
Planet of the Titans edition

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>Computer. Make a nude 200m tall version of Counsellor Troi
>Computer, run program Mountain of Beans, Brussels Sprouts, Vindaloo Curry and Super Spicy Brine Hasperat
>Computer, reduce Counsellor Troi's hunger satiety to zero and speed up digestion by a factor of 10.
>Computer, cycle the holodeck's air throughout the Enterprise, authorisation Barclay Alpha-Omega-Omega-One.
>Disable Safety Protocols.
>Run program.

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Patricia's Patricians reporting in.

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Based Babylon 5 girl

>authorisation Barclay Alpha-Omega-Omega-One.
Unable to comply. Barclay's authorization doesn't go beyond Beta.

>Barclay Alpha-Omega
Is Barclay Jesus?

>Kills a liked character for no reason then instantly cuts to two slags eating cake with chocolate milk while taking about their feelings.
How the fuck do these writers stay employed?

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He is the God of /trek/, our spiritual leader, the one we all strive towards becoming.

So Bash doesn't watch Picard? I'm kinda disappointed.

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Hiring quota

Stop talking about tranny tripfags, stop posting cosplay thots, stop talking about nutrek, and fuck off back to wherever you came from

This is God Barclay we're talking about.

>stop talking about nutrek
It's on topic, fucko

Connections and low pay grade.


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I haven't seen Picard or Discovery.

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Fuck your fanfic

I love you.

Okay, let's talk old Trek. What's your favourite episode?

How many levels of cope are you on knowing Picard is already renewed for a second season and Discovery new for a *fifth*

Please leave

Hi bash! How is the star trek discord doing? Any news?

DS9 - The Wire.

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haha! imagine having a small penis! hahaeheh

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Please stop giving attention to these men, it only encourages them. They're like the drunken buffoon at the party who's staggering around with a lampshade on his head, if you so much as look at him, he WILL come over and talk to you.

It's great that they have to keep shoveling money into the fire otherwise they admit their streaming service is bad

Who here knows most about star trek? I get the feeling you know a lot.

haha yeah, imagine looking at it fully erect and in a condom and crying at how small it is, despite condoms helping make it bigger due to blood flow constriction and your pubes all shaved off to make it appear bigger haha...

>second season
HAHA more like third season + Seven of Nine Ranger spin-off + Elrond origin story miniseries

Remember when you blamed STD on white men

yeah...imagine that

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I'm okay with this

Maybe we should make a classic trek general

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It's embarrassing. Why in the hell can't they find a competent writer? The dialogue, oh God the dialogue is terrible.

Picard isnt renewed for third. They know dude could kip up any minute.

Do you think there should be more thicc women in star trek?

kirstie alley best

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>my episode preference is coloured solely by my autistic ship
Women/trannies, not even once


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That is a real high resolution image.

Fuck you.

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I thought you discord trannies left after that blowout the other day?


What happened?

Anyone else really like Deanna as a character?

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Smell that?

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I like her character. Both of them, in fact.

id fuck her

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Why my Pulaski Protectors at?

Don't let reddit tell you how to feel about this character, she was rational and level-headed throughout her run, was a good friend to Data, and a far more interesting and nuanced character than Beverly could ever hope to be.

If you think about it, she was even the more fappable older woman.

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Freedom Class

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Pulaski a bitch.

>Everyone that denounces me is a discord tranny.

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Aren't those windows monstly on the floor?

Pretty much.

nepotism and political climate

you can tell the writers are majority female wine-aunts, since there's female self-inserts and obvious stereotypically romance-novel-tier male characters (see: Captain and Romulan Legolas)

People who use tranny as an insult are trannies. They're obsessed with trannies they can't go 5 mins without thinking about them. They are closested and are like super outspoken anti-pedos. They always turn out to be the nonces. Shut the fuck up about trannies, trannies. Not everybody is your boogey(wo)man.

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Dukat did nothing wrong

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Okay Freud.

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I'd fuck both of them, but Geordie would have to leave

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By speaking the forbidden word, by your own reasoning, you have damned yourself.

>show called Star Trek
>they never land on a star
>stars are not going to trekking

First thing that came to mind when I saw this ship.

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>not tag teaming them with your bro
not gonna make it brah

It must be one of the worst Federation designs.

You a bitch.

>lmao let's kill off even more characters from the old shows for "drama"
Okay what the fuck, what did Hugh do to deserve this treatment

Icheb was shitty enough, but fuck it's just lazy and meanspirited at this point, it's literally every character

That's tillyfag, one of the main people in the discord and one of the main spammers here

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