Why is McGregor in so many unnecessary films the last few years?

Why is McGregor in so many unnecessary films the last few years?
>T2 Trainspotting
>Beauty and the Beast
>Doctor Sleep
>Birds of Prey
>Upcoming Obi Wan series
You could argue even the SW prequels were unnecessary, but he was not part of the problems with those

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I liked trainspotting 2

He used to be an uptight prick but wife divorced him after he fucked mew and he really needs the money probably

That's fine but it was still unnecessary

he got divorced and now he has to pay shit loads of money, so has to pick up whatever trash that comes up. same thing happened to brendan frasier, robin williams and a few other notables

No pre nup with ex wife?

>so many unnecessary films the last few years
karma's a bitch

the day of reckoning will come for this scottish cocksucker. and his bitch mistress too.

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aren't his daughters adults though

lmao nah

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what's a necessary film?

u let the big boys play
and ya get to stay.

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>why is this person refusing millions of dollars because I'm a hipster faggot who wants every feature to be amadeus

This. If an actor is suddenly working on several questionable projects in a short amount of time it almost always means they went through an expensive divorce or have tax problems.

>always wearing the same shoes, even at a sports event

Cuck lmao

Riley posting is so underrated.

He’s gotta put food on the table, man. He apparently had a blast with the Star Wars prequels.

I worked as an extra on American Pastoral and he seemed nice. I also got to stand just a few feet away from Jennifer Connelly and she smelled wonderful.

I don't need everything to be Amadeus. I would like, however, for movies not to be money laundering cash grabs and have a bit of integrity.

Because it's his JOB you fucking moron. Actors act

All movies are unnecessary.

Trainspotting 2 was good. That's all that matters.

Yeah but some movies are even more unnecessary than others. Them being good or bad movies doesn't matter

>Them being good or bad movies doesn't matter
I'll let that speak for itself. The thread is over.

Then what does? Your arbitrary decision?

I'm assuming to pay for the divorce lel. Hope he gets JUSTed. Cheating cunt.

Succubus draining all his money

Riley won

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McGregor is unnecessary.

who is this salty queer?

I'm lost, what does the ESL retard OP mean by "unnecessary"?


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T2 and Doctor Sleep were kino

>riley comes in 2nd cause he was 2 timed lmao

all of these films are contrived cashgrabs trying to capitalize on past works that are complete in and of itself

T1 was a monumental film but T2 was sad, not in a good way

This user gets it

Now this is a satanic photo

That's 99% of everything that's released by Hollywood nowadays, McGregor is hardly special in that regard. Also, Dr. Sleep was pretty kino and had little to do with The Shining, which was also Kubrick's worst movie and quite possibly the most overrated flick in history. Most of the references were superficial and added just to try and get more people to watch it.

>fills the hole in his heart with combat sports
based and /heem/pilled

>second place at a jujitsu tournament for kids
Riley is truly an inspiration

Preparing for his divorce financially while he was cheating on his wife

there are plenty of motherfucking options of movies and series with original scripts, not adapted, not sequels, not continuations, not remakes, not reimaginations
notice that kino conversation has been dominated by original works like that



He has either massive debt or some vice that requires a lot of money to maintain.

no fucking shit, you autist, my point is that singling out McGregor like that makes no sense, since he's hardly the source of this problem in Hollywood.

Divorce ain’t cheap when you’re a movie star.

yeah, he's just the face of one of the most iconic characters out there

WTF is a "necessary" film?

i don't get it

It's just a job, it's not art. Like based Cavill said

Predator, Dark Knight Rises

there's no such thing as a necessary film
that said, some movies are even less than that
tdkr was shit

What a world we live in, eh?

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Those star wars prequels needed to exist

He looks so different now did he get plastic surgery?

prenups mean nothing nowadays

she just has to go to the judge and have her lawyer argue she was unfairly coerced into signing one and it gets tossed out

isn't that the whole gall of this meme, how shit that whole scene was

What the fuck is a "necessary" movie?

he wanted an excuse to get out of the house he'd later wreck with PUTA

you retard, they have two seperate logos for two seperate tournaments, one is an Open for adults, the other is the Kids International. He obviously came in second in the Open