ITT: Epic Niggas

ITT: Epic Niggas

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Other urls found in this thread:

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That nog from the 5th element.

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If he's so epic then why is he dead?

He was just a mortal in the end.

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This fat fuck was never funny. He was just loud and never shut the fuck up.

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t. woman

hi roastie!

My nigga won a oscar.

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This fucking bullshit gets to exists but jannies removed the Tom Cruise thread...

Truth, only white faggots who are scared of black people and secretly want to have black people like them think he was funny.

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There's a fucking dominos thread still up that I got banned for posting a pic in but the thread is still up. Retarded mods

Wow. Talk about projecting yourself. How specific. Kek.

based. he was annoying as shit. every time he’d be on O&A it was the Patrice Show. nobody wants to be friends with obnoxious fucks like that.

There’s nobody more cucked than the left right now

Based black boomers saving America from communism.

so you'd rather listen to opie more?

that’s not how this works.

Did he really get raped by Rock Hudson and Roy Cohn?


Based E poster

Yes, based Opie was the best part of the show.


because he was obese, diabetic, 6'5 and black

Spot on. That's the O&A audience.

Everytime Opie managed to make Patrice laugh he repeated the joke 5 more times

>we used to talk in the phone for hours

>Hey Patrice why do you never invite me to your 4th of july party?

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old black guys bum me cigarettes and are open for a nice chat all the time
really all old people

Dude ignored his doctor for years and spent the last month of his life bed ridden, unable to move or talk. He couldn't even blink to give yes or no answers. Sounds like pure hell to me. Take care of your health bros, it's a nasty way to go.

the beat sounds like shit, desu

>Damn E they try to fade you on Yas Forums

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Extremely based brothaman!

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Lots of rappers try to be a gangsta.
E was a gangsta trying to be a rapper and it was refreshing as fuck.

what do we think of her?

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she made pussy o&a heel turn licking her shit

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My man Steve

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ohh I'm real scared of some hoodlum that died from AIDS at 30

why does he look photoshopped?
it's like his skin is made from plastic

MYSTERY niggas

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Where are her eyebrows?

the man is 63 years old. There is no way he hasn't had any work done on his skin.

>And now you think you're bigger
>But to me you ain't nothin' but a bitch-ass nigga

He looks like if the mask from that Jim Carrey movie instead turned you into a nigger

Can't corner the dorner

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rip in peace king

>can't corner the dorner
>gets cornered and dies like a bitch

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at least I'm alive, unlike some other bitch-ass nigga that dies in '95

Based as an 80's black actor in a blockbuster

But he let a jew break up Cube's crew

Good. Tom Cruise is a manlet faggot.

>why does a photoshopped picture look photoshopped