>makes Dunkirk look like a student film


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he needs to retire already, so sick of seeing him in biopics.

Will it be another midway, or a das boot?

Might have to see this in IMAX

Decent concept, surprised we haven't seen more like it.

>u-boats are now literal slasher-film monsters
>Greyhound destroyer is now "final girl".

Looks riveting ngl. I'm okay with them taking some liberties if they do it this well.

>when all those u-boats start popping up on the radar like xenmorphs

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women don't understand

Keep in mind it is a trailer. A lot of those radar contacts are probably the convoy. It's likely the sweep they show us shows 4-5 blips that weren't there before.

Sir, the sonar pings are coming from...inside the convoy!

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>Tom H*nks

yyyyyghhhhhhhhhh... hard pass, next

nice PS3 graphics....wait this movie has a budget of 50+mil? oh noooooooooo

>t. Somali pirate

CGI and "filming" in digital formats NEEDS to fuck right off. it looks like complete shite

Man, seeing ww2 movies when you are red pilled sure are shitty as fuck, I cant even play video games anymore

>Lets go fight for rights for homosexuals to molest children!
>lets fight so that tax dollars may go to niggers, subhumans and all sorts of degenerates
>lets wage warfare so that our daughters can fuck niggers!
>lets do battle so that our bloodline may get diluted into mud, so that our IQ's may wither into the darkness!

Like how is anything that this cuck even does noble?

What's it about?

>tom hanks


>Its another "Hollywood tries to top Das Boot submarine flick"- episode.

Looks like the dude from arrested development. Is this loaded with liberal garbage?

ok faggot

unfuck yourself

take meds


if there is nothing noble in the story of a person who wages warfare, then his story cannot be enjoyable on the movie screens.

Tom Hans in this case is literally fighting for evil, for evil and decay. By a people who were brainwashed by the jewry in those early days to think that the german natsocs were bad guys. With comics and fuck knows what else.

Tom Hanks basically battles for homosexual supremacy, destruction of the family, race mixing, drug abuse, and all sorts of nasty things. You cannot respect that.

Yes retard, why didn't they take Tom Hanks and put him on a real WW2-era destroyer in the north Atlantic ocean?

>I'll take Movies my Dad is really excited about for 800, Alex

Tom Hanks is a rapist and a murderer

Just turn your brain off bro lmao


>imagine using the word "redpilled" and not laughing

I cant, the americans are the baddies who are fighting the good.

at LEAST film it on actual film because as mindblowing as it may to you you spastic CGI actually generally looked better back when it was imposed over movies shot on film. Hence why Starship Troopers still stands up today over 23 years later and new films like this look like Playstation games. Digital fucking sucks

The cgi looks straight out of a World of Warships commercial

When will retards learn to stop doing it?

Incredibly Based.

>Is this loaded with liberal garbage?
Yes, the nazis are the bad guys. AGAIN.

and movies like this are basically brainwashing propaganda movies

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Literally where are you getting that it's not mostly done with real film you fucking lunatic?

Tom Hanks is a national treasure, you pleb

based and redpilled

is cgi getting worse? this looks worse than what pearl harbor had

Do you honestly believe anyone here is going to read any of this schizoid shit?

Are your retarded or just baiting? Shooting on actual physical film is not the norm any more and hasn't been for about 10 years

Most of the shots with Hanks look like he's on a real recreation of a Destroyer deck, what are you on about? How else are they going to film Uboats attacking?

going by the many reactions in this thread, I say already most have done so to some extent.

Americans are the bad guys and as a normal human being I dont want the bad guys to win. I wish to see a movie where the americans get killed, destroyed, and otherwise harmed because bad people deserve bad things done to them.

They killed a noble, and great race that was trying to help the world. And that is a terrible thing.

Tom Hanks is a proponent of using real film though, zoomie. He's producing it. Every director he's worked with (for the most part) has been using actual film. You sound retarded. You can tell by the grain of most shots done on the Destroyer sets, that it's not only digital.

If you knew anything that is.

I mean they may have built models of a destroyer deck but then they shot the movie on a digital camera and not ON ACTUAL FILM

will spielburgs future arrest as a Huge child raper spoil Hanks career as he new about it like most of LA

But where is the proof of that? Why are you assuming it's not shot on film? The director for this usually only shoots on film.

Will you do a modicum of research next time before you come off like a blazing retard?

Are you kidding me? Take one look at that shite and tell me thats film? It's very clearly not

They filmed most of the real stuff on USS Kidd.

>ww2 movie called greyhound
>it's not about an armored car
wtf is this shit

Peter Weir took Russel Crowe and put him on a real Napoleonic-era man-of-war at sea and it was fucking kino
Das Boot wasn't filmed on a real U-Boot and yet it doesn't look fake for even a second, even though they had no CGI. How come 40 years later a movie with a much bigger budget looks like turd?

>The cgi looks straight out of a World of Warships commercial
Show me which commercial so I can make sure you're not being a hyperbolic shit.

I don't watch trailers.

Attached: john-wick-viggo-Michael-Nyqvist-1872223.jpg (590x393, 35.88K)

Tom Hanks on boatslut biopic when

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So it’ll be great either way? Sign me up.

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You don't know what film and digital look like and how seamless it is now.

can you really deflect missiles like this?

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tranny retard says what?

only literal zoomers have problems with digital filmmaking.

>How come 40 years later a movie with a much bigger budget looks like turd?
Because you're exaggerating over a trailer you probably watched on your cricket phone in 480p.

Based Enterprisebro

Check the technical specs on IMDB you brainletoids. It's Digital

>Elizabeth Shue is in it

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You forgot to mention that he's also a pedo.

thanks for the rant, Yas Forums.

M8 was the workhorse for fat mutts in WW2

it's a fucking torpedo - and yes, U-Boot torpedoes with impact detonators would slide off if they struck at a sharp angle and were unreliable (like most WW2 torpedoes)

I really envy zoomzooms who can look at trailers like this and still complain about the CGI. When I was growing up, I had to suspend disbelief for this.

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>>Lets go fight for rights for homosexuals to molest children!
But enough about the sexual depravity of the SA and SS.

Bet she will be the second in command in this reimagining

that's a torpedo and sometimes they bounced off and also prematurely exploded.

Looks like complete dogshit. Jesus Christ, even Dunkirk felt more authentic and it was directed by fucking Nolan who is an expert at creating things that lack soul or real human emotions.

You'd have to be blind if you think that looks comparable/better than the OP trailer.

>Screenplay by Tom Hanks

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Or you could just look up the cast listing and verify that she's not.

>Uboat surfacing right alongside a Destroyer
Already triggered.

reminder the allies literally invented terrorism in ww2 and use it to enslave the planet and protect their satanic jewry

lmao at all the people in this thread who think this doesn't look like a bland turd

Yes? his scripts have been nominated for Academy Awards, what's the issue? Oh, you didn't know that most of your favorite Tom Hanks films were written by Hanks, huh?

False , the Uboat torps sunk more shipping in WW2 than other navel vessal

>another movie where the US pretends it did anything good during WW2
I hate mutts so much

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>U-Boats have their conning tower art drawn big and evil
>a U-Boat commander calls one of the fucking convoy escorts on the sonar phone and gloats at it

This had better be trailer only shit, otherwise this is going to be straight-up Red Tails tier.

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It's called the element of surprise, dipshit.

it's a pretty good car, m8

Why are you wasting so much of your own time acting like a Yas Forumscel?