Be a man, clean your room, unless you get addicted to i'm feeling sad pills...

Be a man, clean your room, unless you get addicted to i'm feeling sad pills, then pay some Russians to put you in a coma because you can't handle the sweats.

Who will play him in the inevitable YouTube retelling?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Don't be naive. He'll sell some new bullshit idea about how he beat his own dragon and his fanbase will pay 200 dollars to eat it.

Paul Rudd, Jack Black as Zizek

What a complete fucking asshole. He goes on and on about beta males, and how if you're single you're not good enough, and if you're not good enough it's because you're not leading a fulfilling life

he goes on and on and on about human nature as if he mapped it out completely and is above it. im glad he fucked up. fucking pretentious douche. what's the matter peterson? addicted because you were unhappy? how very beta of you

fucking hack

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He's literally a failure of a man

He has no right to be giving advice anymore. He's gonna have to resort to talking about beating addiction and shit like that.

He was always a hack. You have to give him credit though, he was really good at fleecing desperate rubes of their money and time.

He's a con artist, no matter how hard he fails, his narcissism will stop him to face it. Ten retarded anons are going to reply to your post and insult you in a few minutes.

Why the fuck did he go to Russia for medical treatment? How could one be so ignorant

Every day the same thread, don't you get tired? You won't achieve anything, everyone's already forgotten about him.

It’s not that he was really good. It’s just that NEETs are just that stupid and easy to con. They literally wanted to be fucked over by Peterstein because they wanted to hear some sort of father figure give them any advice in life.

I mean Plato ducked boys but he still had some insightful shot to say

idk why normies that this guy, he literally doesn't say anything controversial

>Leftioids are still nuclear-level triggered over this man

Yet another reminder that the Overton Box has been shoved so far Left that you can be the most milquetoast, inoffensive, reasonable person that isn't even white, and you'll still be labeled a "Nazi" for going against the will of Woke-o Haram.

>oh noes the man I looked up to went through a mild drug addiction, I must protect my precious ego and pretend I've always disliked him

You fickle 90-95 and 105-115 IQ pseuds are so pathetic. Or was it simply because he told you to clean your room?

>literally said if you are suffering from depression or addiction you must use any lifeline you could grasp
how is he a hypocrit again? he got addicted to benzos, that's tough to beat and he is grabbing a lifeline

Blame their beta boomer fathers. They're accountable of this situation.

Jordan Peterson is based

The deny is strong.

holy fucking JUST.

He could've unironically recovered, maybe not 100% but pretty damn close to it, in a reasonable amount of time if he tried medically supervised tapering like almost every other benzo addict does. I don't have strong feelings towards JP but how weak do you have to be to decide to put yourself in a long-term coma that permanently damages you neurologically and physiologically just to escape the discomforts of benzo withdrawal, as bad as they might be? How does such a well-educated psychologist end up doing something so dumb? Now even his daughter says he can barely talk or walk without help. I remember how sharp he was on that Sky News interview just two years ago, it's really sad he fucked himself up like this.

Why didn't he just become a Sneedposter? Sneedposters are never sad.

He Is good against feminists. I dont believe his other bullshit, but still based.

These daily absolutely irrational hate threads are so amusing. Like a glimpse if the thought process of an average modern leftoid.

he started going off based when he shilled his meat diet

anytime a self-help guru starts shilling a special meme diet, it ventures into pseudo snake oil territory

>a mild drug addiction
kys weak ass druggie

He is a failure, his daughter is a failure. That is all you need to know. Before giving lessons, he should start by applying them to himself.

He repeatedly said he wasn't advocating it, he just talked about the benefits he and his daughter experienced. hardly "shilling" it

>Peterson mentioned
>fat pink-hairs and their beta-boy slaves shrieking about how he's a "HACK" or a "FRAUD" or a "FAILURE"

Every fucking time.
Just admit that he slighted you and you're SEETHING over it.

>how weak do you have to be to decide to put yourself in a long-term coma
Very and that's why it looks so bad, the problem isn't the addiction but how he handled it. He's a millionaire with strong family support and he shows less mental strength than your average meth addict nigger while professing to other betas how strong they should be.

He wanted to be knocked out during his withdrawal period instead of being conscious and overcoming it like a strong person would.

JP was at the peak of Yas Forums board culture in 2018, people aren't just going to forget about him after he goes through something so pitiful.

I'm not a leftoid or whatever Yas Forums terminology people like to throw around. I'm genuinely shocked he would do something this dumb. Abusing benzos is one thing, trying out a crackpot form of treatment in Russia is just hard for me to understand. He's probably far more intelligent than me and even I would never consider something so retarded for more than a second.

i'm sorry bros, but it's over...

lol he's not coming back

he was addicted to tranquilizer strength benzos and most likely suffered huge amount of brain damage and other irreversible damage
Even if he somehow recovers he will never be sane and most likely won't even remember his own life considering how benzos fuck with your memory

Benzodiazepines are the most satanic dangerous drugs ever sold as medicine

I see that the official Jordan Peterson diet advocate still spends all his time on Yas Forums. How is your colon cancer going?

how munch Benzos do you have to get using a day to even consider this? the withdrawl is bad but manageable under supervision. Or did he think he would just wake up cured?

>I'm genuinely shocked he would do something this dumb.
Low tolerance to pain. He would rather permadamage his brain than facing the pain like a man.

isn't he making like 100k a month on patreon

thats a lot of benzos

>say something incorrect
>ignore it
>restate your incorrect statement again

Ah, the intellectual prowess of the average JP "critic".

I feel for this nigga. I remember early on someone at a Q&A asked him "how will you avoid getting corrupted by power?" and his answer was basically "don't worry I've thought about it and I'm immune to corruption"
Fukkin dropped

He’s 100% right though

It wasn't him
He hasn't been lucid for a while
His daughter basically kidnapped him and forced him to go into the Russia rehab clinic
She's been slowly trying to take his followers for herself and convert them to buy her bullshit as the successor to her dad

Real sick shit

>Benzodiazepines are the most satanic dangerous drugs ever sold as medicine
Are they really that bad? Holy fuck.
Dont do Xanax kids.

Too bad I have a college class in 1 hour, I would've been happy to argue with a retard like you for 5 more hours like the other time. It's good exercise.

She looks evil as hell, so I wouldn't be surprised

He's dumb but he's still smarter than a liberal.

>peterson is a junkie
>daughter is a coalburner who left her husband for a black guy who does cringy pua videos

great family

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>I reviewed some of Zizek's youtube videos
Who remembers this kino?

>how weak do you have to be to decide to put yourself in a long-term coma that permanently damages you neurologically and physiologically just to escape the discomforts of benzo withdrawal, as bad as they might be? How does such a well-educated psychologist end up doing something so dumb?
Holy fuck. This really REALLY makes me second guess what I thought about this guy and the lectures he gave.

I hate zoomers so much. I miss the internet when everyone pirated shit and admitting you fucking paid for something, let alone giving "donations", would out you as a total fag.

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Peterson was right all along.
He didn't clean his room, and now he's paying the price.
Now if you would excuse me, I've got some cleaning to do.

I just know that he was a "hands off" parent and let her do as she wished.

>admitting you fucking paid for something, let alone giving "donations", would out you as a total fag.
It still does. There's just a lot more.

Don't forget to wash your penis.

>Benzodiazepines are the most satanic dangerous drugs ever sold as medicine

Yes, except SSRIs
They literally make you unable to feel happy. Benzos are bad, but SSRIs are worse.

Why is it always the
guys who are into polyamory? I mean obviously they're chads, but why do they all have the same egghead phenotype?

That would ALSO give him more than enough money to seek the absolute best benzo withdrawal treatment programs in Canada, or anywhere in the world - except he fucking chooses Russia.

I know so many high schoolers and people at my college regularly doing xanax these days. It seems like weed isn't even enough to keep people numb anymore. It says a lot that the best escapes from the modern world these days are no longer stims or even alcohol/weed but extreme downers like xanax and heroin.

I dunno, he seems pretty based and redpilled to me.

Gonna need a concise, and possibly lengthy if you're up for it, run down on his fall from grace.

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I once took benzodiazepines for a few days and didn’t do anything for me, not trying to be edgy or anything, I think there might be something wrong with my brain

Is this the white guy or the black guy? I feel confused.
His daughter looks a bit like a tranny btw.

Zoomers are doing all of the time on twitch, ecelebs make thousands on gaytreon. We're living in the paypig generation.

remember when he made joe put his dumb ass daughter onto his podcast? "plz joe plz"

why are people on carnivore diets constantly addicted to something

rogan - weed
jordan - benzos
jordan's daughter - bbc

She’s divorced already? How long did it took since she became “famous” for being the daughter of someone for her to ditch her family?

I'm always amazed to see how very intelligent guys can have half-retarded kids. Nature is full of surprises.

Checked and this

He was weaker and more broken than most of the men he preached to. I actually admired this man for the better half of 2018.

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You have to take a lot of benzodiazepam for it to do anything resembling a "high", in pill form it's just a mild sedative
benzolorazepam on the other hand has a hypnotic quality which really gets some fun effects, and much easier to get wasted on

Oh ok, I just took 1 or 2 small pills per night so it might have been a very low dose

>Is this the white guy or the black guy? I

sit down be humble

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I mean, is the guy on the other pic her ex-husband or her new boyfriend?

He got addicted to benzos and went to some questionable clinic in Russia in order to get clean.

Just looked through his Twitter. This guy is utter trash, I thought the pua market was dead but unfortunately not. Him and JP's daughter are beyond saving.

Worse is she's back with her husband. He's an actual cuck.

Unironically redpilled. Too bad he's such a weak faggot that he can't deal with his own life problems

you have no idea of which you talk. suck my balls and dick shaft.

I remember her husband being a “nice” white guy so I guess the nig is her new guy
I just only took a bit of unwarranted fame, money and health for her to ditch her husband and father of her daughter

New boyfriend. He's biracial.

>got very badly addicted to benzos 2 or 3 times for months
>each time just stop
>nothing bad happens even though I'm supposed to get seizures and die
>this happens every time

It's been years now since I touched that shit
I wonder if one day I'm just gonna get a seizure and die like an LSD flashback

He's a pussy and an attention whore.

cant believe i got grifted by this dude. he was selling 100 dollar personality quizzes like we used to put on our myspaces. he bawled on camera for no reason all the time. he would get fired up delivering retarded 20 minute soliloquys about slaying the mesopotamian bull of heaven like he was padding a paper. HOW did it take him comaing himself to realize i got grifted

Based Murdock poster

>have taken both and are basically a high functioning high retard now