Is this the reason why Berserk is unadaptable on screen?

Is this the reason why Berserk is unadaptable on screen?

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no way

Conan is better

Me on the left

Cast them

Who would you cast as Casca?

Can current Berserk still have rape horse? Tone is totally different now with children wizards and shit


no the reason is to tell the story properly you need a lot of screen time. a lot of money for cgi, a lot of money for a list cast so the normies watch it.
the reason is money.....its not worth the investment

Conan is kiddie shit compared to Berserk lmao, go watch pokemon if you watch Conan unironically

Too light

I'm hoping all the cute fantasy creatures are really just apostles fucking with them

anime/manga adaptation posts are literally worse than capeshit
its a garbage idea always has been always will be
jannies do something reeeeeeeeeeee

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The reason it's unadaptable is because everyone in hollywood is too much of a pussy to try it.

Monster's Ball-era Halle Berry

Everyone is too young to be properly cast
Griffith is too pretty to be cast
Guts is too manly to be cast

What is going on in this image


I don't think many studios would have the care or nuance to pull off the proper tone for an adaptation, making a straightforward grimdark action film while neglecting the character and relationship development that helps really set Berserk apart.

(Also the Eclipse would be a bitch to do correctly in live action, way more than rape horse)

What material would you cover in the movie. Don't plan it with assumption that you'll get more than one movie, you have a single 90 minute movie and people expect a satisfying resolution by the end not a sequel hook.

>What is going on in this image

A demon named Rape Horse introduces himself.

gawd I miss the black swordsman berserk

fantasia arc is shit tier.

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>SK will die killing Void
>Guts will get fucked by Griffith and will sacrifice Casca for power
>God Hand Guts Will fuck up Femto kingdom
>Will become the new GH leader taking Void place
>Griffith will become the new SK in search for revenge for his destroyed kingdom and dream
>Basically everything is a never ending causality time loop Guts and Griffith are Void and SK
>God Hand will have place for 1 more
>The ride never ends.

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this but less uguu


>I have never read the original Conan novels
t. Blackhole tier Brainlet

god I wish that was me on the right

I still never got what made "Lost Children" so great to people.

Is there anything in Berserk that isn't rape?

Normal words, but a horse rape

Great setting, villain, characters, mostly self contained. What's not to like?

its easy in top 2 arcs by far. because at the end Guts is the lost child. Its the most KINO arc for sure.

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I mean it was a good read but I never thought of it as "the best" arc.

Don't worry about it, if you didn't get it you're probably just a low IQ.


More rape

See I didn't want to go there but I've heard people call others out for just that. I'm trying to be optimistically naive.

Reminder that Griffith is the best character. Also did nothing wrong.
The genius of Griffith is that he never actually murdered anyone. He always gave them a choice.

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How the fuck did we go from an awesome revenge story to this fairy crap that comes out once every 6 months? He could have ended the manga already. I don't think the author knows where it's going anymore. I think he just wants to draw naked fairies because that seems to just be his thing.

When Casca opened her mouth and kissed him back.

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imagine thinking that
just read it again and use your brain this time.

It's truly a matter of preference. I mean Conviction is fucking great with all the themes of faith and recurrence, but I've lost count of how many times I re-read Lost Children.

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Fuck it. I only read it like once a decade ago. I'll just run through it again and see if my opinion changes. Maybe it's because I feel the high point for me was the utter despair of the Eclipse.

And for some reason Guts vs. Serpico.

check out kingdom manga if u guys enjoyed the golden age. also any got any suggestions for something to read. kingdom was mentioned off the cuff and turned out to be a great read

What's there to use my brain about? Either you like it or you don't.

underage bug demon vulva

Children fairies that play war during the day, massacre each other and are reborn the next day to repeat the cycle is next level of fucked up.

also lolis

I knew this was invoking something but I couldn't put my finger on what

Golden age was.

>muh politics
>muh Griffith

I want my monster of the week in dark fantasy setting back.


Yes, it was great until the tactics just turned into "UOOOOH WE'LL JUST PUMP OURSELVES UP AND BE STRONGER" recently. Still, there's 500 chapters of a decent read there.

shit manga about 'unifying muh china'. No thanks, also fuck chinks, I hope coronavirus will get them all.

Whoops, quoted the wrong post, meant to reply to regarding Kingdom

Not until it is finished and it won't be because Miura is busy writing his futanari manga.

Themes and shit. Guts and Jill are both heading down the same path of running from their problems by becoming "monsters". Guts runs from Casca by going on a pointless revenge quest, Jill might run from her awful home and molestation by becoming an "elf". Both of these lead to unhappiness and violence so Guts turns her away from that path by showing her that she wont ever find the Neverland Rosine promised. She has to face her problems head on.
The part that makes it kino is how it's about Guts regretting his choices and how you can never really be a child again.

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important for the growth of guts as a character. during the lost children arc he is very much alone with no companions besides puck. on one hand people call it edgy shit but I liked it.

it also had some of the best panels in them

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No. There are far more provocative shows on Netflix or Amazon

shit posted the wrong translation

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>has 3 films and two different series

yeah okay

I think OP wants to see a live action adaptation.

Wasn't the second series a flop by the way? Never saw it myself but I heard all sorts of madness.

guts will activate the behelit and then kill the god hand

>doesn’t like Fantasia
Shit taste desu. Of course Yas Forums only likes the slashy edgy murder parts because that’s the kind of lowbrow shit this board is always attracted too

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Good post.

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Cerebus is better than Conan and is so redpilled the creator is blacklisted. Also the art is god tier.

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I like Fantasia but it has dragged on for too long. We need to be steering towards a climax but it all just feels like we're dicking around for no reason

i just hope miura made a couple of chapters to release them regularly again. i dont want to wait a year everytime

Such a pussy moment, before reading berserk I thought he was going to actually rape her, massive disappointment when he was killed before he could do anything

That’s more a problem with this faggot Muira that’s making the wait so damn long, isn’t it one of the shorter arcs compared to Conviction for example?

golden age arc is as good as it gets. its pure kino

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>Wasn't the second series a flop by the way? Never saw it myself but I heard all sorts of madness.
It's mostly the extremely shitty CGI animation. It was so bad most people consider it unwatchable.


>Wasn't the second series a flop by the way? Never saw it myself but I heard all sorts of madness.
terrible CGI, the sound design is even worse

1997 version was perfect though