Honest opinion on Sarah Silverman? Most female comedians are unfunny but she's decent

Honest opinion on Sarah Silverman? Most female comedians are unfunny but she's decent

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she was on star trek voyager so shes alright in my books

She was acceptable in ATHF. Everything else about her is repugnant.

hot as fuck

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Who's funnier than Sarah Silverman! Well except for most dudes.

Is that the hot new thing? Oh look a middling attractive girl who swears a lot.

It's amazing how she looks so good in a dress but then you see her in that nude scene and she's just a fridge with pancake boobs.

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go away she bombs everywhere

We could have saved her bros.

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If you cover her tits she looks unfapable

She is good when she isn't performing her own material. When she does it's all pee and poop jokes and shock value crap.

frumpy jew

she was hot in evolution


She was alright for a bit then quickly wore out her welcome. Plus her gay wokeness just ruins everything for me.

literally every comedian has been woke for like the last 5+ years

obnoxious kike just like the rest of them.

Go back.

Worst guest on Norm MacDonald live

Best tits in Hollywood

>49 years old
>never married
>no children

I wouldn't mind slobbing on them titties. Her best moment was in The Way of the Gun.

A whiny unfunny kikess

>quoting norm means go back
D-dont forget about me user

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oh no, is he getting that old?

her nudes were very disappointing

She’s got high jewish iq and depravity

I would honestly marry Sarah if she promised not to cuck me too much

Garbage comedian, but I'd love her to force me to jerk off and bully me for only having a 7 inch dicklet

*used to be. She's gotta be post-wall by now

>ywn jack off while sarah silverman pretends not to steal glances

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pic related is from 3 weeks ago

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>not recognizing a norm quote
How new r u?

She looks better with her clothes on. She's got big tits but they look like shit without a bra. The clothing hides her fridge frame.

Honestly, OP, when I see the VOY episodes she starred in from 1996, it hits me how old I am and I get depressed.

Same, but with Kate Mulgrew. I really wanted to fuck Janeway when I was a kid but now she's a bloated elderly mess. It's not fair.

Janeway was a qt. Time is a bitch...

Are female comedians unfunny or is it perspective. I imagine I wouldn't find an Incel comedian funny wither, but If I were an incel I probably would.

>Haha, kill Jesus twice; pussy, cum, farts
She's as insufferable as that Chinese bitch bragging about fucking homeless men. Comedy is dead.

She was really cute in that 2-parter, the episode was shit but she kept me watching.

Listen, man

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I love Irish women so fucking much

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absolutely would

I'd take chelsea over her, don't particularly find either that funny though

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i dont think sarah has taken as much nigger dick as I KNOW chelsea has still though she does have some nice milkers even with no bra

>makes up a fake story about "MUH WAGE GAP" and throws a comedy club owner under the bus to perpetuate a misandrist lie
>Gets called out by the club owner
>Gives an "apology" where she said that she wishes she told a more convincing lie.
Okay I'll admit that was pretty funny

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Yeah Chelsea's are pretty nice, Sarah's were kinda disappointing iirc

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tfw no jewish mommy gf

>wanting someone who only fucks black guys
Wasted 4s

checked and thanks for the pic

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Most comedians aren't funny desu, regardless of gender. Most dudes are just as cringeworthy as the female comedians people usually make fun of.

never said I wanted her, but would gladly pee on her

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You can't have an unfunny yet hot female comedians thread without Whitney Cummings

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I'm actually pretty glad Kathy Griffin doesn't exist anymore

Unfunny melted candle isn't hot. Unfunny Ilsa is hotter.

to hear that filthy language from someone so marginally attractive is frankly unpleasant

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i actually meant to post this one

foot slut

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Never had children. She disappointed her Jewish parents.

can anyone post the webm of her getting tickled naked?

well, got it pretty much covered there

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I can't post it on this board without some faggot jannie nuking it, but she's disgusting naked. Literal definition of a fridge.


Which kind of literal? Like does she look like a fridge for real literally or kind of almost looks like a fridge in spirit but not for real literally?

The kikess whore has a horrible body. Would not even with someone else's dick