So I'm finally watching stranger things season 3

So I'm finally watching stranger things season 3.
I'm surprised how shit it is. It's completely different from the previous seasons. It looks more like a cheap family comedy. Every character has become a cliché version of itself.
Why the high rating on IMDb? Am I missing something?

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All of the seasons were shit.

Yeah 3 was bad. I couldn't even finish it.

Why is it rated so high on IMDB? I often agree with IMDB ratings but it feels like Netflix shows are overrated on the platform for some reason.

I feel the same way. It's like a completely different show written by different people, who somehow don't have even the slightest grasp of what made the show worth even seeing or what made the characters likable.

Once people like it, they do not stop supporting the brand until it's pure garbage. People supported Game of Thrones until the consensus became that it was shit so they decided it was shit. People watched the first two episodes of Westworld and decided Westworld is an amazing mindfuck show, while in fact the writing became garbage after episode 3 and never recovered. Purely brand loyalty and people being afraid to lose face, nothing else.

They will churn these out for years and years to come and you know it. Don't forget spinoffs and movies and videogames and themeparks.

The only good season was season 1. Every character had a distinctive role to play in the narrative. By season 2 it became obvious they didn´t know what to do with certain characters and a lot of stuff felt derivative. Realizing this, season 3 is made to be different... except it ended up not being good different.
I think they´ve realized that too but are unable to come up with something bigger than the nightflyer, which if you ask me it´s the wrong mind set, they should not be thinking bigger, they should be thinking stranger. What makes season one work is that they are facing the unknown. Now they are just fighting something they know about but it´s too fucking big for a group of teenagers to handle.

Best character died

I think they´ve realized that too but are unable to come up with something bigger than the nightflyer, which if you ask me it´s the wrong mind set, they should not be thinking bigger, they should be thinking stranger. What makes season one work is that they are facing the unknown. Now they are just fighting something they know about but it´s too fucking big for a group of teenagers to handle.

This. Holy shit how hard can this be???????

It's basically a retread of season one. Just like season two is.

how hot is millie in this compared to the previous seasons?

>It's completely different from the previous seasons.
But every season is literally the same story

>tfw MBB was the stranger thing all along

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Yeah I think this is a good analysis of what's happening in the writers minds.
Also the fact that season 1 had so much success made them afraid to change too much of what they perceived was the success of the show (the characters mostly).
I think this could have been better if they had changed all the characters and location between each season and tried to came up with a new 'strange thing' to introduce, instead of reheating season 1's plot. But it would have required some level of risk that the writers and producers didn't want to take.

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There are adults obsessed with this series to the point where they surround themselves in merchandise with children's faces on them.

This show is for paedophiles, kys if you watch this shit

I thought it was bretty gud user and so did others - not much else to say

Shes a qt

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>the 80's
>Boyfriend and girlfriend
>lily bobby vagina brown
>THE 80'S

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>I thought it was bretty gud user and so did others - not much else to say
ive seen so many shit eaters say this but never explain why, like theyre embarrassed to reveal how shitty their reasons are

kind of sad how you edgelords can't let yourselves enjoy anything

season 1 was good.

In my opinion season 1 was average. I thought at the time that it was ok but widely overated and a bit boring at times. From season 2 it's just complete utter garbage.

Not him, but it wasn't terrible. Worse than the first 2 seasons but I was still entertained by it.


why does it make you so mad that people enjoy a show user? It has likeable characters, especially 11 and hopper, I enjoy the comedic aspects of it and the member berry references, it's just something to watch with the GF when the season drops, once the credits roll I don't spend any more time thinking about it.

I think the only reason tv hates it is because the redhead qt kisses the nigger

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Season 1 was good but 2 and 3 were subpar, this is intentional. Stranger Things tries to mock 80's movie tropes, well, what's one huge 80's trope? Shitty sequels. The Duffer Bros are cinematic masters and will be placed into the western canon.

I think the shows pretty much a victim of it's own success in that the writers pretty much react to what Twitter says. You liked Barb? The fact we forgot her death death is a central point of season 2. You want Jonathan and Nancy? Here you go. You want Max and Eleven to be friends? Sure whatever.

Add to it they jut don't know how to develop characters. The only one of the original kids who's improved in 3 seasons is Dustin, and that's just because they attached him to Steve, almost every other character has gone backwards. Plus they can't stop adding hundreds of new characters who don't really have a point.

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That’s sad because she’s looks extremely ugly now

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>I think the only reason tv hates it is because the redhead qt kisses the nigger
Yas Forums only hates it because its popular. I still remember how much this board loved S1... For about a week, but then it became popular so everybody had to start hating it.
It's just pure Yas Forums contrarianism.

This guy is the perfect example of how fucked up season 3 is. How on earth has he become such a massive retard in one year? His character had some defaults in previous seasons but at least he was kinda smart and had a good heart. Now he is just a dumb bigot goofy American Dad. For example he is calling the russian guy 'Smirnoff' as if he was the most uneducated basic redneck. Or again when he is boxing the mayor for no real reason. And his relationship with Will's mother has become a cheap gag. I mean WTF.

You're a contrarian. It's a condition called being a cynical asshole. inb4 nerd rage

Pic related is from yesterday. She looks fine.

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It makes me mad because the decline in quality from what it was is only possible because of simpletons who are somehow happy and entertained with the show being corporatized. Its become a mild family shitcom, the characters reverted into one dimensional charicatures, garbage forced "humor" and quips evey fucking scene, absurd plotlines, zero consequences, no mystery or suspense. i astounds me how anyone can like both season 1 and season 3. the decline has made the show unrecognizable, and its just eaten up. people accept the pure shit it has become and for that reason we can never have a consistently good series, too many retards are ok with quality being replaced with shit.

The fuck is she doing to that poor dog?

nerd rage

go back

I said I usually agree with IMDB. How is that being a contrarian?
You're obviously a fan boy tho.

Using it as a substitute for an actual child, like all modern women.

Millie is hot sure but I'm not sure why you'd even be looking at her when you have a literal angel on the same show

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whats wrong with her head?

She's a goblin and belongs deep in the caverns of Moria

>a literal angel on the same show
user, I...

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>some kids in the 80s respecting The Thing as an undeniable classic and singing its praises
immersion RUINED

I personally can't stand zoomers but I get she can be attractive to some people.

season 3 is a an 80s slasher movie

post wall roastie displacing affection onto a pet. sad.

Don't be rude. Millie is a lovely young woman.

Yeah a lot of things revered now were outright panned back then, but the whole 80s worship forgets about that stuff.

shut the fuck up liberal

Why are you so salty?

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get a new job, shill

I'm sorry you're such an angry person. I really hope things work out better for you in the future user.

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we're not friends here. shills tried to force chloe moretz with hourly chloe threads and look where that got her

She was hot in s1. now she's just ugly and old.

Astroturfing and unabashedly so. Look up Oogieloves Balloon Adventure for an example where IMDB wasn't properly paid off. It's 2/10 but has 81% 10* ratings.

>Oogieloves Balloon Adventure
>Weighted Average Ratings
IMDb publishes weighted vote averages rather than raw data averages. Various filters are applied to the raw data in order to eliminate and reduce attempts at vote stuffing by people more interested in changing the current rating of a movie than giving their true opinion of it.

The exact methods we use will not be disclosed. This should ensure that the policy remains effective. The result is a more accurate vote average.

Get outta here, pedo.

at this point i would only watch it for brett gelman, who is incredibly attractive

Congrats, you copypasted the fine print.
>The exact methods we use will not be disclosed
It's called sleeping with the company that's publishing ratings. If you think otherwise you're one spring chicken.

Arnold Palmer alert! Arnold Palmer alert!
Who wants some Arnie Palmies?!

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