What's some grimy 70s/80s New York kino?

What's some grimy 70s/80s New York kino?

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Jacob's Ladder

new york ripper

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god i wish i was alive back then. such a kino time.

watch Death Wish 1 if you haven't

The warriors
Escape from new work
that thriller about a cop killing gay guys

Nah it would've sucked

The French Connection is top tier.


Is this taken in Sweden or something? These girls don't look like modern americans.


Some tech wouldn't be available but for an average pleb it was a better time.

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you would've been locked up in an asylum for being and antisocial weirdo


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Kino of the highest order

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Batteries not Included
When Harry Met Sally
Turk 182
Wild Thing
Cat's Eyes
The Warriors
Taxi Driver
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Fantastic Beasts 1
Home Alone 2
Igby Goes Down
King Kong
Godzilla w Matthew Broderick and Jean Reno

Midnight Cowboy

Is this a set. Or was it the way subways looked in NYC?

Nah, Yas Forums was basically every street corner where bored kids used to hang out. Weirdos were our heroes.

Taxi Driver
Panic in Needle Park
Beat Street

Imagine the bushes



Liked this one





Yeah it really was that shitty. NYC was a festering shithole in the 80s and early 90s.

you would just be the "slow retard" back then


True kino. I could kill the man who started the fucking shitheaded trend that females should shave their pussies. (and pits)

But why. Is it because of the negroes?


it's still a shithole. new york sucks

that's from the late 70's. by the mid 80's they looked way worse.


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Escape from new york

Based bush posters

Fort Apache, The Bronx

My answer

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some parts anyway

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The Deuce

friend asking for some bush kino recs

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Reminds me of Brazil lmao. Hate how hipsters glorify a shitty era just because "muh authenticity"

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aren't they WAY too old for being highschoolers?

Style wars is absolute kino documentary about graffiti and hip hop in NYC. The best part is it was made in 1983 as hip hop was starting to blow up so it's a great insight into the culture as it was happening

Lots and lots of gritty NYC street kids and footage. I recommend it to people who dont even like hip hop and they love it


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More 60s but Serpico is great

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probably old whores in little girl fetish costumes

The Equalizer

The original tv show, not the recent movies.

NY is a grimy dump.

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Why can’t any new movies properly capture this aesthetic

Unironically yes.

Giuliani and then Bloomberg cleaned up the city by using fascist-tier police tactics against the black community, but nobody can bring themselves to admit that it worked.

Serpico is fucking kino

>Godzilla w Matthew Broderick and Jean Reno
Reminder Broderick got away clean after killing two people in a drunk driving incident. Scumbag Jewish elite.

The Warriors did.

The Driller Killer

What are some films about losers?

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How's the reading comprehension, champ?

Your biopic.

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