The Trials of Gabriel Fernandez

Has anyone seen the Gabriel Fernandez documentary on Netfllix?

>kept in a cabinet
>forced to eat cat litter
>punched in the face
>shot with a BB gun
>called "gay"
>tortured for fun
>eventually killed by his own mother

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how could straight white men do this?

Yeah, some humans are extremely awful pieces of shit.

His mother was a 50IQ troglodyte.
He seemed like a sweet kid who just wanted his mother to accept him and love him and I guess he never understood why she didn’t.
Sad that nobody intervened even though it was all reported on numerous occasions.

the parents

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>called gay
What’s the issue here? Was he a homosexual? Or was it just “gay” as in “loser”? And why would it even matter? Being called gay is the least of the problems here.

Reminder that the Netflix show is as bad as inflicting the torture upon this boy. It is turning the worst misery into an experience to be consumed, literally what his torturers did.


I think I'll skip it, I read the child called It serious as a kid, and thats sort of tame compared to this. I dont need to sit through 3hrs of described torture porn.

>los goblinos


that lil nigga got off easy

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i would rather get punched in the face or live in a cabinet than be homosexual

now that i look closer the OP list is actually just about in order of severity

>as bad

It’s bad, but come on. It’s nowhere near AS bad


My boy Hector's already auditioning for the movie adaptation.

Attached: hector.jpg (1024x576, 307.81K)

Is that from End of Watch? If not, was he definitely in End of Watch?



Lol no

saddest part was the little mother's day letter he filled out in school. what a fucking evil bitch

She looks like a clown.

Its pretty sad that CPS is just as shit every where else in the US. I had an abusive step mother growing up who tortured my older brother until he up and left, then focused on me. Definitely didn't get it nearly as bad as that Gabriel boy but it was still pretty fucked up. Ended up going to school one day with a million bruises all over my body and the teacher had me go to the principals office. Told him my step mother abused me, and he called CPS. CPS came to our house one afterwards and didn't even fucking bother to see or talk to me, they just talked to my step mother and took her word that I was being bullied.

Why would you even watch this? To get sad and depressed?

I guess he should've stayed in Mexico

as do all cholas

la creatura...

I kekd

White people are disgusting, poor kid didn't deserve it

why would i want to watch this m you think i am a judeo christian wanting to feel sad or soemthing?

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It's as bad as the torture in the sense of the underlying moral principle behind it, i.e. entertainment allows exploitation of misery. Of course the act of physically abusing a child is worse than turning that abuse into a show and making money off it.

>>kept in a cabinet
>>forced to eat cat litter
>>punched in the face
>>shot with a BB gun
>>called "gay"
>>tortured for fun
>>eventually killed by his own mother

Bros, this seems wrong to me.

Having been part of numerous CPS investigations I will say it is nothing like this. Atleast in New York. They will come to the house, look for any sign of neglect, inspect the fridge, the cleanliness of the home. Then they would interview me and all of my siblings, asking how we are punished and what goes on in the home. And it was always based on anonymous reports. Never any evidence of me or my siblings being abused. You can use CPS as a weapon against neighbors you dont like by filing anonymous reports about them and making up lies. They are obligated to investigate every time. Very degrading experience to put someone through.

But I guess thats because we’re white and theyre itching to tear apart white families. Something tells me theyre not as aggressive with the black womans kids.

Nice blog, faggot. Now I see why your stepmother rejected you

ur gay

Sometimes I think our memes have negative consequences

ok schizo

Did CPS ever do anything about the racist indoctrination in your home?


This is why we need to bring back public beatings.

No. CPS approves of Buzzfeed, Vox and Black Lives Matter racist indoctrination.

Its just that my family got put through that at the slightest hint of neglect meanwhile theres a million Dukie from the wire type situations out there that never get investigated, let alone taken from their parents.

have sex


Because CPS only care about white kids.

Nah, if CPS takes black women's kids away, the black women will lose their welfare checks and food stamps and will chimp out.

Your mistake is thinking CPS cares about kids. Spoiler alert: It's a government agency staffed by low IQ diversity hires. They only care about doing as little work as possible while still feeling powerful.

So what you're saying is they're not being racist, but lazy.

Depends on the race of the employees. CPS can be quite racist against white families and get away with it.

Apparently not according to wikipedia

Do you think CPS can be quite racist against black families and get away with it?


Then you're the racist.

sounds like he's pretty based then

CPS is a child trafficking organization, and white kids are the most desirable,

This all could've been avoided if post-pregnancy abortion was legal.

True evil doesn't exist. These people were abused themselves which is why they turned out so horrible.

It becomes very hard to blame when you've learned this fact. That if you were in their shoes you, too, would become them.
All that you consider yourself has been shaped by events in your life.

It is if you adopt a pit bull.

One less latrineo is something to celebrate.

Except there are lots of people who are abused and don't become abusers..

they are people with free will
yes you are partly formed by your environment, but the person can still make a choice in the moment, and they chose to be bad people

This, abolish prison

Only fake evil exists, thus there is no TRUE evil.

I like this No True Scotsman and eventual tautology.

El abomonacion

Based and victimcomplexpilled. Gonna use CPS against my wh*te neighbors now, thanks for the heads up

Only because of other events that shaped them.

When it showed her in custody without makeup I nearly puked

Nobody gives a shit if it's a boy that's suffering and that goes double for nonwhite boys.