You’re not attractive

If you don’t actively attract women, you’re not attractive. I know this sounds obvious, but it needs to be restated.

If you’re attractive, you will actively attract women. If you’re in college or high school or a workplace and women aren’t finding ways to get to know you or to come be near you or speak to you, you don’t attract them. “Men approach” because men are more desperate, women gravitate towards attractive men.

Lose the ego and try to actually see yourself as you are. If you don’t actively attract women to you, you’re not attractive. If you want to attract women near you, you need to make changes to your appearance, these go beyond just cutting your hair or losing some weight. You likely need an entirely new skull shape, possibly more height.

The point is, if you’re attractive, there is no doubt you’ll know about it. If you can’t tell, it’s plainly clear you’re not to everyone around you.

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Yas Forums - Television & Film

you can't change your height or face tho

I'm not 15 I don't care

I wasn't going to gym today, now I will. Fuck sad cunts like you. Go back to r9k

Im attractive enough to attract uggos and 7s

haha OP made you go to the gym

Move along fren

im attractive enough for myself

You still won't be attractive, ugly bag of shit.

If you're not attractive, you're not attractive. If you are attractive, you are attractive. Society is just a system that imposes structure on you, it is no more valid than any other system in place. But I wonder if any of this matters at all, if we have no choice but to be enslaved to the system and conform. Not out of choice.

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stilts and plastic surgery korea style. next?

well no shit sherlock, if you're not enjoyable to be around, women won't like you. it's not rocket science.

male attractiveness is more attitude/reputation based. I know dudes who are physically 5/10 who pull more and hotter girls than guys who are physically 8/10.

I'm tall, attractive and I now simply ignore women because the ones I fucked ruined my life.
All women are whores and being an attractive male is just another curse.

>things high schoolers obsess about: the thread
who gives a flying fuck holy shit?

Doesn't matter, all will kneel or die

This except I'm short.
It's really annoying when women go "omg why don't you have a girlfriend?" while ignoring my height.
Luckily I ignore women because the ones I fucked ruined my life.

>male attractiveness is more attitude/reputation based
Have you heard about Tinder? It's a new thing.
Don't try to force your PUA shit bro, it got old.

Incels have Yas Forums and friends that you make along the way.

>*teleports behind you*

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Not entirely true. Men don't have to be attractive the same way women do in order to get a partner plenty of plan or semi ugly men can get a babe with confidence, being able to provide, make them laugh and be tall, if you are a pysically handsome man but don't have these qualities then it'll be a lot harder to find a women . that's what attracts most women anyone out of high school knows this

It’s not about being “enjoyable” to be around, attractiveness precedes that.

It’s about what you look like, it’s how your facial features are arranged, it’s the shape of your skull, it’s the overall length of your body, it’s how your limbs are proportioned. Certain combinations make women want to be around you without knowing a single thing about your or your behaviors.

If you go into a social setting and women aren’t gravitating towards you, you are physically unattractive. This might be for reasons that are 100% outside of hour control, reasons that a haircut or a thousand trips to the gym won’t solve. I’m not a “sad cunt”, I’m literally giving you an accurate description of reality.

I dont use tinder. Most people do not use tinder. If we're talking tinder, yea, physical attractiveness is the most important.

>male attractiveness is more attitude/reputation based
>How you heard about Tinder? It's a new thing.
>Don't try to force your PUA shit bro, it got old.
I would bet money that a 6/10 with a Tinder picture of him standing next to Leonardo DiCaprio would get more responses than a 10/10 with just a faceshot

I can smell this post through my screen user. Through my screen.

>Luckily I ignore women because the ones I fucked ruined my life.
How did they ruin yours? They ruined everything in mine, my reputation in the whole town, my college grades, I even got false rape accusations from a longterm girlfriend who had a borderline personality disorder... Great stuff, thanks God for making me tall and attractive.

literally just eat better and work out

Chads with clear logic and reasoning

After a decade of catfishing attractive men I can tell you personality goes a long way too. There are some hot guys out there that are like talking to brick walls, yeah they have hot bodies and nice dicks, and yeah I am still going to jerk off to them but they get boring rather quickly. Men that know how to maintain a conversation with a woman are the ones that can successfully pull them in.

Keep coping lad, but your 15" inch neck will be beneath my boot soon

Incels have their cunny friendos from FBI who are caged here with us. Ever heard a story of Chad who worked for FBI hunting pedos? He became so depressed browsing Yas Forums that his DNA changed, his physical appearance changed, he became incel. Ironic, the only thing Chad was afraid of happened to him. This is a story newfags won’t tell you.

> I can tell you personality goes a long way too
that's filed under the attitude category

how does working out change your height?

>Most people do not use tinder.
Most people of your age, yes but that's because you're already old.
Getting replies doesn't lead to anything, only 5% of the guys on Tinder have sex and far more than that get matches, do the maths. If you're not attractive by Tinder replies, the girl will message you but to friendzone you and eventually get a chance to have sex with the important person: Leo.

Reminder that the person who makes these posts is an Asian

Why? Because we crack your worldview that is held up by lies and contradictions?

Then come and hate us with AR15.

fucking hell man you are right

>Whoever fights with monsters should see to it that he does not become a monster in the process. And when you gaze long into an abyss the abyss also gazes into you.

point your hatred at god user, he made you hetero and he made them homo, I don't hate them for being fags

I still want my own country though

Coping virgin uglos who think they could sex while staying in their mom's basement. Girls have far better options than you these days, that's how things go. We don't care about how your dad dated your ugly mom, she wasn't receiving 20 DM a day on instagram.

He beat me to it
Kys ricecel

>Men that know how to maintain a conversation with a woman are the ones that can successfully pull them in.
Well said user. Another very Important point in getting a woman.

>Most people of your age, yes but that's because you're already old.
25? uh, it depends where you live. I live in the burbs so the large majority of my friends dont use that shit. If we were 19, yea. But I have friends my age who live in the city who use it. And to be fair, if I lived in the city, I'd use it too


>if you aren't attractive women
Lmao. There are numerous other ways of finding a person to marry.

Well I'm in good shape then because it still happens

>t. gymcel

So you're just a regular faggot? Stay with other gay men and forget about male incels.

It's ironic...

Because you refuse any and all self improvement and yet blame the world and everyone else when things don't turn out the way you want it to. What you want is the impossible, you have to understand. Doesn't mean you have to self-sabotage your entire existence just because you weren't born with certain priviledges.
But I don't want you dead. I want the mental illness to be stripped from you. It pains me that so many people live second rate lives. But you're doing this to yourself. It's honestly a shame for all the wasted potential.

Pretty basic blackpill. I accepted this years ago, so it's sad to see people still coping with it now.

But you'll fall and scrape your face

Alright bud keep telling yourself that but any one with any sense knows what you're saying is total bullshit

>they could sex while staying in their mom's basement

I literally do this because I'm attractive. What now?

Based Muslim marriage arranger.

how do i cure depression bros...

Reminder that this post was made by sad cunt. She wanted to have 1% Chad but he told her NO. Now she has to fuck with lower 5 percentile of men.

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i LOVE trannies

Who are you trying to convince here?

I had to work on becoming a regular faggot after years in the mental gutter. That's why I have pity to people like this, and people who have sex changes and regret it later. It pisses me off because I care, not because I'm a misanthrope. But whatever, you'll never understand.

try being happy

As I said, you're just old already. Just think about all the opportunities the average 18 years old girl have these days. I'm still at the uni and girls don't even care about talking to ATTRACTIVE guys anymore, they're on their phones during every break looking for even better options. We're going to live a time with huge harems for the happy few.

A common trait of incels is defeatist attitudes that gives them a reason to not try to improve themselves and wallow in self pity.

>I don’t want you dead.
Imagine thinking you can fight a basement incel even with AR15 and become a winner. I like how you are so delusional. We Incels are now trained by mexican cartels. The only reason I want you to come with a weapon is to have legal right to shoot you on approach then behead you for my friendos entertainment.

If you believe in the OP pic then you should honestly just fuck off from society and isolate yourself. The world is genuinely better off without people like you, only the strong make it in life and having this defeatist attitude is a waste of human space

What's the actual context of this pic?

i don't feel bad for them because they attack me every chance they get
also they keep fucking with my video games

looks don't matter

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I wasn't trying to bait, but all you care about are shitposts so I'm deleting the post.
It's not about loving X, Y and Z but preventing mental disarray from taking over people. You do you user.

Plastic surgery Korea style would be completely useless on westerners, let alone beaner, pajeet or nigger.
You know why plastic surgery Korea style is famous and considered as quality? Because they do 2 fucking operations over and over again, nothing else. Jaw cut and eyelids.

>blame the world and everyone else when things don't turn out the way you want it to
No they're not. They're saying they're ugly and therefore weren't born with certain privileges, they aren't assigning any blame here.
>What you want is the impossible, you have to understand.
See deep down even you understand.

>What now?
If you're attractive by Tinder standards, then ok, good for you, otherwise, you wake up or take your meds, schizo.
You'll never have sex with a decently attractive girl, that's how things go. You'll ever marry a fat old bitch who fucked 50 guys before you and be happy with that because you're that much of a deluded loser to not see any problem in this.

>Doesn't mean you have to self-sabotage your entire existence just because you weren't born with certain priviledges.

I was born with privileges and I still think the world is fucked up.

Here's what you're doing: you disagree with a certain point of view, so you pretend everyone who shares that point of view is of a particular phenotype so that you can feel better about yourself. Also you mispelled privileges.

Sad cunts.

Kill yourself, disgusting homo. You're as mentally ill as trannies. You're a waste of space.

Is being Muslim actually the easiest way to marry? My Muslim friend got engaged to some girl that goes to his mosque just because he talked to her uncle. That’s literally all it took, she’s cute and they’re pretty happy together. Do Muslims actually just look for anyone to marry that easy?

Imagine being the seething incel that was recording them lol

you'll only marry*