What happened to the optimism of the 90s?

What happened to the optimism of the 90s?

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climate change, the war on terror and the policies of George W Bush

Traps and interracial porn robbed an entire generation of normalcy.

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9/11 retard, it literally changed everything

aka screeching leftists have bludgeoned their garbage world fantasy onto everyone else in hopes they can trick small children into voting for their subhuman policy

religion has been abandoned

Millennials were born.

literally republicans but keep voting for them surely things will improve :^)

Religion was a contributing cause to 9/11

Boomers were so optimistic they forgot that 90's will eventually become 00s.

Sure is zoom zooms born after 9/11 in here.

>climate change

Things got exponentially worse under obama though.

the internet
things were still quite optimistic in the early-mid 2000s

Diversity killed it and sjws

There was other side to the 90s

yes, and atta and co were optimistic

Sony entered the consoles market and changed the videogames audience from high IQ nerds to white niggers.

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Greatest thing to come out of the nineties was Eurohouse. 9/11 wasn't really the break off point. First couple of years in the 2000's were still good. It really changed after the 2008 crisis. I'd say 2013-2014 is probably when everything became shit.

late 1990s happened and then the past decade 2010s

unironically based


9/11 fundamentally changed the culture

wow lets play suicide over millenium anxiety movie clips and go for a bafta

the real direction was captured in Bowling Alone. Alienation and loneliness were the course that everything was heading towards. I mean we have kinoplex threads about the horror of even going out and paying money to see a movie in a public setting.

fucking brainless idiot,9/11

>optimism of the 90s?

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An incompetent neocon got elected

absolute hack

Osama Bin Laden

He died in like 1993, even so the 90s were more based and optimistic compared to this last shit decade.


The recession

unironically 9/11

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2011 and the internet going mainstream.

Shit was just as bad it's just the after issues did not break the surface yet. Everything back then was just as bad as it is today, but the economy and social issues were just not yet impacted to the extent they are now.

The people who had reason to be happy and optimistic still are as they are boomers who had money in the 90s and kept the money since then.

America and its people going full retard.
It's also when Europe started hating on America for doing retarded shit.

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i unironically disagree

The intolerant people learned they have all the sway when they are at their most intolerant, that squeaky wheel got the grease. What were they told to be intolerant of? all that makes man strong and virile and a leader in a relationship of his fixed rules.

it was just the past decade really
2000s were still based and fun

Early 2000's.
It all started going to shit around 2005.

yeah i agree user

thought provoking counterpoint.

>What happened
Everything is comfortable but fucking boring. No one maintains regular human contact. And every day we go to bed subconsciously aware the next day is going to be exactly like this one. And the next. It's impossible to be optimistic if you know nothing is going to change, that goes against the definition.

you didn't provide anything to backup the claim
what is there to counter?

>What happened to the optimism of the 90s?

And now we're all going to be permanently disabled or die from the flu. Just when you thought things couldn't get worse.

No, I'll just stay inside. Real life cheat code

2006 was full broadband roll out in the uk
2007 iphone released
2008 was the recession and people realised they have absolutely no job security and will never buy a house and jobs knew people would cling desperately to the ones available a lot of teens didn't get their first job till their 20s and it was part time 0 contract work a 15-16 year old would have had

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>mutts think 9/11 was the turning point
>not the 2007/2008 crisis their poorfag ass caused
You fat retarded fucks lack all self-awareness.

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I feel like 2007-2011 was the most optimistic period for movies, actually. Tons of stupid Will Ferrell shit, Epic Movie, Disaster Movie, etc.
99% of it is cash-grabbing shit.

If only it was that easy.

The age of the NEET has begun.

>41 years old, looks 70
Of course it was meth too

when smartphones were invented that's when it was over. I remember being a kid in the early 2000's and we had those black and white Nokia phones you played Snake on that was still part of Good World. ever since smartphones got big Bad world

I got terminal cancer in 2003 so that’s when everything went to shit

>I got terminal cancer
>in 2003
Sounds like your cancer wasn't that terminal then.

How can you be terminal for 17 years?

Surely it didn't have to do with the US funding terrorist groups to fight the commie boogeyman, amirite?


retard, if american didnt do its global red scare shit you'd have more problems than just china and north korea working with russia