Andrei Rublev

Opinions on this film?

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Great movie.

it's bretty gud
i like where the naked pagan ladies tempt him

inb4 ADHD fags saying it's boring

Beautiful film. Watch it.

Absolute kino, the pagan religious festival scene is mesmerising

The part that stuck with me most is when they cut the guys eyes out and he stumbles around.

Marketa Lazarova > Andrei Rublev

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I've turned it off three times.

It's a mediocre movie with very basic philosophical questions and themes that gets wanked by the "Patricians" here on Yas Forums? WHy? Because they've not actually watched the vast sea of actual (pretentious and pointless) arthouse films that they cannot even pronounce, but they also don't want to be "Plebs" who still think Scorsese is the pinnacle of cinema. So they figure a film by Tarkovsky, a guy who's unknown to the average schmuck on the street, but still very entry level on the "Cinephile" scale, can still make them pass for "intellectuals".

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One of the greatest films of all time

i think you will feel more comfortable there

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Not one actual criticism


eat shit and die, faggot

I rewatched it again the other day and it might have overtaken Stalker as my favorite Tarkovsky.
The photography is just stunning, and the philosophical monologuing (something where his "artsier" films tend to lose me a bit) is kept to a reasonable amount. Slow, but never feels boring.
I never really understood the significance of the bell-making subplot, but I still enjoy it

it's amazing and arguably my favorite tark flick

so many great parts but the scene where the tartars storm the church is probably my favorite

Scorsese is the pinnacle of cinema though.

there's a screening in a few days of Andrei Rublev in my local theater, should I risk getting coronachan to experience this in theater?

haven't seen it but looks to be kino


I hate graffiti

I'm always caught off-guard by how brutal that sequence is, you have a good hour of beautiful meditative shots then people start getting butchered. Feels so much more "real" than violence in an action movie.

Rublev's conversation with Theophanes after the Tartars have left is one of my favorite parts, when he says he has nothing more to say to mankind.

>movies atheist could never understand
This kind of movie would be banned today.

Malick is still making films though.

How do you not get it? It represents the pursuit of artistry, achievement, and humanity itself. It's the peak and the thesis of the film

No it isn't and no it wouldn't, relax sweaty

based phoneposting zoomer

I got the achievement aspect since he breaks down due to the stress of not knowing whether it would work, but it always felt like a jarring shift since the character comes out of nowhere and Rublev inexplicably becomes a background character in his project.

I'm not phoneposting

watch yourself user!

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The film's segmented nature allows for new characters to pop up. Andrei is not inexplicably a background character, it is well explained that he has taken a vow of silence. He sees in the boy everything that he sees in himself, particularly the self-doubt and the feeling that your best will never be good enough to truly honor god

Elder God Tier
>Andrei Rublev
>The Mirror
Excellent Tier
Good As Fuck Tier
>Ivan's Childhood
Pretty Good Tier
>The Sacrifice

The movie is excellent but the best parts are in the second half. Midsommar and the Bell chapters are the best parts of the film.

>tfw to dumb to understand The Mirror
Good ranking otherwise

Those top three are fucking incredible. Good choices. For me it's
But the latter two I change my mind on often.

>thinking that all movies are meant to be "understood"
pretentious pseud

It builds breh
Are you talking about me or yourself? Lol I think it's either tied for #1 or #2
I feel bad not putting Nostalghia in the same category honestly. I really think it's almost there, and its best moments are incredible, but I stand by my ranking

What did you like about Nostalghia so much?

Pure kino

Only flaw is that sometimes it's hard to follow what's going on, since the characters look similar to each other and a lot has to be inferred. Although I am probably just spoiled from modern films spoon feeding everything to the audience

How old are you and what did you think about the burning cow?

The Mirror should be felt. Don't worry about "understanding" it. It is a collage of memories

I'm 27

>burning cow

I watched the Amazon version of the film which took out the cruelty to animals

How it's shot, several of the sets, the taking the candle across the pool aspect, and the climax

It is time for you to watch the unadulterated version.

I found the characters to look similar too and the plot a bit confusing when i first watched it. I was 16 i think. I have yet to rewatch it. Good film though.

>I never really understood the significance of the bell-making subplot, but I still enjoy it
fake it till' you make it

I really wasn't expecting it to come together at the end like it did, especially because I had no idea Andrei was well-known or what for. it's like he's just some loser and then suddenly you realize you're watching a movie about Titian or something.

atheist here; you just have to love art to understand it.

Tarkovsky's best film, which is no small achievement.

Rewatch it

>rewatch it
Yes, i will. Torrented it today.

It's on Youtube too

Which cut is better ? And did Criterion release a better quality version of the longer cut ?

rublev's paintings are shit tho
compare his works ro sistine chapel

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with poor quality, watch it in 1080 you mental midget

The Russian version that you can find in rutracker

Yes, i know. The quality of the picture is better from torrents though.

One of the greatest films I've seen. Unbeatable. Best Tarkovksy by a large margin. I know many people will disagree, but in my opinion, his obsessions and reccuring themes are best suited for a historical theme such as this.

Switch Solaris and Ivan’s Childhood and this is a solid take.

You are from Ljubljana, right?