looking before but now she's a 10/10 milf. Good eye from the chad-lite husband

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God I wish that were me

on the slight chance people don't know who this by now, search for brooke adams, there are more chiro vids, twerking vids, wearing thongs at convention vids, etc

That texan chiro is so annoying

The type of doctor that wants clients. The only way to get clients is to get them with big ass.



Imagine her cracking your back then resting your head on those huge milkers.

>"do i have milk coming out?"


Back crackers are complete charlatans, they do more harm than good and their practice is banned in most civilized health services.

>What actual doctor would do that shit?
Most modern day ones? The medical profession has lost almost all of its dignity. The Noble pursuit of healing has long since been replaced with the medical industry, two words that should never belong together.

You have never suffered a serious back injury. If you ever blow a disc or in my case have a dislocated vertebrae from a car accident you will understand the usefulness of a chiropractor.

Doctors can only offer opiates and surgery and they’re scared of a malpractice suit so they’re not willing to work with the fucked up joint. When you’re laying on your back for days with back spasms a chiropractor knows where to pop and crack some shit to get you moving again.

That said, my SI joint goes out and I get shooting pains down my legs, I have a rib way the fuck out of place that makes it hard to breath, and my L5 vertebrae have been dislocated. A chiropractor straight up got the vertebrae back in place but the rib and SI joint can’t be permanently fixed. After years of having a chiropractor pop shit for me I learned how to do it myself and the results are better, I haven’t seen a chiropractor in 4 years.

But if you have back or joint problems these YouTube chiropractor videos are like porn. I have my favorite chiropractors and my favorite “moves” that each one does. Here’s Dr. Gonstead making a bitch cry with one of my favorite moves on what I call The Altar.

>fast forward to 20:40

it's actually not banned anywhere and is covered by the state healthcare systems of many developed countries

You should have tried essential oils instead


You're an idiot, it's only a fluke you weren't paralyzed from their manhandling and they fact that you're doing it yourself shows you don't need any medical training to fuck a body up. You have literally no idea what you're doing or why what you're doing is working, that's fucking scary.

Why is this tread alowed on Yas Forums?

No sirs, y'all critics are haters who would tarnish my profession and techniques. Learn the cartesian coordinate system and try it yourself, I've been doing this 40 years and the results speak for themselves.

Your Houston Chiropractor,

Dr. Gregory Johnson

Advanced Chiropractic Relief L.L.C.

Houston, Texas

>a circumcised man typed this

What the actual fuck is she doing to her

>When a hero emerges from among the villains, having defected from their evil organization, and applying their dark arts for the cause of good

that looks insanely painful

I remember when stupid zoomers would argue that these girls aren't being paid to be there and are in the video because they want to fuck the "doctor"

isnt that the guy who cracked a baby and got banned from practicing or whatever?

Well i just watched all of that .

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Post peer reviewed academic papers showing that it works.

Why the fuck do americans wear shoes while laying on the examination couch
and that fucker even makes contact with their soles

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he said himself he finds watching videos of it to be like porn. he just confused the release of whatever hormone from stretching with actual healing

Why does it feel so comfy to watch chiro videos?

You can see in one of his videos he does it, and he was called up for inquiry and suspended, but it was eventually dropped and he's back to practicing now.

I don't think messing around with kids or babies like that should be allowed, but to be fair the baby was fine for what he did. So ethically correct or not, it's not like he's injuring people or case in point, injuring babies.

It's like a comedy sketch.

americans are gonna laugh at countries that have like rhino horn pills or whatever because its just placebo but then have this fucking shit. not to mention psychotherapy

That guy is in Australia tho

Shoes are extremely dirty. Just think of all the shit you walk on in the bathroom.

>making a bitch cry with one of my favorite moves on what I call The Altar.
>The Altar

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thnxfor the pic so hot
im gonna coom hard on this one

chiropractic is well established throughout the western world, not just america. in australia it is completely uncontroversial and most peoples' first choice for the treatment of neck and back pain

It's easy to write chiropractors off as a load of bullshit, but I can imagine in some certain circumstances they might have the right idea. Like this vid, the dude is basically a cripple, and they could try and fix him with invasive surgeries, but this dude just wallops his back a few times and he's pretty much recovered.

Might be quackery, but he saved everyone involved time, money and risk.

That's Chinese thing. I can't personally testify, but everyone say it's not painful at all.

>and risk.
>this dude just wallops his back a few times

>no y strap

how is this allowed on youtube btw

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I was going to say "and pain" but that's not true!

Could you guys resist the sniff?

Those western medicine quacks have nothing on Luo's transcendental massaging

>"oh yeah it's shocking"
Jesus fucking Christ my sides

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>That vid where he *adjusts* the kids back, and the kid starts farting and shitting uncontrollably
>But after that the kid is totally fine and no more back pains

Is there a genre where poetry and comedy combine?

chiropracty is actually proven to homeopathy-tier horoscope horseshit, honestly astounding in this day and age knobheads like you still shilling for it

This pretty much tells you how little the average person knows and understands about them.

I work in physical therapy and every third or so back/neck pain referral is someone who complains the chiro only makes their pain go away for a couple days. It's a jewy business model relied on short term pain relief.

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australians are fucking retarded on average
t. have met many

Please link.

niggas don't know about ASIM Barber swag

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Which is better? Plane crash threads on Yas Forums, or chiro threads on Yas Forums?

i'd be "fine" with chiropractors if they were just honest about it being pretty much like a massage and about as effective
instead of all this xyz c7 b4 biophysics bullshit they spew and how da ebul doctors are out to get them and the body can just heal itself brooo it's true

>that squeal of pleasure at around 4:50

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i would guess that 99% of australians have no idea that chiropractors aren't doctors and that chiropractic is quackery. it's even covered by the (taxpayer funded) health service
sad but true

JAV code for this?


>"do i have milk coming out?"

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Someone posted her nudes the other day
Extremely disappointing

He fucked her ass raw later