Hey, look, you've got the wrong idea...

Hey, look, you've got the wrong idea. My client is a poor victim of cancer who wants to spend his last years helping people and you're accusing him of this, what...murder? That's insane, I don't know how you people live with yourselves! Even by your own evidence it's clear that these people died due to their own choices, is it my client's fault that they chose death over whatever alternatives there were? I think not. So I find myself asking: who could somehow conjure up evidence for actual intent to murder? I see none. Zero. Nada. Your "murder" charge is nothing more than a simple kidnapping with maybe, MAYBE manslaughter by inaction and even then, they were free to leave at any time.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Is this show good or bad? I've not seen Breaking Bad since it ended.

I want kino like Mad Men and I'm scared I'll never get it back.

I honestly enjoyed BCS more than breaking bad, Jimmy's more chaotic neutral

Saulposting is actually decent, go on


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Now look, my client was under the influence of the dark side of some old decrepit wizard guy. Do you think this was some normal tuesday for Anakin Skywalker? No way, no how. No, what really happened is my client, poor Anakin here, while clearly out of his mind and under the influence of some extra-dimensional force mumbo-jumbo, was ATTACKED by these crazed little youngsters.

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It’s really good but be prepared for a slow burn

My client would like to plea guilty for a lighter sentence.

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First season was Nothing Happens: The Show

Not sure if it picks up after that or not


First season was cringy but it gets better. Has one of my favorite scenes I've ever seen in season 4 and in general the rest is just good. I think as a whole the show is better than Breaking Bad, but it hasn't had anything that tops season 5 of Breaking Bad

BCS is only entertaining for people who have no clue about the law and thinks shit in the show would hold up im court.

Literally 2% of the show has anything to do with the actual law

>Breaking Bad is only entertaining for people who have no clue about chemistry and thinks shit in the show would hold up in a lab

based retard

Ignore everyone that says the show is bad or HURR DURR NOTHING HAPPENS LMAO.

The show is without a doubt kino and unironically intelligent. It's what finally takes television as an artistic medium out of the dumpster.

Yes yes I know that sounds like the cringey rick and morty mentality. But this time it's true! I'm happy to tell other people IRL that I watch Better Call Saul, because I enjoy seeing their reaction. I enjoy their cringe.

its good but the threads about it are absolutely horrible


Not So many people on this site spam horrible memes about LOL NOTHING HAPPENS ON THIS SHOW. Can't even discuss any of the show's symbolism without threads getting shit on.

It's so annoying. It's obvious that the show is too slow paced and intelligent for their explosions-only mentality.


Honestly after Mr Robot kino ended I've had nothing to watch until BCS started again, but now i'm thinking, what unironically fantastic shows have come out in the past few years? I feel like each year there's more shows produced but I keep getting intrigued by less.

True Detective, The Leftovers, Barry

BCS features next to no scenes about the law.
Filtered /hard/

Leftovers is easily one of my fave shows of all time and so is True Detective season 1, never watched Barry though, but it does look interesting so thanks.

>kino like Mad Men
hmmmmm mad men was good since it is ful of sex and roasties like this. BCS is kino accodring to my fellow redditors. onions men love strong silent types and slow burning drama. I think a woman like you will not like this. stick to mad men and young and the restless.

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>What do women want?
>Who cares?
BCS starts off with Saul being a total simp.
And it'll end with a roastie walking through the door.

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trips of truth, we're a saulposting board now

There's very few scenes actually about lawyering

And the few scenes where it happens are actually relatively accurate

>season 5 of Breaking Bad
BB went to shit after S2

>Whoa, okay, first of all, ever heard the term "invasion of privacy"? And hey there, let's slow down, "rape" is a very strong word. If you ask me, Vegeta seems like he's enjoying it! Who are we to make judgments about what two consenting adults do in the privacy of their own, uh, well I mean they're not breaking any laws here. My client was simply having some consensual fun.

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BCS is unironically way better than BB, thing is it's an increadibly slow burn about Jimmy's soul decaying episode by episode, and they often show this decay/change by making people do really mundane shit, so people say that "nothing happens" but that's not entirely true because while doing the mundane shit they're also showing exactly what type of person they are by the way they deal with mundane shit.

in other words, BB is a show about characters but mixed in with crime drama, BCS is entirely focused on characters

Sure, except sometimes nothing fucking happens

Latest episode with a whole minute and a half of ice cream getting eaten by ants? Sure, fuck it you can do the whole MUH SYMBOLISM there

But in the earlier season where they spent FIVE WHOLE FUCKING MINUTES showing the meth being smuggled in? That was bullshit. It didn't advance any characterization. It didn't teach us anything we didn't already know. It didn't even have the MUH SYMBOLISM excuse going for it.
It was five fucking minutes of completely irrelevant filler.

The show could be 22 minutes each episode and still easily accomplish everything it's been trying to do.

This season has actually been a lot better in terms of pacing though, feels like it's actually earning those 45 minutes per episode

grasias doctor

>At the end of the day, do you really want to convict a doctor for the "crime" of providing his patients with their daily dose?

based thread. have a bump on me lads.
the crime drama really ramps up from s3 onwards, it's been more engaging than BB due to all the players being given the spotlight rather than just Walt vs The World

this show seems kinda cringe so far

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Wtf watched that kino yesterday

The direction and cinematography is great for TV. The storytelling is average

unironically a based retard

It’s good, though it peaked in season 3 imo. Season 4 and 5 thus far haven’t had the same spark as 1 through 3.

I liked the first episode of Season 5, but I have no clue why they spent so much time on Gus' lab

The Jimmy stuff is all great even if it can be the slowest of slow burns to watch him reach a point where he's Saul.
The Mike stuff I can take or leave. When it started to develop more as a prequel to Breaking Bad fully with the introduction of Gus and the cartel, I feel it often lost focus on what the show was supposed to be about. I think it's in a good place now though.



thanks doc

The Mike stuff has been good until this season. They don't know what to do with him anymore.

Are you unable to sit and watch something for an extended amount of time without having to scream "EEEGHHH CRINGE, CRINGE!" at random shit? Christ, I hate zoomers. Get some pills for your ADHD you little snotty cunt.


Should've made the stairs military grade

He kidnaps and tortures, those are crimes against humanity and thus won't prescribe under the guise of "terminal illness".

Only people with lesser experience with cinema and television dislike Michael Slovi's amazing work in Better Call Saul and Breaking Bad.

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It’s good when it’s not trying to be Breaking Bad

The idea to have dual storylines functioning with Jimmy and Mike, showing how they both got involved in the scene at the same time seemed like a bad idea.
Jimmy going from a well-meaning public defender with a sleazy past to an outright 'criminal' lawyer in the same space of time as Mike going from a former beat cop to overseeing a lot of Fring's operation just makes the Mike plot seem cartoonish.

Terrible. The only notable scene anyone remembers is the chimpanzee with the machine gun rant

Now before you go accusing my client of murder, let's get some of the facts straight. My client never killed anyone. He simply put them in, uh, semi-risky situations as a sort of social experiment. The failures from those experiments are all the faults of his victi- test subjects. I mean, when you really think about it your honor, 30 seconds is more than enough time to peel off all the skin from your back and turn out some car keys. Plus, and let's be honest, these guys were a bunch of skin heads! I dunno bout you, but I'm sure as hell not too sad a couple of brown-shirts aren't walking around anymore.

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Its nothing like it its shit

Why don't you have ADHD pills yet?

Its bad. The only 'positive' thing about it is that it's slow that's it. Redditors who praise it equate slow pacing with good film making, yes are this retarded and ignorant.
BCS fans are heavily insecure about their 'taste' so they force themselves to watch uneventful shit in order to feel 'not like the normies'. In their minds smart people enjoy slow bleak shit where nothing happens.

Not everyone has the attention span of a severely traumatized downie, some of us like to enjoy a story unravel slowly.
Feel free to go back to your capeshit threads anytime.

Yeah you are friggin superior for watching slow shit, stop posting kid.

And you're supposedly superior because you consume nothing but action packed garbage?
You're probably the type of retards who unironically enjoys movies by J. J. Abrams.