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Everyone here including me would have mating pressed this bitch if they had the chance

Knickers are like panties you fucking melon


I can't even put my finger on why I find her so sexually attractive. She just has some sort of.....gravity to her.

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Literally what was the purpose of this scene? Of this entire plotline? Of this entire season? Of this entire show?

It's the smollness and the desire to make her submit, because they wrote her character to be such a trash donut steel character


Umm no thank you, sir.

Would. IRL she even seems like a nice and fun gal.

I'd fuck Maisie like there's no tomorrow. Midget, great body, weird goblin face. Definitely does all the dirty stuff.

This I bet she would be grateful the next morning, guaranteed morning sex

Did Dumb and Dumber ever show themselves? Or are they still in hiding? Did they go West of Westeros?

yes miss!

They're currently homeless in West Hollywood sucking dicks for quarters I hope

Go get stabbed/groomed and stabbed, Nigel

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Nope, I have ED and she does nothing for me. There's no way I'd be able to get it up

nobody gives a fuck about your faggy slang you limey cocksucker get over yourself you inbred Island dwelling cuck

Yes. And the fact that Sophie is tall and they dyke out together in real life. I imagine they’re just fooling around one day and Sophie pinches or smacks or hurts her and they both just sort of stop and realize how turned on by it they are. But they stop themselves. And things go on semi-normal for a while. Until they’re relaxing on the couch getting cozy. And Sophie decides she’s had enough. She doesn’t care what any would think or what it will do to their friendship. So she starts feeling under Maisie’s shirt. (Sophie is the big spoon so she has her in her arms already.) And Maisie feels uncomfortable at first and wants to stop her, but she’s afraid of losing her friend so she just there and hopes it will stop. But it doesn’t and her hands wander further and further. And Sophie gets more and more turned on. Her aggressiveness feeds itself and she finds her nails digging into Maisie. The fingers gripping her hair. And eventually pulling her body any which way she wants it to go.


Got em

Anglos make me sick.

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Can someone post the pasta


She was actually sexy in that scene. Should have done full frontal.

I would've slammed her cervix so hard she'd pass out and then a cum a gallon inside in her unconscious state.

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First times suck, the girl is aching from her ruptured hymen, the guy cums after 5 seconds, if he can get it up at all.
Also since Arya is some kind of tomboy on a mission I bet she never masturbated once in her life, so there's no way she knows what to do during sex and how to reach orgasm from intercourse.

would tho

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What somatotype is this?

Post the scene.

>literally the punisher of westeros
I haven't had sex in 4 years so yeah I'd smash that shit into oblivion.

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the wall spares no one

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Imagine being Gendry in that scene and having to be all like "damn, Arya, you fuckin' fine, all sexy with your tight body and horrific androgynous monster face.
I would totally have sex with you." when all he really wants to do is fuck another 15 year old girl from Flea Bottom.
Like seriously imagine having to be Gendry and not only lie there while Arya flaunts her disgusting body in front of you,
the favorable lighting barely concealing her unshapely figure. Not only having to tolerate her monstrous fucking visage
but her haughty attitude as everyone in Winterfell tells her she's SO BADASS and DAMN, ARYA LOOKS LIKE THAT??
because they're not the ones who have to sit there and watch her mannish fucking gremlin face contort into types of grimace
you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been fucking nothing but a healthy diet of young peasant girls with
perfect bodies shaped by working in the fields all day. You've never even seen anything this fucking disgusting before,
and now you swear you can taste the sweat that's breaking out on her dimpled stomach as she sucks it in to writhe it suggestively at you,
smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get get laid one last time and revel in her "statuesque (for that is what she calls herself)" beauty,
the beauty she worked so hard for while baking people into pies. And then she asks for another round, and you know you could kill every single person in
this castle before the eunuchs could put you down, but you sit there and endure, because you're fucking Gendry. You're not going to lose your future lordship over this.
Just bear it. Close your eyes and bear it.

this one?

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Her tits aren't bad, she should have showed more.

Keep talking like that I'm gonna cum
But say cock instead
The word cock turns me on so bad its so perverse like saying cunt or "yea you like my little shithole huh daddy?"
Go on fucker keep writing im edging hard fucking toadstools

what a place to dump cold water on someone

I couldn't even begin to venture a guess unless it's just the fact that you know subconsciously that she's so damn ugly that you (or anyone) would have a realistic chance at getting with her. She has literally nothing going for her.

A gutter? Designed to take water

I can see her nipple hehe

Based Bong
and you could snatch the midge in a suitcase


I was thinking more the on the side of a building part

so this... is the power... of norf...

I mean, she's not unfuckable, I've seen worse

I saw Maisie Williams at a house party in north London once.
She was with some friends having their own private side-party in a room upstairs.
When I opened the door I saw them all just sitting there on couches, high as fuck watching EastEnders on the telly. There was booze and grass and pills everywhere.
She asked me if I was a Jew, she didn't even wait for my answer and asked me to show her my foreskin to prove I'm not jewish. She said "No kikes allowed" loud and clear.
When I finally dropped my pants I saw red hair moving from between Maisie's legs, it was Sophie Turner going down on her. She looked at my dick just like everyone else and screamed like a drunk bully, her mouth still wet with Maisie's pussy juice.
I ran away, humiliated, crying like a little girl.

Not a gutter but building front facing wall , a gutter would be a lead valley construction for the purpose to remove rainwater.

dumb cunts didn't even do it right it's supposed to be iced water

OK then yer mummy woke you up after you pissed the bed ,

I really hope that irl she has a paki bf, that would be so hot.

theres a pic of this midge goblino dissing a paki on the tube

she's an 8/10 here

shoooped to shit

This is prime drunk slag breeding material.

>A pic

You sure she wasn't just 'miring?

No Patel she was very angry at paki guy


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You're a low test faggot. No mystery here

>he says this while speaking OUR language

Only if you finger my ass while you do

I know what you mean, she gives off the impression that nothing is forbidden and would do just about anything you asked. And she'd have a smile on her face the whole time as she enjoyed sharing your perversions.

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bruh id give anything for a footjob from maisie

why didn't they slip on wet stone and fall down