How do you go from THIS

How do you go from THIS...

Attached: 1657C21D-3113-4924-801B-AC6FDF6CAA7D.jpg (1163x719, 146.61K) THIS??

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Looks like a Netflix show

I can't wait for
>powerfull women
>cis white male weak
>subverted expectations
to invade my batkino.

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Op here I’m gay btw if that matters

Here’s your Catwoman, bro

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The suit and car are garbage. Pattinson and Reeves are decent but it'll probably be shit.

It looks way cooler though.
What did you want next, an actual tank?

Looks like an improvement.

It's called slight improvement.
The new generic car is better than Snyder's Bat-Kart, but neither are good

I dig it. Patterson is based.


Batfleck was terrible, especially the car with a giant fucking gun on the front lmfao.

based mad max batman

Look pretty neat not gonna lie

>Cow ring
I didn't know there was a cow woman.

Isn't that just a Dodge Challenger with wings? Is Michael Weston The Batman?

A thief being black makes sense.


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snyderfags guys. having a better batmobile is literally their only argument now. even though it was practically copied from the arkham knight games. shameful really

Why is that picture so saturated or why does it look like that?

>doesn’t know anything about the plot
>reeee forced diversity reeee white man bad reeeeeee
You’re worse than the fucking SJWS, cunt

No way, he's gonna drive a car this time?

More like the only things released from the movie so far have been the batsuit & Batmobile, and both have been vastly inferior to SnyderKino. As expected.

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the batfleck mobile always looked like it was design by someone with autism

Why are redditors so obsessed with post history??

I can almost guarantee that this post^ was written by someone on the spectrum. 38+ on the CAR scale?

they're still hiding the suit lol

yeah its gonna be "ohnonononono" posts until a trailer comes out, then an user will say they worked on the production and here's spoilers, then in the time of the next trailer to the movie getting released will be a mix of the "ohnonono" posts and the "based/kino" posts

Because it’s a bad tacticool monstrosity that doesn’t fit Pattinson bc he refused to put on any muscle. The arrogance is incredible

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This is a 69 maro with two motorcycle engines welded together mouted mid-ship. Vs a soulless cgi toy.

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How can a single car look so freaking good?

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Dilate tranny

>A 50 year old camaro makes for a good Batmobile
>Thinks the panel-perfect Kinomobile was CGI
Ah, I see the middle schoolers are on their lunch break. Hope mommy packed you some dunkaroos!

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under rated batmobile coming through

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even the tumbler was better

No it wasn't

Very nice
Sure thing, senpai-a-lam. Don’t miss the bell, you wouldn’t want to get another tardy slip!

Gives me green hornet vibes.
Maybe now that we are getting even oc capeshit movies we can get a revival of smaller existing franchises like green hornet.


You fucking sad virgins moaning about something that is over a year away and that you will have no say in. It's a car that a fictional character will drive in a movie. Shut the fuck up and go outside would you

Dead on. Yas Forums is truly so predictable.

Batman must have millions of dollars if he has a car like that. I bet he's someone like Bruce Wayne.

I don’t really mind a leaner Batman desu. Affleck is the only Batman actor that’s actually as tall and big as Bruce is in the comics. Keaton is like 5’7” and Kilmer and Clooney are like 5’10”.

He's probably just funded by a rich guy
Come to think of it Wayne owns the bank that batman's credit card is from, maybe it is Wayne himself funding the bat.

Batman is a Libertarian.

Joker is an ancom shitstain.

Any reasonable person who understands economics would support Batman.

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normal car but bat ears behind!

>way cooler
ok boomer

first, tactical look makes more sense than the comic accurate suit that basically looks like a cloth. second, I'm glad whoever's making this new bat movie isn't hoping that people will like this too since it has nolan's/arkham knight's tank mobile

should make that a thing on Twitter until they have to change Catwoman to a white lady because dats rascis

Bale is 6 feet and was pretty buff

I wish someone would pack dunkaroos in my Batman Returns lunchbox, I want to go back bros

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I would prefer Halle Berry again

>Black catwoman
>Black Gordon

ITT: triggered zoomers

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Worst.... a cw show

hello pajeet

>SnyderKino. As expected.
literal shit, tho

Wayne is the zorro, dude

>posting on a Television and Film board
>deranged shrieking against posters for discussing Television and Film
Was it severe, debilitating autism or just plain old fashioned mental retardation?

Bale and Kilmer were fine, Keaton was an awful Batman and an awful Bruce, in no small part because he’s a 5’7” DYEL playing a kooky loser instead of a Peak Human paragon of physical and mental excellence

looks dope af

Whatever faults Nolan may have, I'd always respect him for bringing his own unique ideas to an established franchise.

In comparison Snydermobile was an obvious attempt at trying to cash in on the tumbler popularity while also wanting nerd praise for comic accuracy resulting in a Frankenstein of unoriginal ideas

syndggers are the worst