Doctor Who thread

Chibnall, please let this series die edition.

Let's discuss ways the next showrunner can retcon this shitshow.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Brief flashback of The Doctor Falls
>Lesbian Space Puddle doesn't come this time
>Cyber Bill gets The Doctor to some place in the Tardis that'll allow him to heal and dematerialises the Tardis Then she breaks down
>Cut to modern day Earth
>Something causes it to materialise there.
>New companion discovers it, finds where Bill put the Doctor.
>Opens up the the thing the Doctor was put in, he regenerated while inside and he says 'God, that was some dream I had. The regeneration process must of given me nightmares while I was sleeping.'

>turns out everything Doctor learned about her past was a lie
>it was actually Master's past
>13 series start with doctor saying "well, it was an obvious lie, anyone could spot the inconsistencies"
>Master appears and start bullshiting random nonsenses about his and her past, just to really stablish that this is what he does
>season finalle shows an intact Gallifrey

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Series 13 opens with Capaldi mid regeneration and forces himself to stop because he saw what the next version of himself will become. He continues as he normally would and we act like nothing happened

>Let's discuss ways the next showrunner can retcon this shitshow.
The doctor is actually ALL the timelords.

But this means all his backstory still is canon.

They will never be allowed to retcon this.

Just reboot the series already. It's fucked. Start over with a new first Doctor. It makes no sense that they didn't just do this anyway, with Jodie, since the retcon is effectively doing just that. They might as well have started from scratch, and then they wouldn't be stuck with awkward string of so many successive white male doctors as the elephant in the room to the progressive agenda.

The child was actually just a side effect of Smith rebanging the universe.

Thats not a good idea user.
The ´´Good´´ of doctor who is the amount of material that a writer can draw from.
And while BAD as fuck I dont think it cant be solve.
Add Jodie regeneration , a new showrunner and a specific memo about how the actual master is before missy (to allow for character advancement) and VOILA.
Most if not all of Jodie stores are shit. She would be no problem let it be forgotten.

Come to think of it, you can come up with an explanation to retcon the retcon in less than 30 seconds, even without trying really hard.

Let's face it.

Whittaker would have killed child Davros, right?

Just have the next series ending with Capaldi waking up in season 9, realizing the memory block didn't work, saying "what a weird fucking hallucination" and he keeps travelling with that hot caucasian womanlet.

Chibgreus sits inside your head
Chibgreus lives among the dead
Chibgreus sees you in your bed
And eats you when you're sleeping

Chibgreus at the end of days
Chibgreus lies all other ways
Chibgreus comes when Lore's a maze
And all of Who weeping

Chibgreus taking Who apart.
Chibgreus fears the Fan heart.
Chibgreus seeks the final part.
The reward that he is reaping.

Chibgreus sings when all is lost
Chibgreus takes all those he's crossed
Chibgreus wins and all is cost
The Fan's hearts he's keeping.

Chibgreus seeks the Writers's pen
Chibgreus needs the story to rip
Chibgreus sups Who at a drip
And life aside, he's sweeping.

And he set then his course
To a scar on the face of Who
Where the actors lived and died in the churn of one night
Where the character motivations might move in the blink of an eye
And decay was the only true constant

And the gate of Chibgreus opened before him
And all of the Retcon was releaved to him
And its terrible beauty ached in his hearts

So through them he ventured
There to do battle with Chibgreus, the Beast
Never resting as long as Who is lasting
Until either or both are laid to waste.

Chibgreus waits at the end of Who
For Chibgreus is the end of Who
His time is the end of canon
And his moment Who's undoing

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Thinking about it: nope.
She problably would agree that daleks are opressed and try to be friends with him.
Then a companion with brains and courage will kill him or solve the issue.
Remember: this doctor is a coward.

Fuck me I want Gallifrey to be either completely gone forever or back for good.

I'm so fucking tired of the back and forth.

No more.

let it go, 12, you can't get her back, i'm sorry

No retcon.
Just let the show die.
Actually defund the BBC to make certain nu Who dies with it.

>Ho ho! The missus and the ex... welcome to every man's worse nightmare!

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Based Tin Dog

I wish they fix this shit before canceling it.

are you doing a rewatch to numb the pain too?

glad that he kept a sense of humor after being brutally cucked by 2 white men

I miss him bros

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>that big finish story where teninch called rose an SJW
bros....... you told me the podcasts were baste and red pilled

Thought I was the only one doing that. I'm watching the 4th doctor run for the first time.

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top kek

Not so much. I haven't seen s11 or s12. I started finally rewatching nuWho maybe 2 months ago, watched s1, then picked up where I dropped it years back (last half of last Smith season then the next two Capaldi seasons), now I'm getting back to my overall rewatch.

Yeah that was cringe but

shut up!

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Any good books to fill the Who-hole these last two seasons left?

>watching current Who
>chortling cunts.mkv

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the fact he didn't get at least 5 good seasons is a fucking crime

It’s frustrating to know that there are no writers smart enough to manage a “just reboot it.” There’d always be enough “sly winks to the audience” or some shit that would open the door to it being some insane in continuity version. Then a few years in they’d just come up with a convoluted explanation.

trips of truth

The doctor is actually everyone and everything. The doctor was the big bang and the universe is just parts of him constantly regenerating.

Anyone else think his poofy hair was the best look? Really reminded me of Pertwee

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Watch this scene.
Now compare it to the crap we have to deal with now. That's what was taken from us.

so was jo martin really doctor zero?

she is either 2.5 or 14 or negative something

I think it was getting slightly too long by the end. I liked it best in S9, especially during the Zygon episodes.

they didn't even explain her.

Man, Capaldi was great.

I actually preferred his shorter hair in S8. I think they tried to make his Doctor more cuddly thereafter and, although Capaldi is great always, I think S8 Capaldi was peak.

It used to be so good.

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I enjoyed Hell Bent, and people just seethed because they missed the point or because the Doctor waifud Clara more than their own favorite companions.

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The problem isn't that he had waifu, it wouldn't be first time, just that no one suffered any consequences by the end of it

She doesn't make sense even post Chibnall retcon.She can't be a future Doctor because she doesn't recognise 13 but she can't be pre 1 because she has a police box TARDIS. The only way she can fit in is if he shoehorns him in between 2 and 3 but even that doesn't work because The Two Doctors pretty much confirms that Troughton was the season 6b Doctor.


>no one suffered any consequences by the end of it
That's classic Moffat, isn't it? "Everybody lives".

>used to complain about Mickey
>now realise he was actually really good especially when compared to "the senpai"

Fuck Chincunt, fuck Whittaker and FUCK JANNIES.

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Chibnall wishes he could be at least as good as Steve Thompson.

Yeah, that can be good if used sparingly but Moffat was overdoing it. His whole era just misses that dose of pathos, for the lack of a better term. That is why Girl in the fireplace hit hard


Time to face the truth.

Is there any episode that is worse than any episode in Series 11 and 12?

Why do people care so much about the 'lore' for a light entertainment family show any way?

I don't even give a shit anymore, I consider this finale not canon.

This. It's never EVER getting retconned and it pains me to say that.

The First Doctor is now a proud young girl of color, who don't need no man. And unless we get a complete reboot starting the show from the very beginning, that's how it will always be from now on.

What are you doing here, Chris?

It won't be retconned but it will be entirely forgotten about. Never referenced again. Just like the Morbius Doctors.

This isn't the problem, Yas Forumstard.

how fucking ignorant can you be?

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I liked most of it but it felt wrong to have her survive, it should have ended with her wiping his memory and then choosing to go face the raven willingly. The space diner crap was contrived as hell, and there's no reason Clala would ever want to travel with that quasimodo.

Please go back.

Based. Which serial are you on?

You mean Doctor 218, or was it Doctor 567, maybe it's Doctor 1266?


What about McGann?

I've never watched classic Who, but i don't have time to watch 30 fucking seasons, what are the best episodes i could watch without watching rest of the show?