

>A while ago I brought up somebody potentially didn't want to be in my life anymore, partially because of my obsession with this show... and for other reasons. I'm happy to say things took a turn for the better, and... I decided to make this an Angela Anaconda double feature weekend!

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Other urls found in this thread:


Over/Under on her actually getting the rights to the show for a reboot?

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Did she realize for a second that what she watches is dumb

Probably, happens to me sometimes.

what the fuck is wrong with this woman that she would be so obsessed with one of the most grotesque things to ever be passed as children's entertainment. the scary thing is is that she is 100 percent sincere

I think at some level anyone who obsesses over cartoons is in grave dissolution

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>watching someone else watch tv

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she's just like any run of the mill turboautist that posts youtube vids on an obscure subject no one cares about. Only difference is she is cute and has nothing physically preventing her from living a fulfilling life surrounded by people who care about her. This implies that on some level she chose this life, and that there is hope for others to find somebody attractive who is just as weird as them.

On another level, it's bizarre seeing a woman with a genuine interest in something.

>and that there is hope for others to find somebody attractive who is just as weird as them.
If you are also attractive

> and that there is hope for others to find somebody attractive who is just as weird as them
Come on mate

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you think there isnt some turboautist dude out there who is obsessed with Angela Anaconda, and whose physical crippling ugliness she couldnt look past for the sole reason that he likes the same unpopular 20 year old obscure kids show?


Autistic women are such a difficult concept.
I was in class with an autist like this. 6/10 face (put absolutely no effort into hygiene) and 9/10 body. I got along with her because I could make video game references. I wanted to fuck her so bad but I couldn't fathom trying to actually maintain a conversation with her while she spergs over Godzilla and Hollow Knight

Where do you find these people ?

Reminder she's an actual factual unironic Barneyfag.


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I can save her.

Art schools, libraries, feminist/bookclubs and the like

yuck, how I hate women like that. of course little simp bitches are chasing after an autistic hoe


You have 24 hrs

>Hollow Knight
She sounds pretty based.

She needs to get impregnated asap... holy shit.

Showa or Heisei? I don't want anything to do with her if she's a Heiseifag

No, of course not.

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She likes The Dark Crystal, Community and Star Trek. She's good in my book

fuck u

>her reboot got cancelled
come on guys cheer her up :)

If you go up to her and tell her you run an Angela Anaconda fan wiki, she would be into you.

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She was very suicidal during this video and got a lot of flak for it

We gave her like 1000+ views over the weekend

I'm sure I'd enjoy being her non-sexual friend

i don't even think you find them there. i would say back in the day you'd find them on forums for related subjects but now everything probably gets shafted to instagram and reddit shit.

places you listed are good for artsy, left wing, dumb broads. she's a fucking autistic bitch

Doesn't she say she hasn't seen every episode?

god johnny's new design makes him look like a spic and it pisses me off

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She dressed up as Hollow Knight for halloween with a spandex suit and a face mask. Muh dick.


Her passion for the show makes the show watchable for sure.

Where do you find these weirdos? It's like the Ginger Snaps autists

wasted years?


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Women are still women, autistic or not

Yas Forums found her a while ago because they're Yas Forums. I think they can sense aspergers telepathically

She said that she enjoys the show for the revenge fantasies because she was a "victim of bullying".

I haven't seen autism like this in YEARS.

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Could you link that thread? I frequent Yas Forums and must have missed it somehow.

I don't have the original thread, I just asked around there a few days ago if they knew about her. Apparently they do and they didn't talk about her as if she was weird

new episode when?

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Who helps her film? Her disappointed mother?

I hope she visits Yas Forums

she's not that autistic

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Jesus Lord of Nazareth save me. Where's this from?

Migrating here for the eventual 404

Good post

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Jannies usually keep these threads up for longer than I expect

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thats when ppl actually discuss the show.

Probably part two of this series

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oh right. what do you think of the show

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imagine her dating some dudebro who just thinks shes cute but a little artsy whatever then breaking it off because her obsession over Angela Anaconda is getting in the way of dating.

that could've been me

Not true. Yas Forums discovered her. Why would you make up blatant lies.

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she could have called you Johnny Abatti while she rode you like a stallion

trust me this thing is already on page 10. gotta keep it on topic next time before it gets out of hand

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That post is what made me ask in Yas Forums if they knew her, and they knew her before but didn't find it anything special because they're all just like her

So just watched the linked video and its clear this young woman is not all there mentally, and you virgins are lusting over her. You really sunk this low huh fapping to the mentally challenged? Absolute depravity. She seems too innocent for the internet but that will surely change soon due to you lot either scarring her off, exploiting her or guiding her into whorehood.

The weird thing about it is that there's more of them than just her. If you look in the comments of her videos, it seems that there's quite a few Barneyfags that have actually started following her channel since she started making those videos by requesting her to watch certain episodes, etc., and it seems as if some of them have actually started watching Angela Anaconda as well because of her.

>6/10 face, 9/10 body
>put no effort into hygiene
Literally my type. I want to smell the sweaty musky pusy of a girl like that

She's a babe