
Star Trek Edition


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homely, heavy

>Soji has violent outbursts
>Somehow this isn't a red flag for abusive behaviors

>"initiate anti-cloaking scans"
Is this the new "sonar in space"?

These are the pillars of Star Trek:

I still hate this

So I'm looking into getting into old Trek. Tried watching first seasons of DS9 and TNG. The former was annoying with Bajorans acting like hot shit, despite being bailed out for free by the Feds, while the latter was a bit of a bore. However, I've heard that TOS is somewhat more adventure centric, is it true?

DS9 and TNG pick up a lot in later seasons.

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TOS has the best first season of any Star Trek series, but if even 90s Trek filtered you I don't know if you'd like 60s Trek

Fuck off tripfag

Maybe Star Trek Picard is more your style?

TNG gets better in the 3 season. Deep Throat 69 I shit throughout

Nah. They don't want to confused people by saying 'engage tachyon detection grid' or 'activate antiproton beam`. Remember, this isn't Star-Trek and the fans aren't sci-fi fans. They don't want to feel dumb by not knowing what tachyon's are, or antiproton beams are. So generic 'anti-cloaking scan' covers all bases.

TNG had a rough couple of first seasons. Audiences didn't respond well to it at the time. It picks up after season 3.

If you got filtered by fucking DS9 and TNG, then TOS is gonna make you cry.

Pray tell, user, what are tachyon's or antiproton beams

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i kinda prefer the "boring" episodes of tng they always linger a few days with me


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those cope eyes topkek ayy lmao

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Watch TNG starting from the Second Season.

Troi is a commander?

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Are a theoretical faster-that-light particle, which when it hits something will give you a 'response'. It doesn't exist IRL. Antiproton is the antiparticle of protons. That's it. But don't act smug, people didn't need to know what they were in TNG or whatever, they just knew what it was related to and how it worked.

In later series of TNG yes, she passes the Commander's exam but she isn't called Commander and it is never brought up again.

Yes? It's been years since we last saw her so it's pretty natural.

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First season of DS9 is not the best, but I liked it. It gets way better after season 3 thought.
Yes the Bajorans are idiots, but that's what happens to poor people.
My recommendation is to skip the boring episodes of TNG , watch the essential ones and once you are halfway into season 2 people usually get hooked.
Just Google for a guide on which episodes to watch of TNG.


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>Riker: "Pizza. Tomato and basil. FROM OUR GARDEN"
That ADR, holy shit.

The call that made O'Brien divorce Keiko

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>Just Google for a guide on which episodes to watch of TNG.
de guide tell me wat is guud

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>Tried watching first seasons
All Trek have a rough couple of seasons at the start.
Riker gets the beard. Sisko shaves his head. Things kick into gear. ENT figured out what they were doing about a season before they were cancelled.

You gotta stick with it.

>tfw no Red Dwarf/Trek crossover

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the less tongue n cheek episodes wherd stakes matter but lives arent necessarily in peril activate my almonds because theyre all based around potentially real poltical disputes and a lot are relevant today, even tho its sci fi with aliens.
I just like how cozy picard is taking control of situations while being open to new ideas and prefering pacifism before using weapons as a first resort even for things that are arguably terrible for human life

Red Dwarf wasn't as popular as Doctor Who; which did have a cross over with Star Trek.

with this episode Picard went from okay show to good show


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Actually, Star Trek was always political.

Did it?

Dr. Who is for fags, what a waste

the episode with picard and wesley stuck on a deserted moon hit me in the heartstrings too
"the adventure isnt close to ending, for you its only beginning"

>he fell for the "early TNG is bad" pleb filter
>he fell for the "most of ENT is bad" meme

I used to appreciate that OBrien is basically the only functional human being in Trek. A wife and a kid and they stick together through two shows.
But their chemistry really was garbage from the get go.
As far as romance goes even Data had more passionate relationships.

Go and be outside. No phone or tablet and think about your life.

They’re rough. Unpolished. Haven’t found their stride.
I didn’t say bad or that he should skip it. So fuck you friendo.

Yes. No TV show tho. That won't happen.

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hes a depressed/stoic scot and his wife is a soulless asian no shit theres no romance.
they still love eachother though its clear.

they could throw rocks out of a window and see which ones bounce off a cloaked ship.

I think STP is finally stepping into its truth.

I feel sorry for you. Your entire existence is based on nothing but contrarianism.

The more I think about the show the dumber everything gets

hugh has enhanced reflexes and possibly the ability to regenerate thanks to his nanoprobes and implants right?

and they killed riker's kid just to bring in another synth ban bad thing?

>OBrien is basically the only functional human being in Trek.

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those polite Founder servant cucks in a nutshell

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In a shittty comic

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Rumors say that the two actors hated each other.

If Bashir is a genetically engineered superhuman; do you think his penis is big?

>not the TNG one

He's Irish retard

super cybernetics doctor doesn't even consider for a moment that they were lying to her and that she should totally kill her husband because maybe something bad will happen due to AI?


>Soji and Riker's daughter only met 10 minutes ago
>they're already best friends
What's next? They're lesbians?
This show is like a [current year] Marvel comic.

what trek youtube channels do you watch?
I watch things you missed from ScreenCrush and Steve Shives but he grinds my gears sometimes

What happened to the Dominion in the Gamma Quadrant after the invasion of the Alpha Quadrant?

lore reloaded and certifiably...something

Why did the writers want Dax to fuck Worf so much

who's the pleb?

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Hey guys I've got a question.
I vaugley remember it being mentioned there being a species that were sort of "cousins" of the Klingons (or maybe another species?)
They both had cranial ridges, does anyone remember which species this was? Or am I misremembering?

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>What's next? They're lesbians?
god I hope so

She's promoted from Lt Commander to full Commander in season seven.

There's an entire episode about it.

Major Grin/Nitpicking Nerd (same person)

>O'Brien and Kira actually do want to fuck each other


Pretty white girl getting KLINGONED is hot

>Quark cucks Worf
>O'Brien nearly cucks Keiko
>Worf cucks Julian

I guess I've skipped that episode. I usually avoid the Wheaton or Troi episodes.

Don't blame you, really.


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>head twitch she does this ep

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>it counts

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No. No relation to any other species.

get fucked, faggot.

>these are the people arguing with you on /trek/

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Why not? Too corny?
Judging by the trailers and stuff in these threads, Picard went full grimdark, and I get enough of that from Warhammer already. Thanks.
Thanks, I guess
How come?
You may well be right, just trying to get hooked, you know?
Will I need prior knowledge?
Will do
If you say so, user

>Deanna tells Picard he has no idea about a simulated life like Soji's
Meanwhile, in one of the best episodes of TNG...

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>Riker is talking and Picard randomly picks up a bottle of wine
I don't know why but it feels like if Stewart was bored and said "you know what? I'm gonna drink some wine now. Carry on".

I've watched TNG several times, now I watch the episodes based on the synopsis.

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Mass replying is frowned upon.

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>they killed riker's kid

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