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>sony lesbian movie gets a show

Why is this news? They make tv shows out of movies all the time.

Great news. The story works much better as a series and being on HBO means it will be top quality. Good casting and kino could be back on the menu boys

Joel isn't a lesbian wtf?

But.. the game is already a movie with a beginning middle and end. What's the point?

Last of Us as tv/film will finally show how derivative, unoriginal and boring it actually is

We were wrong bros, it's not a movie, it was a tv show

>more generic zombieshit

I liked it better when it was called Enslaved Odyssey to the West.

How many zombie shows are there though outside of Walking Dead and its spinoffs? Exactly.

do people unironically prefer YAHOO and BING BING to sony moviegames? Are americans that onions?

At least a dozen

My racially offensive slur.

Judging by the whole 'm-movie game!' thing going on in this thread, yeah, probably
At least you get a good sample of the amount of Yas Forumsintendo that leaks into other boards

No there isnt. Z nation is the only one I can think of

THANK YOU for getting this jew out of the moviegame business and into TV. Too bad he'll come crawling back once he gets laughed out from the big boy league.

Going to have the same color palette as Chernobyl.

>here's your Joel, bro

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You're forgetting all the generic zombie shows that got cancelled for being generic zombie shows.
And game of thrones.

Is delusionkino back on the menu?

Is this going to be live-action or a CGI tv show?

Also, hasn’t the zombiepocalypse craze burned itself out?

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>Craig Mazin
>wrote Scary Movie 3 and 4 and Superhero Movie
>wait, why is this dude relevant?
>"Mazin was born in Brooklyn, New York, to a Jewish family"

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I'm optimistic I must say. Chernobyl was kino, and its creator showed that he can slightly pander to the sjw to appease them while he unfolds the real kino on other things.

Why is the father figure protecting young girl trope so popular?

stupid russians

they gonna hyper focus on the teenage degeneracy/lesbianism and probably make Joel black lol.

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my god more zombie shit
can zombie shit fucking die please

Ask me how I know the left girl is a filthy jew.

>they only consider making a movie about it when the little girl turns into a dyke that lusts after a jew
Can't wait for kikes to burn in hell.


Because according to Hollywood, no one has sons anymore. That's why you won't see a God of War show or if we did, the son would become a daughter.

what? theyre zombies with a slightly more complicated explanation. the game is shit and zombie shit needs to fucking die

Calling it now, first season will be great and have a decent amount of viewers, but second season will fall off from all the lesbian shit and average less than half of viewers from what the first season got.

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It's really easy to write drama for and to make a *"believable" relationship.
*because the female audience wants to fuck daddy and the male audience wants to "protect" a little girl

Boomers don’t play video games, it’s a whole new story for us.

Calling it now, the project will be scrapped.

>goes back to pornhub to watch lesbian porn

What ever happened to the movie?

>only reason people played the first was for the pretty awesome multiplayer
>second game removes the multiplayer and turns up the SJW to eleven
>no one cares about it
And then suddenly a TV series. Not so subtle, Jew.

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At the end of the day, this is just a copy of the walking dead.

Nikolaj Coster-Waldau for Joel.

I wanna fuck that bignose

look at that SHNOZ

absolutely nothing would be surprising at this point

TLoU was supposed to be a major motion picture years ago

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>only reason people played the first was for the pretty awesome multiplayer

Are you... are you actually retarded?

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Which character will be black?

>Zombie apocalypse
>Women allowed to be lesbians
okay lmao

Nope. Most played and stayed for the multiplayer.

That's her irl model

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Look I love Factions but don't be fucking delusional

I love Khazar milkers! Awooga, awooga!

Tfw no smelly jewess gf to ethnically cleanse me while crying that I am oppressing her

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Thats big shiksa

>TV shows are the big boy league in comparison to video games
What year is this? 2004?

Theres more to games than just Sony Movies or Nintendos Kids Catalog

>Naughty and PlayStation promoting the hell out of this
>Not a peep about the Uncharted movie which is shooting soon

Most played for the story, user

>white girl with a bow trying to survive
>father figure tries to instill common sense into her but she is learning to be an independent woman and so rebels
>father figure dies
>girl grows up into a stronk independent woman making shit emasculating quips and hanging around and helping those poor unfortunate minorities

Why is this so common?

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Nice milkies, can't wait for the serie

Name literally 5 other times

Maybe not when it comes to money, but its more "prestige" as video game industry, especially in California, is filled to brim with fags who couldn't cut it in Hollywood and are trying to use games as a way to crawl back in

You actual retard. The single player was the most famous thing about the first one. Actual fucking imbecile

He is relevant because he wrote Chernobyl which is one of the greatest TV series in cinema history.

She's pretty

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Naughty Dog is gonna be on suicide watch after TLOU2 flops