Why is this so popular? Everything about the show is so fucking goofy

Why is this so popular? Everything about the show is so fucking goofy

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I thought it was generally not received very well

dumb nerdos are desperate for fantasy

Cavill is the only redeeming factor. But I agree, it's real fucking goofy. Normies ate it up, though. Even my Mom watched the shit.

I don't know anyone who watched all episodes of this shit IRL. Netflix changed their internal system of counting views so that every stoned welfare nigger who accidentaly watched the intro marathoned the whole season supposedly. Then Kikeflix pretend they made the "new GoT" even though fucking no one even remembers this was made.

Everyone gay for Henry


My dad watched this and thought it was shit

Other than Cavill and some of the fight scenes, i found it disappointing. So many of the actors took me out of the show with their modern jokes and speeches, and it made me miss the Game of Thrones acting.

There was no need to race change the characters, or recap entire episode 1 in episode 7. The show was good, but it could have been better.

The only hope for this series is that they change the writing and direction

They'd need to fire everyone involved with this except Cavill. It's just a disaster on every single level - from writing, acting and directing to costumes, cinematography, CGI etc.

That's what happens when you hire a rabid SJW Twitter activist who doesn't give a fuck about source material as your showrunner. Fuck Netflix.

>Why is this so popular?
It's not. Most people dropped it after the first episode.

Yet it was the most popular show of 2019? It was good, just like S1 of GoT. It will get better, they want the show to focus on Geralt Yennefer and Ciri, thats why they dealt with the timeline bullshit. They are all on the same timeline now, they probably learnt a lot of stuff, it can only go up from here

>It was good, just like S1 of GoT

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You have anything to say, retard?

I absolutely agree, but you should now by now that Yas Forums decided to hate it long before the trailer even dropped. Just because it's not all-white incel fantasy like their precious video games. You won't change their minds, hell I'd bet that some of the haters haven't even seen it.

The Witcher is much bigger than S1 of GoT.

>they want the show to focus on Geralt Yennefer and Ciri
They want the show focus on their terrible Yennefer fanfiction.
>they dealt with the timeline bullshit
They created that bullshit. They didn't need to "deal with it".
>probably learnt a lot of stuff
Like what? Basic storytelling?

>everyone praises the main two actors and nothing else

From what I can tell it's carried on a lack of any real fantasy equivalent to fill the void of GoT and the the performance of a few people. Everything else is trash.

>everyone praises the main two actors and nothing else

Maybe you should pay attention to what normal people say (not alt-right virgins on this site). It's generally beloved.

>and some of the fight scenes
nah even the fight scenes are trash

literally direct-to-TV cheesy Xena: Warrior Princess garbage tier

Attached: geralt_vs_renfri.webm (600x300, 3M)

yeah just like capeshit is loved you dumb sheep

Can you link something that you consider to be a good fighting scene?

>popular means bad

Contrarian edgelord. But even then it makes no sense to compare The Witcher to superhero movies because it's much more complex, mature and darker. Obviosly it's a direct successor to GoT but also an upgrade in many ways.

>Why is this so popular?

It's not. A handful of normies watch it because Game of Thrones is dead and they never read the books. Literally everyone else either doesn't care or is actively rooting for its failure.

>only redeeming factor
The man who can't act for shit?

you sound exactly like Black Panther capeshitters
>complex, mature and darker
lmao what would you say if you saw an actual mature and dark film

>all that fucking spinning

>redditors actually believe this

Sorry but I'm not sure what kind of reply you expect when you produce no arguments. What does Black Panther have to do with this? How is The Witcher not dark and mature?

Wew lad you spend way too much time here
It was very well recieved, in the weeks following the show both the games and books sold higher than ever before thanks to it

It is goofy, the episode with the hunt for the dragon especially gave me major Hercules/Xena vibes. In a good way.

Shitflix filled media with forced memes which helped to promote it.
Also Witcher is one of the most popular series of modern times.
Also USA love "americanized" versions of actuall good products so they ate up this trash just because they could see familiar things like shitty quip dialogs, faggots and minorities

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Your dad sounds like a closet homosexual

Real niggas just read the books and play the games.

This whole scene is basically one big "I'll try spinning, that's a good trick"

>game of reddit viewers and Yas Forums still absolutely SEETHING about its success 3 months later

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Umm wrong and go back.

He based though

At least change your avatar, moron.


Is that why more people were playing tw3 than ever before on steam and every witcher book was topping the sales charts since release?

I am a PC gamer and I don't give a shit about if are the same.

>What does Black Panther have to do with this?
Same exact "let's pretend this hammy acting is serious while we throw quips and jokes and have beyond cheesy """action""" sequences inbetween"
>How is The Witcher not dark and mature?
It's as "dark and mature" as Black Panther. Normalfag casuals think something is serious and "mature" just because it has some characters dying which they don't see in their capeshit flicks and ignore the rest, but if you compare this to any legitimately dark and mature film like Cache or The Hunt this just looks like the cartoon which it is.

It's literally current day Xena: Warrior Princess made for TV schlock.

...and they say that W3 combat is better than the one that was in W1

No, it's because people realized that they were watching an inferior fanfiction.

99% of all TV shows are just garbage for casuals

this is a part of that 99%

It's like Xena, but in slavlands and at night

>this unhealthy amount of COPE and SEETHE

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>nigger and poos everywhere

>Cavill is the only redeeming factor.

he's literally just being grumpy all the time. how is that even acting lmao

Actually, that's pretty accurate picture of a modern slavland


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No it isn't.
Blacks and pajeets are so rare in my country that children point fingers at them when they do see them in public.

>He's just being grumpy all the time

Clint Eastwood, one of the biggest stars in hollywood history, made a career out of doing that.

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I bought the game (W3) after I decided the show is shit but heard again and again how good the games are compared to the show. And yes, the writing in the games and everything else, atmosphere, music, characters, is way better.

I have to assume it's left wing trolls pushing the show with good ratings and reviews.

I don't know any Slavic countries where blacks and browns aren't an unnatural oddity. Gypsies maybe, but they're generally removed from society in their filthy remote settlements.

You've never been to eastern europe.

personally i thought the show was ok. It had and still has potential to be so much better but sadly it won't if they keep the same showrunners and writers.

Anything from The Duellists

Final duel in Rob Roy

^More of an overall good scene which happens to contain sword fighting, which is the approach The Witcher should have taken. Real sword fights were a matter of leverage and over in seconds, it's difficult to choreograph something that doesn't look realistic when the whole premise is fake. It's okay to cut away to hide the fact that realistically each character has a million chances to stab the other. Certainly looks better than having them do a twirl.

>I bought the game (W3) after I decided the show is shit

I only watched the first episode and I found the same as you, except it was a negative for me. Xena and Hercules at least knew they were goofy and low budget and had the decency not to take themselves seriously. The Witcher takes itself 100% seriously and thinks it’s better than it is, and it made watching it painful. It magnified its flaws immensely. I couldn’t work up the will to continue on to the second episode.

>the fights are bad because it’s not realistic
You’re just a retard for watching a fantasy show expecting realism

Charismatic cast

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Yeah, it's not abysmal bad. But I can't help but notice the writers injecting their ideology in every third scene and dialogue. Takes me out every time.