Why was Lilo such a cunt?

Why was Lilo such a cunt?

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Single mothers ruin children.

She wasn't her mother, but her sister

her parents fucking died, she got bullied, and she was about 8 years old. not exactly cunt behavior as much as acting how you would expect a miserable child to act

Same shit. Women can't raise children.

She's a little sister

>t. Non sex having individual

Would it be cucked to date Nani as it would be to date a single mother? Asking for a friend.

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Why were children only as tall as adults shins in this movie? If she is 8 there how tf is she suppose to grow into a full sized adult, thats like 5 times her height growth in 8 years.

I really want to turn that one lifeguard into my breeding sow

Because she was traumatized her parents died.
Jesus it's like you guys didn't even watch the movie,

cope, "bachelor"

hello little traumatized child of a divorced marriage! you internalize and rationalize that trauma like a good little boy, yes your parents love you very much :D


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that's like saying cope, rich man

Sounds like something a faggot would say.

Oddly specific. Either incel who got bullied by women and/or single child whose alcoholic dad beat the shit out of his ass.

she wanted the S

She’s a woman
Didn’t read the thread btw

Or just someone who can read statistics you utterly retarded roastie.

Just typical lg behavior. They're fun to watch but horrible to actually deal with.

Nothing wrong with dating a single mother, stop falling for the insecurity Korean basket weaving forum meme

LoL the amount of cope in this thread is over 9000. No one wants you and your nigglet, do us a fav and hero both of you.

She was a child.

Imagine the offspring of Lilo and Caillou

There is a reason the mother is single
And if it isn't death, avoid like coivid 19
Nani is hot as hell tho. Lilo and stitch is one of the best Disney animations with a unique style

How is
>single mothers ruin children
oddly specific? Lmao
You're retarded

haha do you think nani would let you dick down lilo too as sort of a package deal just wondering haha

>date hot single mother
>get along real well
>gain trust
> :^)
>take kid out "swimming"
>go back inside for drink, go look in car for phone, go check the mailbox, etc.
>oh no why did jr. drown?

It's only acceptable to date single moms if the child is a hot little girl.

Isn't her name Stitch?

>acting how you would expect a miserable child to act
Like a cunt. You're a faggot.

*grabs you by the head and pushes your head down on a skillet*

you dare fucking ask me such an asinine and pedantic question, fuckface?

No it's her little sister not her kid nothing wrong about it

Pedoism aside, keyword is 'date.' If you stay in a longterm relationship w/ said mom, the hot daughter's teenage years are going to be HELL as a result of the daddy issues and whatnot. Enjoy that little cunt doing drugs, fucking niggers, and stealing from ur wallet or w/e so you can bang her 'single mom.' When it comes to single moms just don't do it.

if you fuck her first she'll be fine

pretty sure anyone raised by a single mother would agree with that user though

Because she's a child

She's literally autistic

Aw lawdy I get to post this kino again

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You were raised by a single woman


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Women are the only ones who can handle children’s bullshit. Men raise teenagers and women raise children.

>read statistics
Is this some kid of programmed talk? I'm not a computer, I evaluate situations individually.

>Single mothers ruin boys

There's nothing wrong with single mothers raising girls.

Single mothers raise whores. My grandmother was a single mother and raised my mother into a whore. My mother doesn't even know who my father is.

>I evaluate situations individually.
Yes yes we are all individuals and shit, I bet you dont lock doors too cuz you dont belive in crime statistic


Not all kids are cunts.

this honestly just sounds like projection. hope you get better bro


Lack of a good dicking.

>anons a bastard
user btfo

Brood parasite. Enjoy raising someone else’s walking cum

>hope you get better bro
No you don't

A lack of father figure is catastrophic for kids indeed. Look at how poorly black americans are doing right now

im doing fine thank you

Kid was acting out cause she was aware of the situation her and her sister were in and she knew there was nothing they could do to bring back their parents. Lilo was going threw the 5 stages of grief.


>my anecdotal experience is relevant when talking statistics
This lack of self awareness is the reason your community is doomed to never improve.

For me, it's Pleakley

Attached: Pleakley.gif (500x275, 485.5K)