

Attached: bloom.jpg (948x428, 87.13K)

Lol. You mean he could have given everyone a dollar and a half.

NA math

heh math!

why are americans so dumb and uneducated and stupid and fat and swarthy and retarded and inbred and subhuman 56% nigger obese fake democracy mexican nigger school shootings christfag republican nigger trump crimes lol american education dumb cunt faggot piss shit uncultured swine mcdonalds stupid sports handegg hamburger

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Rent free

Do poor people actually think 1 million is a lot of money?

She feels like a million dollars would be life changing for most. She’s really going out on a limb there.

No wonder TRUMP was elected when this is the average IQ of an AMERICAN.

Shit schools, shit hospitals.

I bet the level of education would be higher if they didn’t need to spend an hour a day rehearsing techniques to avoid school shooters.

So this is the power of American Education

>westernized WMAF hapa female
Honestly you shouldn't be surprised when they say retarded things

>blue check mark
Anyway 327,000,000*500,000,000=1.635e+17

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Berniebros were never very good at math...

nice bait. fuck off

Education would be great if our student population wasn't 80% dumbass shitskins who only aspire to be rappers, youtubers, and sports ballers.

Math in America.

That is a cheeseburger.
I would like a cheeseburger

Only poorfags do. Over a Million dollars in net worth is basically middle class nowadays.

oi m8 u gotta loicense for those dirty words

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Hey I'm not the smartest man alive but I'm pretty nice and chill just don't have power to change anything. What's your problem?

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>She feels like a million dollars would be life changing for most.
do you really think it wouldn't?

They just are

you mean it's a slider

It's a satirical reference to another post, you idiots.

Lol, tweets are protected.

Also, I guess being a woman trumps being asian when it comes to math.

She works for the Washington Post too.

>would you vote for me if i gave you a million dollar ?


I would just sit in bed all day doing nothing for like a year or two. Would be great.

alright math aside let's say every single person in the us did get a million dollars
does this bitch think all costs for goods and services wouldn't rise so that it'd basically be like nothing ever happened?
do you want to be the next zimbabwe? this is how you get to be the next zimbabwe



I'm just so fucking happy i don't have to see his ads on jewtube anymore
>song i'm listening to ends
>move at the speed of light to click to the next song
>too late
>*ear shattering fart noise*

It all falls apart eventually. You can only stay at the top for so long. People get fat lazy and entitled when they don’t face any adversity ever in their life. We are raising kids in bubbles with their parents hovering around at all times. There is a reason men used to be sent on vision quests and shit at a certain age. So they could come back men.

Why do people do this?
Making themselves look like retards online?

wait how is the math wrong

if you have 300 million people, and $300 million dollars,then everyone gets a million each.

Once again I am asking you to disable adblock

He could give everybody in America 1 and a half dollars roughly with that money. What a selfish bastard.

Is UK a literal 1984 police state?


You’d still have to work if you’re under 60. A mil would last you 20 years of retirement at best, and that’s only if you’re extremely frugal.

Makes sense to me


>sabotage public property
>get arrested

Let's not gloss over the fact that's he's so tiny.

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Just got out of high school and we had monthly school shooter drills

Black people.

Those are the people who want free college and free health care

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jesus Britain
don't they actually have real crime to punish?

They're not sending their best.

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what's wrong with that pic? dude jammed their lasers so he could speed freely and then lied and tried to destroy it. he wasn't jailed for giving the finger
and no, I'm not a bogn

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If it's "public" property, then the "public" can do whatever the fuck they want to it.

Using illegal laser jammers isn’t a crime?


The math isn't wrong. White men oppressing that woman of color are wrong.

>does this bitch think all costs for goods and services wouldn't rise so that it'd basically be like nothing ever happened?

It actually wouldn’t raise prices that much so long as it was existing money just redistributed. What would actually happen is most people would blow threw their million in like 1-2 years because poor people are stupid with money.

Pretty based dude. Fuck the popo

A million dollars is a shit ton of money for me. It would literally change my life for the better.

Actually sounds like a neat campaign idea. Send every American 1 dollar note and a small card with "Vote for [candidate]!" but I guess that would be illegal.

>tens of thousands of white children get gangraped by pakistani rape gangs with the orphanage staff being so thoughtful they actually escort the kids into the cars
>do nothing for a decade because you don't want to be called a racist
I wish.

Women are really fucking stupid. Even educated high IQ women are fucking stupid when it comes to basic math and logic.

what does that have to do with the traffic police?

>American intellectuals

>gets btfo
>desperately tries to move goalposts
>still looks retarded

It used to, but the inflation made it less significant every year

Exactly. Basically luxury goods would go through the roof. You’d probably do more harm than good actually since once the money ran out there would probably be another housing crisis as no one can pay for any of their shit any more.

These are the people we are up against.

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I thought this was a joke, but then I check the twitter and it's protected. it also says "bad at math"
jesus fucking christ

i could probably live the rest of my life off $1 mil in some 3rd world shithole

>500,000,000 dollars
>327,000,000 people
>everybody gets 1,000,000 dollars


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everyone would get one dollar each

speeding and endangering innocent families sure is based

Depends on your age. Net worth of $1m at 28 obviously means you're much better off than someone with a net worth of $1m at 65

1 million would last you a while if you're like 20

Do you not? I could buy property outright and have plenty left over to invest and easily live off for years. And if I used that time wisely, I could probably turn music production into something profitable enough to live off indefinitely since living expenses would just be property taxes, utilities, food, phone, insurance, car- which combined would still be less than rent where I live.

It's absurd how much better property ownership is than rental, and big lump sum capital makes this extreme financial advantage much easier. I believe people that just grow up having this have no fucking clue what a difference it is.

yeah you may want to use this

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They didn’t need those skills for like 200k years. Their brains aren’t going to suddenly evolve over a couple centuries like they keep thinking they will.

Its current year sweaty.

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Over 40% of Burgers said they didn't buy corona beer recently because of the corona virus. Let that sink in.

I would just go for pure NEET mode at that point.

Hey America. Never change.

Post your bank/investment account then, big shot

women bad
men good


every time

We won't. We like being #1.

>Tv unironically defends rich guy in range Rover using a laser jammer to circumvent the law
I hate this episode

>Britmutt e-police desperately attempting to shift the focus away from their history of turning their children into fuckpig sacrifices for terrorists.

>American education

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anything to shit on brits. I usually detest british police but they were 100% in the right for shutting down this cunt before he killed some family

What speeds are we talking about? In America we have some places with 80mph zones and people routinely go 5mph over that. So like 140kmh or close.

Ain't that spic who shot the nigglet?

holy shit I though that was a chicken form the thumbnail.

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As a britbong I have to correct the record here. The police were very quick to arrest the fathers of the girls who tried to rescue their daughters.