Roastie Kills A Child

>Roastie Kills A Child
>92 on Metacritic

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Sounds like an interesting yet ultimately forgettable arthouse film. Shouldn’t the medium be willing to explore topics you don’t feel comfortable with? That’s what stories are meant to do, let you experience things from the comfort of the literary gulf.

That's not what stories are meant to do at all


Do you like the movie American Psycho (2000)?

That wasn't meant to be a propaganda piece like this you utter faggot

>Shouldn’t the medium be willing to explore topics you don’t feel comfortable with?
Stories are a form of propaganda. They can strengthen bonds or completely destroy civilizations.

Whatever you say.

why can't women just not let men ejaculate inside them?

Hogwash, stories can only work with that is already inside the individual, they can’t conjure feelings wholecloth - it’s why Boat Movies do nothing for women, or men don’t really “get” rom-coms. And more importantly, I sincerely doubt this movie is a flagrant propaganda piece worshipping abortion and demonizing the opposition. It’s going to be a scared young girl caught in a shitty situation and forced to go on a trip outside her rustic world to fix a problem. You can empathize with that regardless of the reason.

Letting a bunch of baby killing roastoids and their cuck orbiters be the only """official"""" reviewers for this kind of propaganda is a huge conflict of interest

a "conflict of pinterest" if you will

You sound like the roasties that were mad that the world of BR2049 was sexist

Because lots of women aren’t given proper sex education, and effective contraceptives are either unavailable or locked behind layers of shame and social pressure (especially in small towns where the person ringing out the condoms goes to the same school.) If you want fewer abortions, encourage the proliferation of birth control and sex education.

I give this post a 92

Found the woman

> quiet lonely teenager
> gets knocked up
Fucking women

Somehow they got the idea that having unprotected sex without consequences is a "human right"

Where did they come up with that shit? Damned if I know

>women should be given everything
Blow it out your ass

Its about abortion. Not murder then lol, stay mad, incel : )

>effective contraceptives are either unavailable or locked behind layers of shame and social pressure

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>make a sequel where an incel kills the killer roastie

you're living in the 19th century, this simply isn't reality and hasn't been for a long time

>Because lots of women aren’t given proper sex education
wtf sex makes babies?


>can't even close parentheses properly
I'm not fucking read this

>woman kills her child
>not murder
>kill a pregnant roastie
>get charged with murder x2
Either a fetus can be murdered or it can't, doesn't matter if it's the mother or some random negro.

what's interesting about murdering an innocent, helpless being? Especially from the hand of a "person" that's supposed to be the caretaker. Do you enjoy movies where every character is despisable piece of shit? It's because you can relate?

No user, you can't post logical arguments in 4channel.

>stop our movies about this shit! make your own!
they do
>wow how could they make this movie! why are they saying it's good?!?!?

yeah okay

>every girl in the west start taking the contraception pill at around 12y/o
>unwanted pregnancies still happen
what dum dums

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>Jewish screenwriter
>first film is a teenage girl becoming a slut to try and "be cool"
>second movie is a closeted homosexual white man
>third movie is turning abortion into a roadtrip movie

>Because lots of women aren’t given proper sex education
are women actually this retarded. don't let guy cum inside you if you don't want kids.

There's only one good movie directed by a female.

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m8, you're from a country that gets shocked whenever someone mentions sex outside a raunchy comedy starring ben stiller

yeah this. I only want feel good stories that confirm my beliefs

based brainlet

It cant : )


this movie was already made and was called 4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days except abortions are illegal because of communism in Romania. It was one of the best movies of the 2000s.

>stories can only work with that is already inside the individual
And when those stories are made by government funded individuals with shady history that are clearly seeding the public with harmful ideologies? This goes for music too. Do you not know how propaganda works? Go watch some Yuri Bezmenov.

>I sincerely doubt this movie is a flagrant propaganda piece worshipping abortion and demonizing the opposition.
Go watch The Cider House Rules.

>You can empathize with that regardless of the reason.
Hook, line, and sinker. You fell for the propaganda.

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maybe it should be, retroactively

Incels pretending to care about abortions to pwn tha roasties and libterds is absolutely hilarious second only to the interracial incel war between chinks and whites.

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>pretending to care about abortions
Whatever you say user

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your forgot on Yas Forums(nel), of all places

Then there's a whole lot of murder charges to overturn.

Are you against abortion because the woman should be "punished" for being a "whore" or are you against abortion because it kills an unborn baby? Because if you're against the slaughter of innocents, why not support sex education and contraceptives so those babies are never made in the first place?

>that title
Yeah, that sums up women.

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Abortions happen because women want child sacrifices to themselves.

Better yet, universal chastity belts until 18.
Kills off that nasty underage sex everyone's always bitching about too. After all, they're too young & immature to make such decisions.

>Better yet, universal chastity belts until 18.
Puritans tried that, didn't work.

>Are you against abortion because the woman should be "punished" for being a "whore" or are you against abortion because it kills an unborn baby?
Both. Men and women should also be punished for fornication and adultery should be punishable by death. Abortion should be banned and made difficult to access.

>why not support sex education and contraceptives so those babies are never made in the first place?
Sex education should be in the hands of the parents and contraceptives are literal poison that harms the body and kills eggs.

Move to the Middle East, then.

We have much better locks nowadays.
Hell, stick a fucking car alarm on it. Take it off & it alerts everyone within a mile.

That's racist.

You think I give a shit? If you want to live like a savage then live among the savages.

Abortion happens because women enjoy killing children.
Prove me wrong.

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>move to an area filled with pederasty and sodomy
big yikes

No, most of the time they happen because the product wasn't viable and the body decides not to go through the pregnancy.

Excellent rebuttal, you semen cerebrum.

>the "let's kill babies freely because they're an inconvenience" side isn't the "savage" side of this


This, men feed their self esteem based on what they give to the world, for women it's the opposite.

>most of the time
It's an elective procedure. It's "necessary" as often as circumcisions are, less than 10% of cases.

Hope she has been snatched and murdered , filthy cunt

>most of the time

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american psycho, lost in translation

Necessary implies that something puts the mother in risk, 10% is true. But the majority of abortion cases happen because of genetic aberrations that render the product nonviable.
There's a difference between the two cases, and also a big difference with elective abortion.

>99.95% effective, literally less likely to fail than tubal ligation, costs $800 max and lasts four years
>99% effective, comes in hormonal and non-hormonal versions, lasts for years
The pill
>99% effective (when used correctly), available absolutely everywhere
>99% effective, dirt cheap, prevents STDs, when coupled with one of the above methods brings risk of pregnancy to 0
I know you're LARPing, but everyone knows how babby is form and how to prevent it.

She lost custody of the little girl to the father in 18'. That's the only update I found, along with him trying to push for some stricter legislation on pussy passers.

>genetic aberrations that render the product nonviable
Most of the time it has absolutely nothing to do with the viability of the fetus & everything to do with the mother's "feelings" about having a baby.