Post an antagonist you rooted for that no one else did

Post an antagonist you rooted for that no one else did.

For me, it's Abduwali Muse in Captain Phillips

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Donald Trump

Mozart was an annoying faggot, Amadeus truly loved music.

Isn’t that the bike cuck

yes and coincidentally he was rooting for the nigger

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>it's r/theDonald doing le oppressed political minority schtick
Half of america voted for him you nincompoop

my nigga Windom Earle

>Mozart was an annoying faggot,
The first time I saw this movie, it went over my head how unsympathetic and annoying Mozart was written. He was absolutely fucking awful.

>Amadeus truly loved music.

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He did nothing wrong

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There's very few antagonists I didn't root for tbqh. They're just more interesting

Shape of Water. I don't know about you but I mean, fuck niggers and faggots to be honest. I think we can all agree at least on that.

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surprisingly, none, I like my villains evil, none of that subverting shit
not that I support the protagonists, I just like well established roles

Mozart was already playing opera when Salieri was singing the 'wheels of the bus'. Salieri joined the music bandwagon when it was popular.

I used to root for the allies in ww2 movies but then I saw the truth

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Really the lowest trash tier of movie understanding

Jesus, part 5's cast it's truly pretentious and frustrating

>Donald Trump

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The black guy who stole this cucks bike

Being ugly is wrong

>selling drugs to children
you're literally worse than the devil

I loved Malfoy and Snape in the Harry Potter movies. Girlfriend(s) would force me to watch the movies and I hated thrm. I just loved Malfoy and Snape because they hated Harry Potter more than I did.

Guy rooting for villains voted for Hillary.

The pedo running from entrapment

I love Scarecrow from Batman Begins.
Some shizo psychiatrist getting off on fear is much more believable than dude evil lmao fags.
What should I watch for related themes?

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Schizoid deserved everything he got. Definitely the most dubbed on antagonist in the series.

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Drugs makes the japanese seethe.
If anything, Diavolo wasn't forcing them to consume the drugs.
What makes Giorno think that the kids now won't do the same thing?

t. Narancia

Star Trek

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Why do I wanna fuck the hero supporter?

Clive Barker's Nightbreed has a very similar therapist character, played by David Cronenberg.

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I'm surprised none of you said Hitler yet


He had two sides, the nicest Amadeus you'll ever meet
And a twisted fucking Mozart

i'm gonna do what you expected and reply with
even thought I don't really believe that, but I just want to amuse you

Should've run, pink nigger.

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By the last couple seasons I hated everybody and wanted her to win out of spite
Pick one

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Jacobs Ladder


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I grew up with my mom and my big sister watching The Bold and The Beautiful (here in Italy it's only called "Beautiful"), they got pissed when I told them that Stephanie was the best character. A true badass, always scheming and shit.

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>anti-trup faggot is a redditor
Woah, what a coincidence...


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>you will never eat her mummy ass
just kill me

Oh fuck post more user I’m diamonds

If you take away the 10 million illegal votes it’s about half

>Half of america
Didn't 2016 have a record low voter turnout and record high third party votes?

The other prime in dark side of the moon. Optimus going against his kind and homeworld made me dislike this version of him.

Imagine being such a pussy you have to flag your anonymous posts on Yas Forums as jokes.

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