Is she right? Do men only want good looking douchegirls?

Is she right? Do men only want good looking douchegirls?

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They don't even know femcels like this exist lmao.


Seething foid thinks she'd be a good mother for Chad's children instead of Stacy. Many such cases.

I don't know about most people, I only look for underage nice girls

No men actually look for nice girl with motherly attribute
It's just that we are entranced by beauty and you can get hung up on a crazy hoe because she is as crazy as she is beautiful
Women are the one known for their bad dating choices
Look at the girl in the OP she is talking about a very finite group of men. She isn't even talking about all of those men without three different baby mama (AKA a very few percentage of the general male pop) because she doesn't register the other men, they don't care and don't even exist in her world as anything but commodities

>she doesn't register the other men

ie Yas Forums incels. no wonder they're so bitter

Yes, young men care aesthetics, young women care about aesthetics. This must be a shock to many.

But as people get older, they start caring less about physical appearence and instead look for stability and support.

Pure good girls are boring as shit
They love their family, they don't have problems, they're too submissive, they don't take decisions and its boring to always be the lead to some kind of boring servant girl without a personality that just kind of follows you around.

In my honest opinion it's better to have a sincere girl that will hate things when needed, not love everything and everyone, that's just dumb because I'm a bitter motherfucker myself and I can't just go into some movie and then say "wow that guy deserved to die" while my """good""" girl is all emotional and thinking death is wrong and can't have 2 non normie thoughts together.

>Look at the girl in the OP she is talking about a very finite group of men
You mean Just like incels talking about a very finite group of woman?

I don't choose any girl. I doubt he includes me in the 'you' she typed tho.

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>Pure good girls are boring as shit
They love their family, they don't have problems, they're too submissive, they don't take decisions and its boring to always be the lead to some kind of boring servant girl without a personality that just kind of follows you around.
Having that would be so bad haha

she probably also never leaves her house like me

>No men actually look for nice girl with motherly attribute
Do they not teach you punctuation at all in Anglo schools? You people sound fucking retarded.

I'm sexually aroused by kindness, I think it's a reaction to no girls being nice to me when I was a kid or a teenager. Genuinely makes my dick hard.

You're cute

You're talking about a very few percentages of women
But I agree with you, despite what people would like you to think men don't like women that are too submisive, she still need to have a bit of character and that doesn't mean she have to be a total psycho
I don't really have trouble pulling m8 I'm just sick of the hypocrisy of women being painted as victim while it's generally the gender that has it best.
Women look at the top men and say "see, this is privilege" while disregarding any other type of men that aren't even seen as human

I've only dated borderline girls because I don't understand women and they're the only ones who'll show they're attracted to you

Trust me it's fucking bad when you have a personality yourself. Lots of niggers here fail to understand the FRIEND part in girlfriend, they're supposed to be your best friend as well as your life partner and sex monster, the submissive personality is good in sex only, but in the rest it's kind of super fucking boring.

Again, submissive friends are boring. Submissive girlfriends are worse. Find someone you can have fun with and be all open with your shit. A good girl wouldn't even understand Yas Forums humor. I don't mean that as "wow, just tell her fuck niggers and jannies" but jesus, sometimes I wonder about those Yas Forums fucks who want a religious girl. Imagine how fucking boring that would be man, no way you could talk about anything, she literally believes in magic and good intentions

> You mean Just like incels talking about a very finite group of woman?
Yes exactly.

>No, men actually look for nice girls with motherly attribute
It's better fucking faggot ? I just forgot a coma I'm sure you had trouble understanding me

You have fag opinions and you "super fucking" write like a redditor

You must be a very interesting person

>being friends with a woman

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He's a French ESL or something. I can tell

"Better faggot" than what? This fucking mouth breathing retard cannot even write a retort about his god awful grammar without making another mistake, absolute state of you, lmao.
Keep coping, literally every single Euro I've talked to in text chat had better punctuation than the average Brit/American. Even if their spoken English was god awful.

Enjoy marrying a girl that will pray everynight and read the bible while you post (secretly as she will hate this "bad" racist website) your (obviously anti god) anime pictures.
Whenever she understands you'll go to hell, she'll fuck a religious good man chad next door.

Yeah, I'm actually French. Idk what ESL mean tho.
Didn't want to correct that retard tho, I'm impressed you could tell, what tipped you ?

>Keep coping
Only French people do the space before the question mark thing as seen here
Even retarded English natives wont do that, you're the one coping friend

>the gold medal for mental gymnastics goes to user!

I really don't get you guys. All women are whores but you don't want pure girls. Which is it, what do you want?

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Best of both worlds

the fuck do you mean?

She's projecting women sensibilities onto men.
Men prefer the sane relatively demure girl 95% of the time. Men are not attracted to mental illness, unlike women (see the considerable increase of libido linked to 'dark triad' traits and to criminality). Intelligence in a woman is also positively correlated to being attractive to men, whereas it is not true for the reverse.

>fail to understand the FRIEND part in girlfriend
Women make terrible friends overall. You are influenced by this bizarre choice of words. Your wife is certainly not supposed to be your 'friend' in a way similar to your male bonds. This is a recipe for long term disaster.

You fuck women, you don't make friends with them. If I want friendship I'll go down to the local game store and play board games with nerds.

Women are shit for friends.

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>what do you want?
A real woman for a start

Nice and average guys are invisible to women so they only pay attention to Chads

You are literally the male version of OP pic kek

except for men its actually true.


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Me too user. A warm hug gets me going hard but a twerk does nothing for me. Tbh I think we have to hide our disgusting fetish or not be seen as real men

Men will literally aim for all types of women while women literally pretend 80% of men dont exist.

Whenever i hear a cunt screech about hurr durr guys only go for pretty girl i tell to watch fucking porn because it proves guys are into ALL types of chicks and that the fashion industry is run by faggots

>women are near exclusively attracted to men with dark triad traits (narcissism, psychopath, manipulativeness)
>be surprised when said men want a Stacy partner in crime rather than a functional marriage
Why indeed.

A debt free virgin with no tattoos.


>woman only dates jerks or alphas
>friendzones and rejects all kind and friendly guys
>10 years later she wants to settle down with a beta and wonders where all the good men have gone

Never heard of this phenomenon. Seems like roastie cope

ive recently started being an asshole to women and it really is unbelievable how much more interested they are in you. and i'm just faking it. if i was really an asshole they'd probably be losing their minds over me

it's kind of a shit world

>Is she right?
Nah. She doesn't want just any guy into "nice" girls to choose her, she wants Chad.

A cute girl (male)

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same here
never got anything now ive cracked the code and cant get from hello to fucking within two hours

women fucking disgust me more than before now

Had a similar experience. I'm too far gone into the whole upstanding man thing, so there came a point where I stopped doing it and female interest dropped back to an absolute zero and I'm back to incelism.

Can you imagine if relationships were just a thing that everyone had, and there's no need to think about it or stress over how you look or whether you're wearing the right garments or anything, people just sort of just passively agree to be with each other

Literally 30% of zoomers are virgins, how did things get this bad

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the "nice girl" and the "borderline girl" are exactly the same. If you think you are a nice girl, but you're not a virgin, you're borderline. Whatever the fuck that means.

Borderline as in borderline personality disorder

You know the rules

There are no nice girls, only girls that haven't yet received attention form Chad.
Well, to be fair there have been proven cases of nice girls. Say Saint Catherine. The probability of meeting one is essentially zero though so they don't matter.

I can only respond emotionally to a woman that knows how to reach me emotionally. Naturally manipulative women of a certain level of cunning end up taking the front of the que. I expect it's the same for most other guys. Why should we have sex with women that dont make an emotional connection? Do whore roasties really think all we want is mechanical act of sex?

Not him but you said "mean" instead of "means" in that comment alone. Big giveaway.

That's the motherfucking dream right there, fren

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>but you don't want pure girls.
They don't exist.

>what do you want?
Pure girls. However, what I want is irrelevant because I'm not a chad.

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pallie plus fort

Where do guys throw themselves at plain girls like that, that isn't Tinder?

Men want a remotely mentally stable woman with no bodily modifications that won't bust his balls over retarded shit

Could you imagine if these relationships were something you draw strength from instead of something you exhaust strength on?
Now that would be quite funny, wouldn't it?
>mfw made the mistake of disclosing feelings to a girl that didn't fit the 24/7 stoic Chad
>she unironically called it 'emotional labour' later that week

They want pure girls who will be a whore for them and only them.
They hold women to these ridiculous standards they themselves don't live up to.

You literally have a feminine cumbrain

>>she unironically called it 'emotional labour' later that week

that's a popular female buzzword at the minute
as far as i can tell it means "i found out that men have feelings too and aren't just large, inanimate bags of money and shelter"

Sooo much problematic crap in this thread. I will be showing it to my coven of witches and we will go over all the toxic male posts together.

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Yes men want to have sex (they are pumped by 20x more test which is the main driver of libido) and don't want to be cucks.
Truly insane demands. As shown here it's obviously men that have unrealistic standards.

Literally everywhere.

Bet any money that these 'femcels' have had sex and relationships before