
can a male eceleb earn a living, other than by grinding for 10 years first or going viral randomly? wondering about the viability of living off *entertaining* (it's like television!) like a few hundred people

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Please don't tell me people find her attractive.

she is a honey sweet moon pie, a moon-who pavlova pie sweety face. a pinky pale kiss pig

bro, i'd fuck anything with a pulse at this point, you can blame women but men are just as bad at encouraging whorishness

She's cute in that "put a nail into her skull then strangle and fuck her corpse before severing her head and cumming through her throat into her mouth" kind of way.

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Jenny is for holding hands and tummy kisses. But only after marriage!

Attached: ae9110a3cf1a5b964ec25b1fe183ca77612163ac8bf6e41f04ab9a98d76bf66a.png (1280x720, 1.04M)

Is she the one autist with the nudes?

any one who donates to streamers or pays for their "merch" needs to be thrown off a tall building

anyway... does anyone know any male friendsims that operate a financially successful small brand? like i know some people who have podcasts and shit but it's always not gonna be enough to pay the bills

I just want one (1) HD (high-definition) sole shot. come on jenny pleeeaaasse!!!

what type of content do you want yo make?

What I wouldn't pay to see her get BLACKED

Definition of female mutt.

that would come up after this first question, no?

I wish creepy people like you would die out, or go to therapy.

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dumbass you tagged the post of the guy being respectful

American women are vile.


This but kinda unironically.
There's something with cute/ugly girls and violence that makes me hard

I really hope you're joking.

She has strong FAS face.

good enough for blacked

Is this the power of asian masculinity?

FAS is highly attractive to anons here.

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The only cure is more Jenny.

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so people are just going to ignore my thread topic just because i posted this girl? she must have some kind of effect on people

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yes incel try reddit


>Jenny is for holding hands
>I wish creepy people like you would die

holding hands is creepy, wishing people death is totes normal.


i know she doesn't really pray because she's le atheist brony but it's never too late to find jesus. this image could be foreshadowing a bright future of jenny at church with her brood

Reminder Jennys brother is a tranny so she by extension is likely also extremely mentally ill.

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>Jennys brother is a tranny
oh no, this means she is most likley a compromised libtard for life

Considering how the post is acting like a beta orbiter, fantasising about just touching her and 'tummy kisses', yes it's creepy.

look at her little waist though. you wanna cuddle her or start a fuckin politics podcast with her who cares

eceleb obsession is one thing
female eceleb worship is another, really fucking pathetic and can only logically be described as shilling or insanity

you sound like you think you looks cool riding a motorbike and would freak out if someone offered you wine because it's not le masculine beer

my cousin steph is married to that matt pat game theory guy on youtube. seems like youtube bux gets them a comfy life in cali so i guess yea you can make a living off of it.

yo i know which is why i'm trying to gather any info about successful/viable male entertainers that don't exploit this factor but everyone is just prattling on about some pie faced moon cheeks miniature dolly sweetgirl

You sound like an edgy teenager who is too young to post here.

why would you dox yourself like this so now your cousin will know you post on a cp board and tell your mom

Good going, you just doxxed yourself.

Do people not know shes socjus? She posts stupid shit on Twitter all the time like "if you don't like TLJ or TROS you just hate women". And she hangs out around Trannypoints etc.

i wouldn't go into it with the plan that it's going to be enough money to live on. just do your best and try to cultivate a following and if it happens great, but it probably won't. there are literally tens of thousands of people out there trying to do the same thing and competing for viewers.

oh no how horrible. dudes people post about her a bunch on Yas Forums and it's been over a year and nothing happened when i talk about it. relax.

What's going on with Gr*ffin? I read some old tweets by jenny about , i think, projared, saying it's fucked to have 'sendme nudes' in your bio when all your fans are uderage - and i was thinking the same applied to grif his fandroid kids are like 12 and he literally has that in his twitter bio. also he seems to fucked up fandroid and can't do it anymore what happened
I mean at first i thought jenny was being a snake about the restaurant thing but then i looked more carefully at him and i could see him kind of descending over months and yeah probably just was really scary for her

bro, just admit you're gay

she's a big gurl

>other people
yeah i know i mean i thought once when i saw a zero effort video with 6 million views, there's at least probably also one million other people that tried this idea and got 6 views. and 6M views is like 10k so if your channel has that one viral video and the rest are like 100 views you're fucked.

Not even close, but both of those things would be better than being a beta orbiter of some e-girl that will only acknowledge you when you donate to her.

Pewdiepie was a friend simulator from day one but you have to be smart and interesting for people to find you interesting. It's harder if you are american because their developing country level public schools just make them dumb mentally stunted consumers while the high quality public schools in Sweden have the opposite effect (minus the multikulti stuff).

i should have added another thing in the op i don't wanna do which is stuff for kids. lol as i opened up that guys wikipedia i was like don't tell me it's gonna be a guy who like...talks about mincraft and sings songs about it
and he literally does that lmao

Her bro/sis is still very religious despite what he has become. Which makes it kinda strange that Jenny put her faith on hold just before going to a private religious college (SMC).

The values are still there though.

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Its amazing how much money even some of the semi big youtubers can make

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Doubt its all from YT payouts a lot of it is prob from side hustling and such.

Jealousy is not a good look on you senpai!

these sites and their figures are worthless. less than

imagine rapping her in that stable while the llama watches

i dunno about this, i never heard anything about her going to bible camp
also 'christian uni' doesn't mean christian students where i'm from

I don't understand her appeal. But then again some retards here are attracted to Megan

anyone want to fill me in who this is

Mike Matei

unless the girl is like really really really fucking ugly, there's always some weird white creeps willing the beta orbit her.

the worst part about it, is like, okay, you like this horse faced bitch. but why spam this bitch on this website? just fuck off.

>these sites and their figures are worthless. less than
This. Not to mention, nearly every estimate of net worth is actually an estimate of money earned, not current liquid assets. They fail to consider that a fuck-ton of what is earned is spent on living costs and other worthless purchases, like cars and shit. Just because you made $1 million doesn't mean you have a $1 million net worth. You probably spent a lot of that on food, clothes, car, house, uilities, etc...

It's a shame. I genuinely loved their Friendship is Witchcraft series, it was something else.

you will never be a smol cute girl, kys

whats he famous for

youtube faggotry

>she's still shilling TLJ
Lmao give up you retarded femcel

if you get an internet following these days you can get enough to maybe eek out a living but turns out your expenses would shoot up an order if you paid for the security you need now that you have visibility to a million weirdos and catch various types of stalker, and you can't pay for that so you just run the risk and get ready to maybe jump out of the way of the bullets lol

Having a big dick. Non ironically. Someone posted it here under nsfw. Post by phaser_on_overload

its fake

also my mom died a few years back
