Meet Dale. Dominoes fastest pizza box folder

Meet Dale. Dominoes fastest pizza box folder.

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You box 16 tons and what do you get?

The thought of this being someone's life work is so depressing and I'm not even that guy. I'm just depressed that such a person could exist.
What happened to humanity?

Imagine believing that any work has meaning or value.

We are all of us folding pizza boxes of one sort or another, user.

> be Dale
> doc says I should put every negative thought in a box and put it away, never open it again.
> mfw

>any work has meaning or value.
Of course it does, idiot. If I build a house on my property that has created shelter, that's value.
That's the most basic example.
I assume you've eaten food today, drank water, and have been shitposting on the internet. Is all the work that went into creating or making that possible for you without value? If you can identify the value or merit in work I can't imagine how pathetic you must be. Work doesn't need to be slavery like the shit this man, a man boxing pizzas to make people fatter faster than other people, is doing.

>implying Dave isn't having a blast
>implying he lets his job define him
>implying he doesn't have passions and hobbies and family outside this job
>implying folding boxes can't be a relaxing exercise where he gets to think about things in quiet

ur gay bro lmao

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At least he's trying to make an honest living. Would you rather him collect welfare? Would you rather have your take out pizza unboxed?

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>tfw he'll never have enough boxes to package his negative thoughts

Why doesnt the box just come prefolded anyway?

i just got dominos they fucked up my order twice i hope they didn't dump their seed in my feed

They would have done that had they got the order correct.

Reddit tier reply

takes up less room when not folded.

Because Dale needs a job dumb zoomer

Why is reddit full of so many loser commie faggots with no job experience, no discernble skills and tons of higher education debt?

anal sex creates value, too. i
f you put a butt baby in my boy womb and 9 months later i shoot out a little miracle... that's value.

pre-folded would be folded at some point when it comes to cardboard
the box would need to be folded
unless we start using plastic boxes the folding must continue..the folding never stops..

>What happened to humanity?
just wait

the day of reckoning will come

stay tuned

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Are you retarded?

The pizzas keep flowing, no matter what... nothing stops this train.


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three words: pleasefarton my pizza

I thought there was something on my screen, but its actually a birth mark on her ass
I didn't know they made cake at Dominoes

what did papa john mean by this

Don’t forget to add pseudo intellectuals to that growing list

That's not sanitary.

she can fold my pizza box anytime

>I assume you've eaten food today
>Work doesn't need to be slavery like the shit this man, a man boxing pizzas to make people fatter faster than other people, is doing.
Make up your mind, is working to help people eat providing value or slavery?

I know a guy like this whose real job is being an ordained minister and he has a wife and several successful children. Folding boxes isn't the worst way to earn a living. Try roofing or landscaping or migrant farming.

>didn't know they made cake at Dominoes
you've... never had the chocolate lava crunch cakes?

>I didn't know they made cake at Dominoes
They've had chocolate lava cake on the menu for like 10 years.

God i fucking hate women

Shoenice here I'm gonna drink this whole pizzabox full of vodka

The difference is this man is doing work that is of no value for little to no gain. If you can't discern the difference you're braindead.

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I'd fold her box

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I want him to form a legion of worker soldiers who storm the dominoes headquarters and punish the wicked.

Based and anarcho-syndicalistpilled

when mcdonalds starts making guns the real change will happen
5 dollar guns that come with nuggets

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guddang that is hot

No, you literally just cited helping people eat as the measure of value of ones work, then said his job has no value because all he does is help people eat.

I want to smell her

i bet she's fucking shit at folding boxes
dale could btfo this thot in seconds

look at those pins though, i bet dale lam doesnt have those

I worked at the domino's in my town for like a year and they always hired dumb thots. Fuck that place tho.

Thats shit

No, I cited him helping them eat faster. The food was grown by a man that worked hard and distributed his hard work to other.

I bet I could fill her box the fastest

that tongue

The food was grown for profit by a multinational corporation owning a bunch of lazy cows that sit in a field eating grass all day, the only way anyone actually gets fed is when he puts the food in a box and hands it to them and the faster he does it, the more people get fed and the more value he provides.

he who controls the pizza controls the universe


any other pizza box folding kino?

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Imagine doing 20x the work for the exact same minimum wage.

bad goy

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>he thinks that life has inherent value and that his deeds will be more than just empty shouts into an uncaring void

His job isn't actually "Pizza box folder"

He's just an employee from one of the stores that was hand picked for the commercials who also happens to be one of their fastest box folders, because they timed him compared to a few others or something. They don't have dedicated box folders.


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