Coworker starts taking about capeshit

>coworker starts taking about capeshit
>turn 360 degrees and walk away without saying a word

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Other urls found in this thread:

>coworker starts talking about Brexit

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>cute coworker wants to go out with me this weekend
>turn 360 degrees and walk away while mumbling "whore"

>coworker asks on me I'm ok for drinks
>"yes in there fridge

Having been forced to interact with capeshitters irl, I can tell you most of them are aware that it's garbage designed for children, they just refuse to admit it. That's why they get so defensive when anyone criticizes it.

>no one tries to talk to me

You'd still be facing them, dumbass.

>not turning around and asking if he’s norf or souf fc

Hello, newfriend!

>coworker starts talking about blacked
>is asian

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From someone who watches those movies, it's not that they refuse. They literally don't care. This is the same crowd that watches animation seriously: which is almost always "for children" in the West, unless it's being subversive

Usually I stay quiet and let people talk whatever they want about the latest capeshit or whatever, but sometimes when the person speaking is being especially retarded I just unload a 2 minute train of neverending perfect arguments of how factually wrong he is about that film that I gathered from countless threads and arguments I had on this board about that very film. I'm talking pre-production, production, post, studio work, marketing, box office numbers, directors work, the cast, crew, everything. Just blast them with neverending factual information until I see their soul shutting down right before me.

The conversation usually stops immediately after I'm done

I like it that way desu
I'm not there to interact, just to do the bare minimum and then go home.

oh god

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>coworker start talking about work shifts
>suddenly wake up
>realize it was just a nightmare, calm down and rejoice, for I'm not a wagie

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you'll face the same place you strted with idiot

But he walked away

hook, line and sinker

We've had different experiences then. Some of my close friends are obsessed with Marvelshit and I dont even actively criticize it or make fun of them for it, but they get really prickly about it whenever it randomly comes up in conversation because they know I dont like it. They take it as an attack on their intelligence/identity simply knowing that I dont like it, even passively. Pretty sure they think I'm pretentious, as if someone would have to be putting on airs for not liking capeshit.

>tfw no coworker

>coworker starts wailing and melting into the floor again

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w-what..? you t-too?

>Coworker asks me about "the game" last night.
>Scoff derisively and shamble away, stomping my big feet

>not assaulting capeshitters with a deadly force

>coworker invites me to his cubicle to look at his funko pop collection

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OP still can walk away
Only a retard who can't walk backward

It's usually because your criticisms of the movies are probably "pretentious" things they either know or don't care that you're whining about them. To them, they know you're just starting up the "this is for kids you idiots" script. Which is in your head, because you admit it.

>coworker uses babby language in his emails

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>Co-worker starts talking about his active sex life
>haha yeah me too

Based cape chads dabbing on virgin intellectuals

>still falling for this meta meme

>notice coworker's bulge* but I'm not doing anything about it! even you're sitting there trying to enjoy yourself and you're not comfortable with that so you're going to fight it with words and in your mind my mouth! you're mouth is my mouth haha well my body was full of pussy and vag no it wasn't haha oh I can prove you that because I have a hot student and she has a mouth for sucking

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>it’s impossible for human beings to walk backwards

>coworker tries to set up a date for you with her son

It's physicaly impossible to walk backwards. The legs aren't designed that way. It's literally not possible.

This. The coronavirus started from chinks who tried to walk backwards.

>coworkers are all gangstalking and trying to murder me

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>Pretty sure they think I'm pretentious
That's because you are. Whenever I come upon someone who is evidently well versed in film, music, or culture in general, I always feel like punching their lights out. It's not that their knowledge isn't admirable, quite the opposite actually, but it's a knee jerk reaction that I guess stems back to middle school days whenever an enlightened nerd would show up on the playground.

>falling for the counter-meta meme

We're not. You need to relax.

>co-worker parading around in his necklace of severed ears at the water cooler again
Loathsome brute, I will make him pay.

Who in the what now?

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came here to say this

I literally don't talk about it at all though. They're into it and that's fine, I'm just not. The mere fact that they know I dont like something they're all in love with makes them think I'm just trying to be contrarian or pretentious or whatever. It's annoying, all I want to do is have some beers and fun with my friends. Am I supposed to apologize for not liking Marvelshit?

Sauce for that image? Thanks.


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Oh,so you're "that guy"?
Everyone you work with thinks you're an asshole.
Just thought you should know.

>"Haha user, what are your plans for the weekend?"

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>coworker is talking to me
>he starts going fuzzy around the edges
>seeing fractals in my periphery
>vaguely remember that I'm supposed to be doing something, something involving a choice that I have to make

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holy mother of based

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Well said, I'm sure the retard believes it. When he goes to his car I'll tackle him and you get the scissors.

>caring about what demented retards who unironically pay to watch capeshit think

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It's okay user, we already know everyone else doesn't like you, you don't have to make up reasons.

just go back

>coworker starts talking about work
>gkick him and remove him from raid
Imagine being a wagie in 2k20

how do i cope with the fact that i know everyone is laughing behind my autistic back and my parents are still alive so i cant off myself

>get btfo in real life
>complain about it on the chans

seething incel

holy freaking based

dunno if satire but i had to drive this ugly 1/10 home once and she invited me in to play video games with her and show me all her funko pops. i played maybe 5 minutes of fallout4 before i started getting extreme anxiety and 360'd out of there. not that she makes me anxious in a self-critical way, but it made me anxious that some people just get fat, don't brush their teeth, collect funko pops and smoke lots of pot, and then expect to get piped by ME. I was insulted. I learned that day to drop the nice guy thing and never talk to her again.

>retard starts a frog thread
>turn 180 degress and moonwalk away

t. /cm/ connoisseur

Next time use the private network. He can read this.

why do you guys always lap this bait up

>coworker starts talking about the flying saucers again

>coworkers make economic fallacies
>coworkers start complaining about the rich

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Tremendously based

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>Walk over to co-workers
>"Hey user, did you watch the Mandalorian yet?"
>"Haha yeah I love baby yeed"

You lost frend

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