Why samurai warriors weren't into women?

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Eating pussy is gay, there's nothing more manlier than making another man submit his primal urges to use his penis and admit he's not as man as you are and only exists to be used by your superior penis.

They won't admit to this, but they are afraid to reveal their small nippon cock. Having a prime Japanese waifu point and laugh would crush their self imposed image of tough, honorable men. So they just pretend they don't like them.

It was considered perverse to sleep around in the olden times.

Why are asians the most gay race?

Because they understood the rules that were there since the beginning of time. You can't care about someone unless you fuck them. So they fucked each other.

blacks are the gayest race. that's why their aids rate is so much higher than anyone else.

all asian women crave white cock it's just science.

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They're incels, that's why they were so mad all the time

People still think samurai were honorable and shit but in reality they were just mercenaries, nothing more nothing less

>when you just want to sleep but user calls you a faggot for not dicking some random waitresses

Fucking geisha thots will please you for a night. Fucking your male attendant in the butt so hard that jealous fags blow themselves up along with their tea kettles will please you forever.

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It's a japanese thing you wouldn't get it

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They preferred boys

If you care too much about women or sexual pleasure you end up becoming a slave to them. Take a look at modern Western man.
What percentage of what they do is in order to please or to impress women? How many of them lose everything because they fell in love with a woman?

And how does that work for Western man? Does that gives them the most glorious, happy life?

they were unironic faggots

>take look at modern Western man
take a look at this thread first

Men (and women too) would empower themselves if they cared less about sex. Our current obsession with it makes us all weaker.

don't watch season 2 of this. it's so terrible. not that this season was spectacular or anything

there is a time and place for everything, the man has business to attend to

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Why there is no triquel? Mifune as an old hobo with a katana would've been awesome.

thats why

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There was Yojimbo vs Zatoichi so there is sort of a third film

Semi-right. Blacks are just more testosterone and instinct-driven, which leads to hyper-aggression and hypersexuality.

Sexual slavery was pretty common in Japan until the end of WW2. Prostitution was legal, and when a family couldnt pay their debts they'd sell their daughter to a brothel. This is also where the comfort women thing came from too.

Volcel masterrace

Semi-right. Blacks are r-selection and have an underdeveloped frontal lobe. If you look at the functions of the frontal lobe then you'll see how much blacks struggle with literally all of them.

>Long term memory
>Impulse control
>Problem solving
>Motor function
>Social and sexual behavior

I'm not entirely sure why, but maybe it has something to do with them being r-selection. Most, if not all, of those functions are long term functions. r-selection animals generally don't live long lives therefore, evolutionary speaking, they'd have no reason to develop a "long term brain".
I'm sure some Communist will be along to tell me I'm wrong, that it's all just pure coincidence, and that all animals evolved different except for humans and the only differences between humans are economic factors.
I'd pity them, but they wouldn't understand it.

Mifune was so ungodly handsome, it's just not fair.

But they'd have no idea how big a cock is supposed to be.

That's a misunderstanding of macroecology- all human races are the same species, differences in behavior and cognition can be attributed to diversity of haplogroups and an understanding of human evolution.
There's plenty of room for scientific racism but don't throw around random theories from high school biology.

But she cute

Would you with those gay ass haircuts?

laying out a woman is dishonorubu and clouds the mind

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Because this is what «women» are

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And Ambush at Blood Pass. Mifune was fairly shameless about milking the "yojimbo" persona.

This is true of most people who fight and kill for money, even today. Sure there are some true believers out there but the guys who join the army to pay for college aren't doing it out of the goodness of their hearts. Samurais had to make ends meet just like anybody else.

why all these samurai movies have bad to average acting? did japan forget to try learning to act

That hairstyle Is pretty ugly

Because you can't fight after cooming.

Because old school japanese women look like aliens.

They are genre films, the acting is usuall on par with the average American western. Sure you have the big prestige pictures by Kurosawa or Kobayashi, but generally if you are watching for great acting, your watching for the wrong reasons.

The whole "Japanese acting" thing is kind of a meme, but I believe they overact in movies as a hold-over from stage acting. Culturally, Japanese people also don't typically convey a lot of emotion in real life, so they have to exaggerate their inflections in movies to get the point across. If people talked in movies how they do in real life, it would be really boring. This is true in cinema from all countries.

That fucker if retarded, don't sugar coat it

>not wanting to fuck an alien

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Let's look at some quality acting from Hollywood youtube.com/watch?v=GX-9wXFQRgA

call it what you want it wont make it any less true.

Not bad considering he's supposed to be absolutely shitfaced.

Premarital sex is disgraceful and disgusting. Fornication should be punishable by death.

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both of them are awful in the scene.

Anime acting lmao

yet it got Oscar for the best acting.

fuck you

there'd be legends of, relatively, huge chinese cocks passed down through the centuries

People always post the scenes where Plainview is at the height of his emotions. In the best scenes, he's just seething.


A bunch of Samurai warriors were women, Tomoe Gozen was a Samurai.

Tomoe Gozen is quasi-mythical. But women certainly fought.

Were they into women?


> woof-woof-woof-woof
Is he playing a Batman villain?

Why are Jap "men" always doing this in shows and anime?

>Samueai preferred to bum each other
>Western culture is based off of the Greeks.
Amazing how similar cultures can be sometimes

In the movie? Samurais raised family's like everyone else

god when will you fucking retards stop repeating this meme. casual sexual relationships between adults were common in heian japan. there were even elaborate codes of conduct people came up with for the exact way to court a nice girl, up to/including the most graceful way to sneak out of her window in the early hours of the morning after smashing the previous night. puritanical cultural mores were imported along with other elements of western culture in the meiji era, and even then they took a while to catch on.

they slayed pussy and then just didn't talk about it

because awkward teenagers are their demographic