Confirmed coronavirus cases within 25 miles of me

>confirmed coronavirus cases within 25 miles of me
>panic shopping everywhere
>major companies telling employees to stay home
what are some pandemic kinos to help me cope?

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what country

Are there unironically any comfy prepper kinos?

sucks to be a west coaster

It's on the east coast now as well

Purchase the game Pathologic 2 and play that.


I havent seen it but Take Shelter is suppose to be comfy prepper kino.
Kino that takes place in a bunker are "Hidden" and 10 Cloverfield Ln.
I really enjoyed hidden.


>>major companies telling employees to stay home
They couldn’t stop it even when shutting down entire 10 million strong cities.

It’s a pandemic and it’s global and it’s going to run its course. People trying to duck it are retarded. Isolation is useless. Just keep the same protocol you have for a normal flu.

If you isolate you wont get it, why is that useless?

Because the isolation has to be global and multiple weeks long.
A single person coming into the country with the virus can restart the pandemic

I win less than 1 mile from my house. Italy btw

I'm talking about on a personal level, isolating yourself so you don't get infected, riding it out until there's some herd immunity. On a mass scale quarantining cities, banning public gatherings and the like isn't done to stop the pandemic, it's to slow it down, if it's allowed to spread as it likes it'll just mean hospitals, medical staff and national resources come under heavier and heavier stress until they hit breaking point. It's a lot easier to deal with 10 cities hit with the virus over 3 months than 10 cities hit at the same time

Wow its fucking nothing, just like the swine flu scare in the late 00s

carriers will get you in the ocd cleaning mood you'll need to survive

be safe spaghettiman

Here ya go

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Sounds like you're double fucked because being on the west coast you're already an HIV pozzed faggot

I need to look around for stuff. Lysol and other sanitizing sprays and wipes are sold out on amazon everywhere. I looked at Walgreens and rubbing alcohol hand sanitizer and most "antibacterial" cleaning stuff were sold out too. I think that most surface cleaners will do the job, I just gotta look into it. Worst comes to worst I'll sanitize shit with vodka or bleach.

Apparently the university my sister goes to had some infected students. Not sure if I should stay at my university house or go back home.

I'm on the east coast smoothbrain. Idiots traveling to and from NYC are infecting each other on their commutes, spreading it in the city and every city on the way home, from stamford to new haven

Time to finally finish your backlog

Sounds like you're double fucked because being on the east coast you're already an HIV pozzed faggot

If you're infected, you can not expose yourself to others thus not infecting them. If you're not infected, you can not expose yourself to others thus not being infected.

Kek. Oh you

be sure to lick all the door handles when you will inevitable get infected

Are you guys prepped?

dunno why people bought out lysol, not like you can clean yourself with it. rubbing alcohol or high proof drinking alcohol is useful though. you need to expose for like 30 seconds or maybe more depending on virus/bacteria you're trying to kill

okay retard

Going Home is pretty good. It's a book about a survivalist / prepper. It has audiobooks as well. I like to listen to them when I go to the gym.

There's a pill and it's not birth control

Thanks, it's way to large(but that's the plan) , I'm not vengeful plus I'm to yong to die.

I came back from china and "self quarantined"
the downside is my mum works in a hospital and we hug a lot

>2% fatality rate

10% in USA

My brother went to the doctor and said there was a coughing woman in the waiting room. Now Im afraid this idiot brought the virus home.

There's like 160 cases in the entire USA.

Do you realise how magnificently insignificant that number is?

>country full of fat fucks with 3rd world healthcare has a high fatality rate

This number will grow exponentially, that's the problem dumbo, not the virus itself but how fast he spreads.

30% in Washington State

do you know how pandemic works? HIV was introduced to the world by a single individual

>he doesn't know

Let’s plan to meet here in 3 weeks and we can talk about how well this post aged.

You'll probably forget there ever was a "pandemic" , just like the swine flu

There were 160 cases in Italy 2 weeks ago

Okay we’ll see. If you’re wrong will you admit it and apologize to me?

If you are right, then i'll probably be dead and wouldn't be able to take my word back and apologize.

Just make sure to wash your hands more and you'll be fine.
>b-but it's airborne
Don't stand in people's faces so they don't sneeze on you. Airborne doesn't mean it's permanently flying around, it's going to fall to a surface you may touch. You're far, far more likely to get sick by touching an infected surface and then touching vulnerable tissue than you are by stray particles.
Also the masks literally do nothing, except maybe act as a muzzle so you don't touch your face as often.

No, I doubt it will kill everyone in 3 weeks, but I expect the numbers by then will make 160 looks massively insignificant in comparison. But if you’re right and nobody remembers the coronavirus in 3 weeks I’ll apologize to you if I remember.

>Also the masks literally do nothing
Untrue, why is this shit repeated?

Numbers will be about 6000 infected in the US three weeks from now

can coronachan succeed where ebola-chan failed? i want a month off work

Because it's the truth.
99% of the masks people are wearing aren't blocking the actual virus, which is small enough to waltz right through the filters. The same masks don't really seal off your mouth/nose properly anyways, so it'll just slip around.
And again, that mask does jack shit if you end up inadvertantly rubbing your eye or something.

>it isn't 100% perfect therefore it doesn't work
enjoy your airborne aids

The virus is attached to airbourne particles which don't go through the filters. People are wearing n95's which are better than nothing and n99's which will give you very good protection. Even surgical masks will retard the spreading of the virus by infected people. "Masks don't work" is propaganda given to us because the extreme mask shortage has led to hospitals and frontline health workers not being able to get hold of any

lmao italians talk to each others standing 1m apart

Masks are for people who are already sick so they dont spread disease around by coughing and sneezing (ai what Japan has been doing since before this outbreak). Even if you are wearing a mask you can get infected through your eyes or ears. Look at health workers dealing with this they wear not only a mask but something that covers the entire head at least. Tl;dr unless you also plan on walking around with goggles dont bother with the mask.

Eyes are the most absorbing organ in the human body youd have to also wear goggles or a full on gas mask.

So yes masks do work is what you're saying

They always have thy use sign language a lot. I'm in Italy BTW

They don't work if you're *only* wearing a mask, which is what most people are doing.

Two corona cases in a city 30km away from my house.

Still visiting said city every other day because I'm not a fearful little shit. Lmaoing at all those boomers flooding the apothecaries though, hope the virus will off as many as possible.

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I never said you don't need goggles, I was replying to someone who said the virus will pass through the mask's filters and is therefore useless

Lad an office building not 500 yards from me has closed down because of a confirmed case. Stop being such a fucking pussy

>tfw live twenty minutes away from hartsfield-jackson, the most populated airport in the world
boutta fucking die senpai

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Crossing my finger for boomer genocide

Don’t argue with mongs. I gave up explaining to a colleague of mine that anti-bacterial gel doesn’t work on viruses. He’s a PHD.