What is the movie equivelant of the bell curve?

What is the movie equivelant of the bell curve?

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you're mom lol


If I'm doing an assignment about inequality in education and use this book as reference material will I be kicked out of university?

menace 2 society, boyz in da hood, colors, etc

The Room

Unlikely, but you should expect a bad grade if you aren't bashing it.

>up in them treeees

>will I be kicked out of university?
you could use Mein Kampf as reference material and would only get a bad grade if it doesn't make sense in the context you're using it you retard

>tfw my IQ is right there at the highest point in pink
stay jelly brainlets

lol fag


greatest story never told

dude, my IQ is the 'H' from the fucking title. keep eating glue you fucking retard

You’ll make your professor cry

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the methodology of the bell curve is shit, so It'll propably just make him laugh if he isn't a retard

tested 155 on WAIS-IV and diagnosed with bipolar in 2018, AMA.

the x-axis is IQ, brainlet. highest point or lowest point makes no difference if the y-axis is percentage of population.

same idiot who thinks y-axis is measure of IQ

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is that the guy from peep show or do all the brits look the same?

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lmao, no it's tim roth. i do get a lot of other people mixed up with the peep show guy though.

what a fucking retard. your IQ is close to a zero on the y-axis

I scored 80 on my test out of 100 thats good right?

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>whites hate blacks for being low IQ
>white also hate asians and indians even though they're high IQ

>white also hate asians and indians even though they're high IQ
b-but whites are more creative and shit, so we still the best!!

Remember when Shaun tried to "debunk" this book and althype made videos refuting Shaun and Shaun cried hard and privated his videos lmao?

>t. Shaun

a) Indians aren't high IQ, the Indian migrants are and their are a very specific, small subsection of Indian society.
b) Just because different groups are high IQ doesn't mean they have the same goals or interests. Quite the opposite actually. Japanese and Chinese are very high IQ but hate each-other.

its almost as if every race is generally racist against the others

Jay Gould, pls.

>privated his videos
also stop promoting your retarded youtube blog. no one cares about this shit anymore

whom the fuck is shaun

some cringe lefty youtuber with an annoying voice who makes the fans of cringe right wing youtubers seeth because he checks the sources on some of their retarded claims, and makes one hour reply videos to some 20 minute another brainlet shat out

I remember

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Congratulations on baiting all the real mediocre iq retards with your sick bait

This. Basically the most intelligent scene in the history of cinema

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the world doesn't revolve around your retarded e-celebs. no one takes this book seriously except for brainlets

If it's about IQ inequalities its relevant but if it's about opportunity inequalities and how some nieghborhoods just have shitty schools and you're pretty much doomed unless your parents are rich enough to get you into a better school, then no it's not really useful. You could use the book for some quotes here and there but don't use it as your only reference material.

raimi wtf man

why are IQ statistics accepted when its about low IQ niggers but rejected and treated as false when its about how Jews are the most intelligent race?

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Reminder that human evolution in different regions affected skin colour, musculature, height and weight tendencies, proneness to medical conditions, tolerance to substances, but stopped dead short at the human brain, which has gone completely unaffected by regional evolution for the entire 250,000+ years humans have been inhabiting different parts of the globe. The brain is immune to evolution and has been the same in homo sapiens around the world for hundreds of thousands of years.

Sean, are you still seething over althype anally ravaging your sub-iq academia worshiping ass?

The reality is, of course, that wealthier (and therefore mostly higher IQ) parents move to nicer (higher IQ) neighbourhoods with better schools (with higher IQ pupils) so that their (higher IQ) kids can go to them.

The better schools then accumulate higher IQ kids whilst the worse schools accumulate lower IQ kids and the schools' "quality" is thus set in stone.

Unfortunately, most university professors, especially in subjects like "education", are far too middle-of-the-curve to understand this.

maybe we differentiate between those attributes because the human brain and intelligence are much complexer than any of the things you listed

this is factually incorrect

episcopalians were smarter in the religion breakdown i saw

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That's right user. Once the pre-homo sapiens evolved to a point that they could be called homo-sapiens, the entire species' brain become impervious to change over time by regional adaptations in genetic inheritance from progenating gene sets.

stop shilling for your e-celeb heroes, faggot

why are you sarcastically presenting points no one made? is this some kind of autism?

>points no one made
>responding to the post that made the point

You must be illiterate eh.

but the post didn't make that point. don't call others illiterate if you don't have basic reading comprehension, autismo boy.

hell, even pain sensitivity was subject, thus the nervous system

Directly stating the point is making the point, tardo.

Let me guess: you're one of the smart ones.


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pure autism with nothing to say

Don't Be a Menace to South Central While Drinking Your Juice in the Hood

Shaun why are you coping so hard about being wrong about race and IQ?

What sources?
Leftists have no sources. They don't even believe in evolution.
Why do you think Shaun got btfo so hard?

I have this book. haven't read it though

I got a masters in therapy referencing hitler and racist shit all the time. As long as it fits into your article and you have other sources to back up the claim the profs dont give a fuck.

flat earth tier deniers

sorry your feelings got hurt

Did a course on literature science at Gothenburg University in Sweden where my final paper bashed contemporary intersectionalist culture to hell and back for being preachy and rapidly losing touch with the public discourse, basically criticising the very existence of the Swedish philologist community. Got passed with distinction because I'm a foreigner lol.