Movies about improving?

movies about improving?

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Cast them

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how do i escape this?

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jerk off more

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you dont/ take the rotpill

just lay down and rot

Raimi Spiderman

Cast him

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repressing tranny 100% had gay desires but no balls to neither fight them and be straight nor indulge in them

is reading 50 books a year supposed to be an accomplishment?

no its just an entry level way to stave off more harmful habits like posting on Yas Forums

Normies are happy and we aren't

already there

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happiness is overrated just like pussy and yes i am a virgin

This why freedom and technology is shit for some men. You can use the internet as substitute for social interaction (Yas Forums) and porn and prostitution for female substitute.
The worst part is that Yas Forums and porn are pretty much free and can kill the drive to be human for most weak-willed men.

>Why get the real thing, I have the cheap imitation for now, maybe tomorrow, or next week...

No no no, it’s

>Normies are happy
They really aren't.

American Beauty. Pretty honest answer.

Blissful ignorance seems way better than the average life of a Yas Forums poster

I've cut down on fatty foods, sweets, crisps, soft drinks and all that good shit, I've also been exercising and I still can't lose weight.

50 in a year is a fucking lot

im so fucking fat bros help me

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You will never get the real thing because the effort to be a non-disgusting individual is too much for you. It's just easy to proclaim everyone awful and not worth it.
Getting to this point right where you are now has locked you onto the road of Fail forever.

absolute bullshit.

He means he's only been eating 4 servings of chips instead of the entire bag.

Calorie count retard you’re probably eating 4000 calories of vegetables

It’s not going to happen overnight. It takes at least a solid couple months of eating clean and working out to really start seeing significant changes.

You have it mostly backwards

I've cut out sweets all together, drink 1-2 soft drinks a week instead of daily and yeah, I've cut most fatty shit out, replaced it with fresh cooked meals and it's not moving.

Those other posters aren't even getting a (you) from me.

eat only once a day a moderately large meal. solved.

I've been eating granola with yougurt for breakfast and a light meal compared to the huge meals I was eating before.

Start doing daily cardio of some kind. At least 45 minutes of walking.

I walk for an hour every day around the park close to me.

How many calories do you eat per day


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Today I had granola with yogurt for breakfast and I had two fish sandwiches for dinner. That's been it.

>I eat sugar with sugar and more sugar

My uncle is sort of like this, he just sits around all day playing video games and maybe occasionally doing some labor work to get money to buy beer. He's never been married, never held a job down for longer than a few months, just plays dark souls all day.

>no free will
Literally me

Replace the yogurt and granola with 2 hard boiled eggs for breakfast. Eggs are super cheap and a great foundation for getting protein.

and how many calories was that

>Hairy pits

I'm not a fan of eggs, anything else I could eat?

From counting the calories overall, I'd say around 1000-1200

Hey come on I got my GED and license and started college

That's depression.

It sounds like your (((walking))) isn’t enough to cut your weight or at least not significant enough to see any change
You need habitual change to lose weight, try joining a rugby team or something

You're supposed to be eating at least 50 grams of protein a day, and it has to be either a quality meat or protein isolate with a complete amino acid profile.

Since you're using the nebulous term "fatty foods" that indicates you're unaware of healthy fats - actual dietary fats that decrease inflammation and train your body to burn fat in general. Fish contains omega 3s but you're missing out on monounsaturated fats your granola is sparse in and saturated fats which are easier to obtain. Not all fish is healthy and some are sourced from farms that contain heavy metals which do the opposite of what you want.

Finally, get your carb content exclusively from high-fiber stuff like sweet potato. Shoot for at least 20 grams of fiber a day. Orient yourself around nutrient dense foods instead of caloric content.

>around 1000-1200
found your problem
skip breakfast and cut those calories in half, eaten in one meal at some time prior to 7 p.m.

How about cottage cheese?

>tfw just ate Little Caesar’s and drank two pints of beer
God it was good.

I want to kill myself

In English, doc

That's not a lot yeah, if those were normal size granola, yogurt and sandwiches
Idk, just keep track of your weight for a few weeks, preferably always at the same hour, you may lose up to 1kg per week with a deficit of 1000kcal per day

Isn't that the 5000 dollar escort? She does negros for free?

Terrible advice, that's the quickest way for him to fail his diet. If anything he should add a more nutritionally filling meal. You really don't need to cut down so drastically to 500kcal to lose weight at all.

take your pills schizo

No Retreat, No Surrender

too real

they were filming a porn

lose weight

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it's getting scary how accurate these are

>that's the quickest way for him to fail his diet
only if he gives up. if he has enough self-control to stick to it it's foolproof

Unironically where do I begin with learning to cook? It can’t be that hard right haha...

Silver Linings Playbook

You should shop Spoony on that

Literally me

are you retarded.
A deficit of 1000kcal per day is totally unhealthy, thats not sustainable

>look how badass and smart I am

go to Yas Forums and post your body, they will insult you and make you feel like shit about yourself and if you're lucky give you decent advice on how to lose weight - if you're just a lazy faggot that wants to whine about your life and indulge in self pity all day then pull the trigger faggot

First of all, get yourself some basic kitchen tools. Measuring cups, spatulas, wooden spoons, knives, a cutting board, and some pots and pans. Now just follow any fucking recipe on the internet. There, now you are one step closer to being not retarded.

literally me

I'm not an owl I'm a hooman bean.


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You're of the negronic persuasion.

I feel things, bros :'(

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>quit smoking
>quit drinking
>quit masturbation
>quit porn
>quit video games
>quit bing watching tv shows
>quit procrastination
man whats left in life

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Pure potential.

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I hope all wojakposters get the coronavirus.