Movie equivalent of this?

Movie equivalent of this?

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Do Americans really?

Tipping is for retards who allow themselves to be brainwashed by society.

>expecting a tip at all
why are americunts like this

Waiting 2005.

Because burgers pay their service workers literal a slave wage rate and put the compensation onto their customers.

apparently because in some states "tipped" jobs have a much lower minimum wage

This, paying for things? Fuck that I'm redpilled and I steal shit das right, don't let be brainwashed into (((paying)))

damn wtf is wrong with non americans

>literal a slave wage rate
based retard

that's not my problem

if this dyke want's a bigger paycheck she should get a better job

>thread is about tipping
>moving the goalpost into paying in order to strawman
I'm onto your tricks mutt.

Americans... Why do you?

>I wrote down their order, carried out some plates and refilled some water glasses, I deserve to be paid an extra $13 an hour for this.

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Do Americans really see tipping as an obligation?

Your problem is that you're a fag

The thing is that in a lot of states, waiters are paid way below minimum wage because it's expected they'll make their income in tips. It's literally on the customer to pay the waiter's salary directly

It is seen so socially because restaurants are allowed to underpay wait staff for some reason.

Okay wait staff fucks, explain this to me.

A $65 meal? Okay, so, MAYBE at most like four people eating at Olive Garden or something. So she took their orders, brought their fucking food and breadsticks out, maybe refilled their drinks once or twice.

That wait staff MIGHT have done spent ten minutes doing stuff for that table at worst. And that’s a very conservative estimate.

So how the fuck is a five dollar tip for that not acceptable? Five bucks for five or ten minutes work is perfectly reasonable. Why is it supposed to go by some retarded math?

I tip if they're good but if they want a guaranteed income maybe they should just fucking get a better job

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Yeah, but it doesn’t take a fucking hour to wait on one table. So why the fuck do wait staff think they should get a tip that’s WELL above what most people make in an actual hour?

That’s the shit that makes no sense to me.

Yes because jobs that get tips don’t have to be minimum wage and thus aren’t.

And the restaurants have a duty to pay the waiters the difference if they don't get enough tips.

If you don't tip, they spit in your food and mess with it next time.

Are you sure you want to risk it?

Maybe if I got tips i could, how about you help your fellow man instead of being a cock sucking fuck face for once.

Maybe if you all stopped paying tips, they'd make it less stupid.

Then who the fuck is going to do the job retard?

black "people"

>>but it doesn’t take a fucking hour to wait on one table
t. never waited on tables

Waitresses make more with tips. If a server makes less than standard minimum wage after working her hours plus tip, the restaurant has to pay the difference.

They don’t moron.

Fucking niggers holy shit. Any news on if they got in trouble or not?

>rubs her hands at the end

He said one table.

You're probably doing less than 10 minutes of actual customer interaction on most tables.


wanna know how I know you've never worked in a restaurant?

As I said I tip if they're good. Are you telling me you're not good at your fucking job user? Suck a dick. If you want to get paid more do an exemplary job or get a different fucking job you absolute fucking mong.

I mean if it’s a party of 12 or something?

But it doesn’t fucking take an hour to wait on one table with 2-4 people. It doesn’t even take ten minutes.

Would you prefer they interrupt your meal then? Seeing as you’re severely autistic I doubt you would like that.

Fuck my fellow man. What has that faggot ever done for me?

technically the restaurants would make up the shortfall if there was really a problem finding staff. having this much of a portion of their wage costs passed onto the consumer seems like hot bullshit to me.

I think it's flattering you think I don't work in a restaurant right now.

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>paid more
They get paid less because they can be tipped mr cognitive dissonance

Okay fuckstick, tell us what your lazy ass is doing the other 55 minutes. Because I’ve NEVER had a waiter spend more than five minutes at our actual table.

>give me free money, and maybe I'll get a better job

They do, idiot

you dont have any idea what you're talking about

that logic is more than childish but you should already know that. I went to university to get a good job. why are people with gastronomy backgrounds always so entitled? obviously, employers should pay more. why the fuck would you expect from customers to additionally contribute to your salary though? do you pay every single one of your service providers additionally to the regular price? of course not. therefore, it should also not be expected to pay more tips, especially if you're shit at your job

>why don't I get paid so I can get a better job?
how the hell do you know that the person who paid you 2 dollars in tip doesn't have a worse job than you, you moron?

Again, tell us what you’re doing the other 55 minutes then asshole. Because no waiter has ever spent more than five minutes at our actual table.

It's anti Semitic to expect business owners to pay employees. We all need to chip in

Then report the restaurants. It's law in the US for them to pay the difference if waiters and waitresses don't get at least minimum wage from the tips they make. Unless you believe that being waiting staff is too good for minimum wage?

What are you even trying to say you retard? I said I tip more if they do a good job. Do you have trouble with your reading comprehension? Maybe this is why you get shitty tips -- because you're a fucking retard and you don't understand what people are telling you

Yeah there's a lot of talk about eliminating this rule and just having waiters paid a normal salary like any other worker, and eliminating tips. I think some states have done it already. The thing is, it just results in higher prices for the actual food items on the menu. The customer is still the source of income for the restaurant, so in a way you're paying the waiter either way, it would just get rid of the weird "pay what you want" aspect of tipping.

So if you tend to be a shitty tipper, this would mean you pay more per meal overall at the end of the day

They have limited tables and the longer you stay the less revenue they make. Like I said you dont know anything about then food industry.

I will never understand why people tip the person that just takes the order over the person that cooks the food. Its retarded. I'd happily tip the cook over some random thot with a notepad. Hell they don't do anything a digital tablet sitting at the table could not do better and faster.

Again, this is a discussion about tipping in America, legally they can get fucked and even get their tips taken dependant on the state. It’s a nation attempting to have Anglo laws but with continental genetics; failure is destined.

The cook gets paid by the restaurant. The waiter does not. The tip is not a supplement to their wage, it is their wage

There's more to being a waiter/waitress than going to the table retard.

kill yourself you pathetic creature
someone who won't complain as much, faggot

How can a tablet bring the food to you? Are you dumb?

That's by design moron. You dont want a waiter hovering at the table. They still have to keep an eye on things and take care of other people at the same time. Go be a retard elsewhere.

>it just results in higher prices for the actual food items on the menu
Okay. Since you're going to be paying that extra money regardless, you may as well just do that.

You, as a diner, have an obligation to pay us tips. We're not being nice to you just because. You enter into a non-verbal agreement when you go out to my restaurant. And if you break that agreement or don't pay your fair share, you're an asshole.

>black is beautiful

all boomers deserve to die

t. zoomer waiter who got a $1 tip on a $80 meal

as an aside, are there proportionally more restaurants in the US since their wage bills are effectively subsidised?

Yes, I think the same

That's literally not true though.

AGAIN, for like the third time, since we’re all so ignorant of you poor oppressed wait staff fucks, tell us what you’re doing the other 55 minutes that you’re not at our table?

Because if you deserve a tip that’s like twice the minimum wage most people get for an hour, you must be working for us that whole time, right?

>t. Chink
Stop eating wild animals you fucking retards, livestock is a thing you dumb mutts.

I tip based on how hot the waitress is and no other factor. Gotta reward that eye candy

>write down order
>put order into computer
>wait for Pablo and Manuel to actually prepare the food
>bother the bartender to prepare drinks for your table while you fill what can be done at the soda fountain
>bring out drinks
>either tend to other tables or go to the back and fuck around on your phone while a bunch of other people are working on food for your table

Your job is literally smile and hope that's enough to fend off automation like the grocery store clerks are facing.

It’s funny because a lot of chains (chili’s, Applebee’s, ect) are moving to those tablets on the table. It’s sad when a waitress has to explain to you how you’ll be using the machine that’s replacing her.

>against tipping
>against increasing service worker wages
The absolute state of retarded entitled fat fuck burgers itt. kill yourselves.

And I'm supposed to pay them over the restaurant why? Their job is nothing.

I can get it myself if they can't spare some gopher. The point is their job is useless.

It literally is true, I'm not gonna bother repeating the same information that's already been explained several times ITT

>I do ten minutes of actual work
>I expect a tip higher than most people make in an hour

That’s what I thought. Get fucked, asshole.

You get the minimum wage no matter what, even if nobody ever tipped you again. If you're not satisfied with it then get a better job with a higher salary.

maybe you would be better off going to golden corral where you can get your own food and there is no waitstaff

Why not just make it a verbal agreement, and stop playing ridiculous mind games with people. Print the real price on the menu.


I've been working at restaurants since I was 16; bussing, waiting, and cleaning for the first 8 years, and prep and cook for the last 2.

I cannot begin to express just how gratuitous tipping is. That whole "we get paid less than minimum wage" line is bullshit, and they know it. I made 10 bucks an hour, and then my state's law changed, so I began to make 10.50 an hour. On top of that, I've been waiting for so long that I knew what the fuck I had to do, and I had already pretty good people skills, so doing my job well wasn't too difficult.

Getting tipped a lot felt good, but it was completely fucking unnecessary. I would sometimes bring home 200 bucks in cash a night on Fridays and Saturdays. I was definitely not starving or wanting for none.

Chefs and prep on the other hand? We don't see the majority of those tips, and we work our asses off harder than the actual waiters themselves. "Boo hoo, but we have to deal with le ebin customers".

Laughing my fucking A' O'. It's not that bad. Literally don't enter a job that revolves around people skills then.

like I said you've never worked in the food industry ever

>I don't get paid as much as I might like, therefore I don't get paid
That's stupid.

OR... or get this... You could be okay with getting a three or four dollar tip for the five minutes of actual work you did like most people get for that amount of work.

when i enter a restaurant, it is my goal, nay, my duty, to make each and every employees life a living hell

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I had no idea but I'm not surprised at all.

Based chauvinist

i thought about it and whats the point of tipping if you never plan on going back? just pay and leave before anyone notices

Hi, I'm a burger and I have no employees, so I need you to change this post to reflect that you're full of shit.

women are entitled as fuck

>yeah we were here for an hr and a half taking up a table in your section but I'm only paying you for 10 min

As said here it is a good idea for restaurants to just pay their service workers a normal wage instead of expecting the customer to do it, but overall that will not actually save you any money as a customer as the difference will basically just be added to the menu prices. As you seem like the type of person who probably tips low, this would probably mean you'd pay more for your meals than you do now

It speaks to the social retardation of autistic people that they think disrespecting the people who serve you food that they handle out of sight is a good idea.

hope you enjoy your food taking forever and probably being incorrect if you return to that restaurant :^)

>taking up a table
You sound like customers are a nuisance to you. Maybe the service industry isn't right for you

I can't wait until automation makes it that waiting staff are out of a job. At least the machines won't be so entitled.

>being a burger mutt

But the tipping comes at the end. How will they know to fuck with your food if they don’t know how you’re going to tip?

Unless you only have like three tables and none of them tip, that argument doesn’t fly. You’re still making well above minimum wage.

You guys are just greedy entitled fucks. Nobody should be tipping more than five bucks unless they were just literally running your ass off.

sorry if the vocabulary I use bothers you


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t. pathetic 500 lbs freak who gives half his paycheck to waitresses

But that's illegal and they would get in a lot of trouble. You're actually retarded for thinking they can't both take your money and spit in your food

>you owe me more money, that was never verbally agreed to, and if you don't give it me, it's disrespect
How does any of this make sense?

t. never worked in a restaurant
It's ok you dont know anything.

They hold grudges and gossip, if you’re a one time yuppie tourist go nuts though.

Apology accepted but I still think you're not getting my point

You get tipped after the meal. Either way your implication just proves that their job needs to be phased out in modern times.


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I dont care about your point.

Waiting tables is hospitality not the food industry fucking pretender cunt.

quick rundown?

It took way too long for someone to post Mr. Pink

>(((not tipping)))

I pity you. Good luck with your life

Still waiting to here what you’re doing FOR ME those other 55 minutes you’re not at my table that entitles you to a twenty fucking dollar tip.

Funny you keep avoiding that. It’s almost like you weren’t doing anything else for me during that time.

lol cope

The truth is she only got tipped $5 because she's a 6/10

>young woman complaining about getting little tips
If you believe this for a second you're a goddamn fool.

Heh here's a fuckin hollow tip for you instead sweaty
*Blows your dome to peace's*

It doesn’t but if you don’t tip the staff won’t like you since you’re the personification of their lost income. If you think your spergy principles will protect you from spit in your food you’re probably the type of moron that argues with cops.

I normally tip at least 20%, at least. I normally round up to the next dollar. Or more if the waitress earned it.
However, I have left no tip a couple times for exceptionally bad waitresses. Which brings me to the whole business of posting poor tippers receipts online. You’re only getting the servers side of the story. What is they were being an asshole the whole time? Zoomers aren’t as good at hiding their sarcasm and seethe as they think they are.

posting in a simp thread