was Joker a good movie or not?
Screw what Yas Forums thinks
It rocked bro.
Overrated and derivative for sure, but still very good. Specially for capeshit standards.
It's good. I don't get the hate. Maybe people felt uncomfortable to watch some scenes so they hated it i guess?
overrated but still good don't listen to ralphthesoymaker
>i don't get the hate
There's an organized discord server that's focused on shilling against Joker on Yas Forums. The trannies are still mad that it made a billion dollars and won best actor.
take your meds
Okay, tranny. Discord raids are something TOTALLY insane to think of, really, it's not like you faggots haven't done anything like this on this site befor... oh wait NO!
kek mental disease is real
Yeah, right? It even makes men think that they are women and then cut off their dicks!
And not only that, but also make gullible weak-minded people on anonymous imageboards fall for the same thing. Crazy shit, don't you think?
Still too jewish for my tastes
>black people black people black people
>broader message is don’t cut welfare so that people can be on drugs
>Screw what Yas Forums thinks: was Joker a good movie or not?
what did he mean by this?
Solid 7/10
You hate Yas Forums but use Yas Forums
over rated as fuck but a decent movie
I didn't make that image.
7.5/10, not more not less
>Screw what Yas Forums thinks
>Make a thread on Yas Forums
I miss jokerposting. Why did we stop doing this?
it was mediocre at best only DCucks think different
Why does Jews like black people?
No it's pleb dogshit for cinemalets
>it was mediocre at best
>it was an okay film
>overrated but [insert mild compliment here]
why do i keep seeing these same posts in all joker threads
dont redditors have any original opinions?
I mean I got annoyed with the absolute retardation of Joker meeting young Bruce Wayne and that they couldn't resist doing the millionth depiction of the Waynes getting shot only this time it's the Joke's fault because it's aaaall connected. These are just two small scenes which aren't very important though so other than that the film was pretty solid
weak people deserve it
if somebody is so retarded to cut off his dick because of some discord, i feel no sympathy for him
Are Michael Mann, Zizek, Biennale di Venezia, Cahiers du Cinema all DChad just like Yas Forums? That's pretty based ngl my fämälazoidenstein
>soijak posting
Stay seething, lol
I agree but they're also ruining our beloved boards with their faggotry.
because that perfectly describes the movie. good movie adequately made but nothing ground breaking. over rated because it didn't deserve all those awards
It was pretty good, but not amazing. It's just good enough for praise, but not good enough for a second viewing.
Also, give it a second viewing sometime. Movie becomes a chore to sit through on re-watches.
What awards it only swept best actor and best score and the majority agreed those 2 are the ones who made the movie good.
>because that perfectly describes the movie. good movie adequately made but nothing ground breaking. over rated because it didn't deserve all those awards
Stay mad, faggot. There was no acting better than Joaquin's in 2019.
You know what i mean
yeah that sucks, wish they would keep it at Yas Forums
it got nominated for 11 awards which is 10 more than it deserved also it winning the golden lion was laughable
Is the golden lion a big award?
>it was only the most nominated film of the year lol pathetic
One of the top 3 most prestigious in the world, disneyshills never recovered from jokino winning it
I saw it twice and it was solid both times. Pick a better non argument
I watched it twice and I liked it. A change of pace from typical cape shit.
>anecdotal evidence
get an argument for before you give me (you)'s
>anecdotal evidence against no evidence at all
Looksn like I win again
It is a well-crafted masterpiece. Unironically.
>in 4 le pol meme
Have secks.
i saw it 3 times and i thought it was a piece of shit
I'll trust the golden lion over some random disneycel if you don't mind
The tourists finally fucked off back to whatever sites they crawled out of and now only locals are left. Locals can see through pleb shit like this a mile away
Haven't seen enough of Joaquin's joker
>that picture
Complete utter fucking bullshit, anyone that isn't a turbonewfag who started browsing 5 months ago knows that that trailer hyped up all of Yas Forums to fucking heavens
You don't get it, that's his own post. This is how ACTUAL Yas Forums reacted to jokino winning the golden lion
Stop pretending as if locals got the most kino taste lmao locals are just redditors anyway
Yas Forums praised joker non stop ever since the pics on set went viral, the hate threads mostly started when it won the golden lion, then they started seething.
It was decent.
Definitely not. It's just not that impressive a film to be praised by anyone. Nothing annoying me more on this board than the whole shill/anti-shill propaganda. Such entities don't exist here. Until I can see proof, and I've been asking for it for close to a decade, I won't buy into it. There's people who like certain films and others who don't. It's called personal taste.
>Give it a second viewing sometime. Movie becomes a chore to sit through on re-watches.
Have seen it 5 times and each time it's like I'm watching a different film (and I mean that in the best possible way)
>Nothing annoying me more on this board than the whole shill/anti-shill propaganda
Nobody would ever even think there are shills if it weren't for you faggots blatantly making the same posts over and over again to the point where you can see a clear pattern in the movie-shitting.
Try harder, nigger
>"watch it again and it will be boring"
>"I watched it twice and didn't think so"
>"well that's anecdotal evidence"
bravo retard
Holy fuck its amazing how uninformed people still are about that discord foxworth made in 2018. He has a kiwi farms, read the last couple of pages dude
Tasteless entry level tourist
fuck off marvelsoi
>He thinks because he browses tv frequently he has taste
it's capeshit
mcdonalds flick