What were the 90s like?

What were the 90s like?

>t. 2000 zoomer

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First nigger president

There was a lot more money. And you could get away with being a slacker at work.

I was born in 91 so I'm not the best to ask but it was cool as far as I can remember. Communications networks weren't as disseminated as they are now, going on vacation to a ski resort we had no cell signal or internet for the entire time we were there. Graphics in games and even cartoons was improving almost annually so there was always something exciting to look forward to. Maybe it was my youth but it felt like things were just going to keep getting better and better.

they felt almost exactly like it does now only now we have even less incentive to leave our homes because we can just shitpost at each other in relative comfort. before you had to risk actually offending people and having to apologize. now we just air our shit out and tell everyone to deal and disappear when they don't

>clinton got impeached from getting a bj from a close personal friend/co-worker
>trump's impeachment was acquitted even though he paid for unprotected sex with a pornstar, openly bribed adversarial nations to manipulate the US voters, and put 100s of farmers in debt due to his personal market manipulations
What did Republicans mean by this?

drugs were better
people weren't spasticated by smart-phones

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>what did republicans mean by this
they meant for you to stop skipping doses of your meds

40 year old xoomer here. First half was great, everyone was happy the cold war was over and everyone loved America. Things started to go bad in the 2nd half of the decade: Clinton scandal, Rap metal and Nighop replacing RnR, proliferation of CGI in movies, reality shows on every channel, gayshit being promoted as normal in media.


Pre-internet I would actually spend most of the day outdoors. Can you imagine?

Compared to the post-iphone/facebook/twitter hell we live in now it was heaven, but so was almost any previous decade.
A lot of our current trashiness feels born in the 90s.

How can drugs be better? They’re the same chemicals no?

I had dial up in the 90s and would still spend most of the day outdoors.

I wasted my teenage years getting drunk and being high. Nobody had a job and we were told that just wait that baby boomers go to pension there will be jobs for you (not true). Yeah well atleast I got laid. Soviet Union collapsed right wingers got an collective orgasm. As a plus side there were no alt-right crybabies

Clinton lied to the Supreme Court multiple times. Did you even know that? Look up some facts before you type anything else. Because you don't know shit and will turn a blind eye to actual crimes committed by someone. Fucking idiot.

I only got 56k dial up circa 1998

I don't fucking remember

Full of hope.

She was an intern in her early 20s and he was the most powerful guy on Earth. That's like saying shelf stacker #48521 and Jeff Bezos are Amazon 'co-workers'

It was a simpler time.

If you didn’t go to a rave in 1997 and trip balls while watching some dude spin glow sticks around I don’t know what to tell you

it's too bad the US never became a benevolent hegemon in the post-cold war world.

What the fuck are you talking about? The US is run by jews and that would be a bad thing.

It really was. Technology was ever evolving and the future felt bright. Instead we got whatever the fuck you call this nightmare we live in.


Jewish technocracy.

Comfy as fuck


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very 90ish i still remember my modem doing his modem noises and going to warez to download my vidya or have my napster downloading a single song every hour.

He lied multiple times under oath, and he was a lawyer. Lost his law license. Hmmm....

born in 85 and grew up in western europe

because it was my childhood it might not be the most accurate representation but from what i remember people were just more positive and carefree. especially when i listen to music from that time there seems to be a lot more emphasis on just being happy and being in love.

i remember at 12 years old i could go to 16+ movies in the cinema if my dad just bought the tickets, things were a lot more laid back then.

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it's run by the military-industrial complex, the oil lobby and the israel lobby, which are all supported by the deep state

Gee Billy are you really saying that in capitalism the system is run by the biggest capitalists?


>manipulate US voters by exposing Joe Biden’s corruption
How terrible

you sound like a huge faggot
never reply to me again

Is it weird that I can still vividly remember the first porn jpg I downloaded off compuserve in like 1993? It was called alone.jpg and it was just some woman fingering herself. I can remember everything vividly like it was yesterday. Why does my brain hold onto that moment the same way you would remember super important life milestones like having a kid or meeting your future wife.

Found the zoomer in the thread. Cry as much as you want but you can't stop me. Stay mad

Real Presidents paint.

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Drugs were stronger, Ecstasy would give you a 8hr high, coke was like rocket fuel. All relatively cheap.
Raves were prevalent, people weren’t running around chopping each other up with machetes.
Music was good, clubs had a great vibe about them.

Work was easier and less stressful, perhaps it’s rose-tinted and easier because I was lower down the food chain in my career. I don’t know.

I think fondly of the 90’s, not because of my age and the responsibilities I have now, but because we genuinely had a good time without much shit going on.

Turn on the telly now and it’s dreadful shite that’s pumped into your brain, zombies walking around on smartphones and the internet being a clusterfuck.

I live a good life now, UKfag with a healthy family, a nice car, motorbikes, good holidays - but works is a fucking meat-grinder and the fun times and drugs stopped long ago.

Some of the young’uns at work talk about their weekends on a Monday morning, and they haven’t fucking lived. I hold nothing against them, in fact they would have adored the times that we had.

One thing that’s much better now, cars - in the 90’s a fast car was something considered to be quite slow by factory standard these days! What a great time to live if you can afford something whizzy.

Yes lads. Fucking loved the 90’s.

>the future felt bright. Instead we got whatever the fuck you call this nightmare we live in.
the loss of hope hurts the most

Fellow xoomer here (need a different name but whatever), this user is correct. First half = great, second half = pretty lame but still better than now

Sounds like you just grew up during the middle of the decade because i feel exactly the same about 2010's and i'm 26.

>What was it like when you were a child
>Well, everyone was happy and I was happy too. Everything was new and exciting and hopeful.

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>Work was easier and less stressful, perhaps it’s rose-tinted and easier because I was lower down the food chain in my career. I don’t know.
People left their work at work and email didn't constantly inundate people.

Republicans have 0 morals and integrity. The whole "family values" thing is just a cover to get retarded evangelic racists to vote for them so they can cut taxes for a few select groups. Behind the scenes most are faggots who can't stop having sex with men and boys as well as use hard drugs. Any conservative with an iota of decency, say Mitt Romney, will go from being worshiped to publicly castigated as a subhuman cuck for daring to challenge the party line.Trump openly brags about his adultery and multiple divorces and beer guzzling 80-IQ truck drivers react like teen girls did to the Beatles because they think it's "manly".

Were there any girls in those raves?

Owning a CD felt like owning a piece of majesty. Not because of the technology itself but also because the music was probably hip and in vogue that it got you instant cred and made you cool. Also, almost everything on TV was based af.

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The 90’s was just proof that it was the 80’s but reloaded for younger millennials. Plus the 2000’s kids make 90’s kids more annoying than they already are.

I only remember it as a kid growing up and not from the boomer perspective, but:
- everyone was far more relaxed
- you had the hilariously old fashioned yet comfy oldest generation, the more fashionable yet still completely out of touch adults, the downer older kids that wore baggy jeans and huge oversized alien shirts, and then of course us enlightened kids
- TV and BOOKS kicked ass for children. Everything catered to young kids but especially books were of exceptional quality. We had amazing hand me down series from the previous two decades, and the still older classics from the late 1890s onwards which was when books and tales for children really started being mass produced, and everything in the 1990s were about a revival of children stories from from that period, stuff like The Tale of Peter Rabbit, The Secret Garden, Peter Pan etc in popular media.
- Dial up internet that was hilariously inept that disconnected whenever someone lifted their phone. Long conference calls with friends were awesome (you would call a friend, then after he answered switch the line call another friend and switch back and a huge group of you would be able to talk together, basically the predecessor to icq/irc and msn messenger)
- Golden era of PC games for kids. Lots of imaginative point and click animated adventures and experimental storytelling and educational experiences. The Incredible Machine, Encarta Mindmaze, Gobliiins, Super Solvers Treasure Mountain/Midnight Rescue, Sierra ADI, Victor Vector and Yondo, Lego Island etc. Internet was the wild west. You had an abundance of weird and wonderful sites. Some people would upload their entire family album online for public viewing with weird esoteric greek references and quotes on each page, sites had extremely personalized with specialized interests.
- 'science' games for kids were popular, like those puzzle blocks or toys you can buy in the gift store of science museums. Logic puzzles, lateral thinking puzzles were pop

There was a pretty dramatic cultural shift at about '96 leading into the late 90s, I would argue for the worse but that's just my opinion

romney is quite literally a subhuman cuck though

The whiter, the comfier. So yes.

100% this, it’s actually a part-time job to try and keep work separate from personal life, I have 2 mobiles, one for work and the other is my own - it’s a fucking nightmare but means I can separate the two quite easily.

Work is a mission though, and the stresses of it do bleed into home life. Fuck work, man.

As far as the UK went, the youth had more of a spiritual bond with eachother, very rarely took an interest in politics and inturn didn't let politics split and polarise them like politics have divided the youth today.

I'd go back in a heartbeat

Shut the fuck, the world changed when i turned 22 and became this hellish reality and it has nothing to do with me personally.

in what way were drugs better?

Strange if the drugs were really that much stronger back in the day. But yeah i feel clubs and parties had a more special feel to them already in the early 2010's compared to now, but i don't think it's different for the partying youth.

In the 90s, chances are you were a massive wrestling fan.

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things started going south after 97 when american mass media started pushing nighop and gayshit

yeah, so jews.

yeah, I watched all that shit
flipped between nitro and raw on mondays

I agree

The world changed when I was 11, and the World Trade Center collapsed. After that, media promoted fear and politicians capitalized on it to invade on the rights of the American people.

Subsequently 7 years later, the subprime mortgage charade came falling down and I graduated to a completely destroyed economy. Then the iPhone, the Internet becomes this completely normal thing inextricable from our lives and the fear and paranoia of self-perception starts to leak into people's lives allowing them to be more connected, yet more isolated than ever before. People get drunk at parties less and just work all the time to afford nice shit to show off on Instagram. There's a genuine pattern of fear that seeps into the minds of the youths, causing self-conscious construction of new art and culture from people who don't want to push boundaries as their every moment could easily be recorded and posted online for ridicule by the masses. This device polices the youth to become boring and complacent, and also depressive. The political system has become completely rigged in an overt way, but no one seems to care, and most media become unoriginal sequels and the flynn effect dies down and we become a fatter, dumber, more depressive society constantly trying to pretend we're happy to the dismay of other depressive people.

I watched America die, I feel.

nah 9/11 happened

western society got dealt a massive blow that day that it still hasn't recovered from and maybe never will

Never understood what was so great in this.

They weren't.

All the faggots who nostagise 90s in this thread. You were faggots then and you are faggots now. You are nothing and you will never accomplish anything. Fuck the zoomers too

seething cuck

It was the absolute peak of wrestling from a creative standpoint. It's when it stopped being an athletic contest and became more a television show. It was also mostly viewed by the college crowd, who were at the forefront of everything popular.

The idea of human existence to be to "accomplish" something is kind of a new phenomena. People used to be okay with just getting by and having a good time, and culture was better for it.

Now you have to make some shitty app for fat women to be a "constructive member of society," because your net worth matters more. It's so tiresome.

> mom don’t pick up the phone for the next 14 hours I’m downloading an album!

Old fag here (1987). The 90s were okay because we didn't have cell phones or good internet but kids were still vidya addicted faggots who didn't want to go outside to do fun shit but sit indoors all day making Mario wahoo.

Consumerism exploded. You were no longer a somebody if you didn't have a McMansion and an Audi. Kids toys began to be kikified with a GOTTA HAVE EM ALL philosophy. Kids were literally stabbing each other over Pogs, Pokemon cards, Furbies, etc.

The great browning began in earnest this decade, among other shitlib policies. Every show had to have token minorities and smart sassy women who didn't need no man. In real life, millenial girls were still whores but they were stuck up pretentious whores, and our formerly white communities began to fill up with immigrants.

Autists born from parents who had delayed their families for careers began to show up in massive numbers. Anti-bullying campaigns ensued because weak emotionally stunted autismos couldn't handle friendly teasing or male banter. Any retard who wanted to stay home playing video games all day with burnt out dopamines was declared to have ADHD and stuffed with pills. This was the dawn of the great pharmaceutical poisoning, resulting in events like Columbine which ruined schoola forever, and opiate addicted moms fretting about stranger danger while leaving their kids to grow up as latchkeys because their prescription and suburban house meant mom and dad had to work combine 100 hours a week.

I could go on, but generally the 1990s weren't this awesome fun time end of the good days era zoomers and younger millenials make it out to be. The 1980s were the last half decent decade to be a white westerner in.

In the UK at least it was mostly brits peddling them out - where I was it was all local lads getting shit from local lads who got from...etc.etc.

In the last 10 years it’s gone from that to Rab the Romanian or Latvian Lemmy, and everything is chopped up more. The Eastern block lads like to get their money’s worth.
Methedrone didn’t help as it was legal, cheap and because it was bought in bulk it found its way into everything.

And like the user up there said, Acid - although we went to Amsterdam for that,ironically.

I’m no fucking junkie, nor am I a scientist - but we did make the weekends count.
Before that wave stuff was just stronger overall.