What movies does he watch?

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this would be me if I weren't a neet. but I keep it comfy

nothing because the audio gives him a headache and pisses him off, he sits in a quiet room.
this is literally me

>tfw turned 28 yesterday

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Same. I just turned 26 a month ago and complain a lot. Mostly because my life isn't where I want it to be at all and I vent about stupid shit to possibly help ease the pain I feel at being such a moron that exclusively makes dumb fucking decisions.

I read this in bill burrs voice

>26 yo
men around that age to like 40 grew in the era where hating things and acting like everyone is stupid was the coolest thing you can do. They can't help but be like that.

Bronson because it allows me to fantasize about beating the shit out of everyone that annoys me

ive never identified with a wojak personality until this very moment

This dude sounds based, I'd love to chill with him.

This is me but I’m a millennial boomer.

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I really don't know. I'm a 24 old who's can't be bothered, I really don't care and I don't bother to have emotions especially any negative ones. I just be and think, maybe I'm a thinker, but I like to think myself as a bloomer.

everything he watches is shit, only the comfort of nostalgia can give him peace

>tfw turned 26 today

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>What movies does he watch?
None. He listens to Real Ass Podcast and relates to every story.

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>mfw it's over

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I'm really trying to get myself out of that negative mindset without going back on antidepressants

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Do antidepressants actually take away this mindset? I might try them

>vagrant holiday
checks out

accurate lol'd

I read this in Kermits voice!
Haha! :D

For me, they did. Made me calmer as well. If you have a wife or gf I don't think I'd recommend them though because they suppress your sex drive

Okay but the thing about lines is 100% legit. Retards are slowing the rest of us down.

>tfw turned 32 last month

Time is a deep dark pit. Things go in and they don't some out.

lolol maybe u a boomer doomer zoomer hoomer lolololollololol

>tfw used to be on anti-depressants to deal with shit job / shit gf / shit life
>stopped taking pills because they ruined sex drive
now I have no job, no gf, no life. At least my dick works though I guess


is the line about yelling for help supposed to be a reference to irreversible

You're retarded.

why would you want a sex drive. My dream is to able to go on about life like an automaton who feels nothing


No joke, yoga youtube videos helped me with this combined with DBT therapy. I’m totally off meds and stable now.


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What movies does he watch?

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Jesus, this guy is literally me.

26 isn’t that old dude, no matter what Gen Z.

Try 36 years old and still getting over your ex who dumped you for a guy that that’s 10 years younger than you

>turned 26 5 months ago

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>Try 36 years old and still getting over your ex who dumped you for a guy that that’s 10 years younger than you
Damn son

>literally me
I'll be 27 in a few months. Haven't done anything with my life. Have never really had fun when I was younger. Never had sex.

Is it over?

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Turning 30 soon am I too old for this shithole? I've been trying to leave for 15 years.

Theoretically you could have to endure another 50-70 years of this.

>tfw turning 33 next week

>almost about to get my first house
>still no gf in sight
>it's been over 4 years now since I last had a gf or went on a date

It could be a whole shit load worse but god damn I wish I wasn't an introvert who just hikes instead of socializing.

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Man that speaks to me. Fuck how'd I get here dudes

Just hold out a little more
the site over all is slowing down and the next "reddit" is around the corner so the last of the zoomers will fuck off to it

Low Emotional Intelligence - Ugly
High Emotional Intelligence - Attractive

Why don't you try doing some of that stuff now then?

holy fuck this meme is just cringe at this point.
you're all aspies


t. Irritated 26-year old

No, you're here forever.


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>the line wouldn't be so long if people had their shit ready to go before they got to the register

this is my biggest pet peeve. Call me an incel but it's especially bad with women.
>woman gets to the front of the checkout
>nothing prepared
>doesn't even get prepared until the cashier is done ringing her through
>cashier announces total
>woman proceeds to:
>unzip purse
>dig for wallet
>find wallet
>unzip wallet
>dig for air miles card
>card not in wallet, is actually loose in purse
>paying by debit or credit
>has to dig through 20 cards to find her money card
>proceeds to repeat all of these steps but in reverse

Pisses me off to no end. Sorry not sorry. Men do it too.

is 26 the age when you accept defeat? I turned 26 last year and I'm still an autistic shut in neet but I've found some kind of peace with myself now. I no longer have any grand ideas about how I'm going to turn it around. I just feel at ease and comfy with life for the first time in a long time.

based and blackpilled

get your shit together, one day you will be over 30 and regret the wasted late 20's.

Wtf bros I'm turning 20 soon and haven't progressed since highschool. Just two years ago when I was 18 I was reading these threads and thinking to myself how I'd be different, I just got into a prestigious university and was gonna talk Computer Science, hook up with chicks at uni and do internships and earn six figures once I graduate.

Fast foward 2 years and I dropped out of university and my life is going nowhere. I realized I'm no longer gonna have the teen suffix after my age. I'm officially going to be an adult. I don't have my full drivers liscence, just a learners and literally no practical skills. Should I join the military(leaf not burger)?

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aren't u worried about getting kicked out by ur parents?


American cinema

You have plenty of time left. The only advice I can give, lame as it is, is that you have to go out and make something happen for yourself, nothing will be handed to you.

But what do I know, at your age I was doing cocaine in bars and the world was my oyster. Now my world is just spoiled clams.

>Men do it too.

Learn a trade. If anything fuck university and go to a community college and learn a fucking trade, apprentice for a few years and become a certified professional. You can have that done by your mid 20's and make bank the rest of your life.

you feel at ease cause 30 seems far away still.

once its actually really gonna happen, is when the crisis hits.

>tfw turned 20 3 months ago
I'm already tired of it all

/asp/ie here
Freeze that shit, or you're going to wrestler's court

Scarface, Godfather 2, Freddie Got Fingered

I haven't felt anything for a couple years now. I used to get wound up about my life but not so much anymore.
Finish your degree or join the air force. Even if you don't do anything with it you'll at least be a college graduate.

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you think that now but wait until you're 35 and suddenly 26 feels like the whole world was ahead of you.

where the fuck is the -oomer, what the fuck? This isn't a meme

Have you ever seen that simpsons episode where apu gets fired from the kwik-e-mart, and then him and marge go shopping at the mega store, and he advises marge to avoid the express checkout, and join the line with all the single men who don't want chit chat? That rings very true.

There are tons of married men, old men, foreign men, soi boy men who have no regard for their surroundings and don't prepare their wallets, and think it's ok to spend 2 minutes chatting up the cashier before they leave.

>being over 22yo
>still posting on 4channel

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>a trade
how do I find out which one's are useful/relevant?

I try to keep a positive outlook regarding most things, the only time I'll lose my cool is when i'm driving, but that's because there's so many fucking dickheads on the road who can't drive safely.

Read. Electricians and plumbers are always in short supply. It depends what you are "interested in" Do you want to work with wood, stone, etc etc. It's up to you. I can't tell you what to do.

Literally me, also i see nothing bad with his reasoning. Fuck you.

There is nothing inherently wrong with thinking this way. Young people just don't understand yet.

I've already had the "crisis" you speak of. it happened to me between 19-23 when I tried my hardest to larp as a normalfag but couldn't crack the social code and then I had a complete mental breakdown which caused a kind of death and rebirth.

Son you will have the same crisis multiple times over throughout the rest of your life.

Same except 6 months ago

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The best advice is to not take any advice from here as you're almost certainly getting it from a complete failure who is just regurgitating something he read on here from other complete failures. You can trust me, though.