Let's settle this once and for all

Let's settle this once and for all.
Did he do it?

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Are you a woman? If not rewatch the movie since you were obviously too retarded to get it the first time.

>Are you a woman?
Woah that escalated quickly

This movie made me want to teach children

What movie

I'll take that as a yes


He should have gone on a murder spree starting with the lying little shit

SAGE faggot

Teach them what?

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if you actually watched the movie you'd know he didn't. they show you exactly what happened.

I guess that's a no
How are you so sure she lied? You are literally hearing his side of the story

They dont. You don't have a full account of what happen that day in the kindergarten. Dont you think he may have done it and it was omitted?

>you wouldn't

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>girls can’t lie
OP stop being a pedo simp

The fucking director said he didn't do it a million times. It's not supposed to be ambigious and your retarded head canon doesn't matter so stop making these threads you literal mongoloid.

why would she lie? she was asking for it. maybe after turning her down, when they kiss, he changed his mind and showed her his peepee

The whole point was he was innocent.

Drive (2011)

Why are people desparately trying to show it as if it was ambiguous?
It wasn't ambiguous. It's not a mystery. You aren't supposed to think whether he did it when you were explicitly shown that he did not do it. Because the point of the film is that he did not do it, but will nonetheless never be a part of the town again.



He definitely thought about it

What if this is the director's masterplan all along. To make you sympatize with a child molester only to make the reveal decades later that he actually did it. That would be kino.

NO retard

>believing the director blindly
Umm sweaty, we're way past that. What he thinks doesn't matter, death of the author and all that. If we interpret the film as given to us to mean that Mads is a child molester, then that's the truth.

We agree to disagree :^)

no youre just wrong lol

Show me proof that he didn't do it then. If you can't, you admit that the film is intentionally ambiguous about it.

Death Stranding: Theatrical edition by Hideo Kojima: Director's cut.

when she kisses him and he reacts with revulsion, then rejects her gift and clearly explains that what she did was inappropriate. there are no scenes implicating him doing anything. the main girl clearly states she lied. the stories the other kids told are nonsensical. the whole point of the film pivots upon the fact its a false accusation

youre just wrong lol


Is this bait?
The audience saw the exact events which led to her falsely accusing him.

al leftists should be locked and do forced labour for the rest of their lives

proof me wrong (you can't)

Stomp her head in that ugly little bitch gonna grow to be a whore

If he didn't do it, why was he shot at?
I'm pretty sure that confirms it

cause there someone who believes he did it, he would get shot wether he did it or not, its no proof for either side

>all these fucking pedo apologists
No wonder rape is so common in America

it's pretty ambiguous then. I guess we'll never know.

so stupid

>If he didn't do it, why was he shot at?
holy shit how retarded are people on Yas Forums?
him getting shot at is just a metaphor that things will never be the same again and people will always treat him differently even with that incident being a thing of the "past"

>holy shit how retarded are people on Yas Forums?
Yeah r/television was way better than this shithole

sounds like you're pulling shit out of your ass, it was pretty clear from the conversations that he had a secret basement

People who think he did it are the same people who believe 'the main character was in a coma the whole time and everything in the movie was a dream' theories how fucking thick can you get?

Yeah I can't believe reyards think that about 'Yesterday'

lel now there's a stretch

It's the pedo-rapist glasses that really did him in.

Imagine if he just looked like this. Then no one would doubt his innocence.

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happened for the mexican kino 'los serrano'


Yas Forums is shit but fuck off and kill yourself.

I thought it was a spannish TV series

there's a difference?

it was

they show you the scene where her teenaged/retarded brother (or whatever) is running around with a tablet screaming "its [main character's] penis!" and squealing. he then shoves the tablet in the little girl's face and runs off, the camera lingers on her looking traumatized.

They didn't omit anything.

>her seeing a dickpick at home proves she wasnt molested
hope that defense works for you at court

imagine getting filtered by the most clear and direct film on the planet LOL

Oh, you're just trolling. That explains these moronic threads.

the point of the scene is she was shown a penis and told it was lucas'. So she believed she had seen lucas' penis. Then the woman who assumed she was molested unintentionally lead her into saying she was molested. Because kids are so impressionable and easily confused that you can get them to say just about anything.


children say dumb shit and lie, the real villains were the woman kindergarten worker and the social worker

imagine actually giving that lazy shitposter a serious reply
come on user, he doesn't deserve you

nobody thinks he did it, it's a shit Yas Forums meme

the movie is about how if you tell people something, they'll believe it unless they already know something else.

I found it very infuriating that nothing was done about the lying little bitch, her mother, the old hag that started the shit, or any of the other people that tried to harm him or those that killed his dog or the guy that shot at him at the end. Everything just goes back to "normal." I would had got the fuck out of there.

> all these newfag pedos

>do something for response
>get response

but they pushed her to make more shit up

Classic reddit

people have found trolling incomprehensible since the ARPAnet, my dear friend.

Its basically asking a question (or greeting someone) and pretending you're some master of puppets when people answer you.