I Am Jazz

Let's discuss the newest episode of the TV show I Am Jazz on the Television & Film board.

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I sure love watching this Television show, good thing I am on the proper board. Can't wait for the crossover episode with my 600 lb life

Attached: jazzweighin.webm (1100x618, 2.77M)

Since this is getting ridiculous, reminder to use the feedback


and/or go to
#Yas Forums

and shit on mods

These threads are just an excuse to post spam and circlejerk.
Alita general 2.0

No real discussion happening.

>tfw no qt Skylar gf

Attached: Skylar233.jpg (1080x1350, 170.17K)

Whatever you say, trannyjanny
All you can do is delete the threads, but that won't stop them.


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Absolutely seething that a show meant to be pro-trans propaganda is having the opposite effect.

Seethe cope dilate have sex etc.

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Why didn't they call this show "I am Gay and Delusional"?

It's unironically one of the most productive threads on Yas Forums. We discuss every new episode that comes out and create fresh original content.

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Speaking of this, are there any trannies who like this show/think it puts trannies on a positive light?

The few trannies that come to these threads are always seething trying to get these threads deleted.

Ever notice how short Jazz's brothers are? I wonder if one of them could be convinced to get the webm related surgery. Their entire family is addicted to surgery it seems.

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It's just fabulous

An user on Yas Forums posted a few weeks ago about having to watch an episode of the show for some college class, so evidently there are some unironic pro-trans viewers.


Don't know how many of you actually watch the show, but I think the series is about to end or get canceled.

The season got cut way too short and next week it's ending at episode 6.

Jazz's brother and sister are living their lives and don't come on anymore. They have the other brother working as a cameraman which is weird.

Jazz clearly doesn't want to go to Harvard and only got accepted because the school was scared of getting canceled and having her jew lawyer dad sue. At least the school will get woke points. I see Jazz dropping out in the future.

The mom has zero hobbies and her entire life revolves around Jazz. I can see her doing something crazy if Jazz tries to leave.

Attached: ari_imitating_jazz.webm (969x514, 2.29M)

Jannies are mad this show makes their fellow trannies look really bad

We already know Jazz isn't attending at Harvard.

Nice pic of Duff McKagan.

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>tfw I'm a 6ft tall dude and I only weigh 5 lbs more than Jazz.

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These threads are a necessary evil. This poor cunt has had his life ruined and will kill himself before adulthood and the entire world should be forced to watch it.


Also when they say Jazz was valedictorian even though Jazz went to an online high school with only 12 students.

What do you lads suppose will happen once Jazz moves away?

Jewnette won't allow it

Unthinkable horror.

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This is fake


>TV show I Am Jazz on the Television & Film board
Janny will get a stroke when he wakes up and sees this after his morning dilation session

>it's real

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Like like an out and dude there

Fucking Americans really are obsessed with being tall

Isn't this surgery typically done in Russia?

Proverbs 11:21 Though hand join in hand, the wicked shall not be unpunished: but the seed of the righteous shall be delivered.

>Jewnette won't allow it
Then why bother applying to Harvard at all? I wonder how long can Jeanette convince Jazz to live at home.

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Manlet detected.



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Goddamn Skeletor, you need to do some pushups.

it is hard to understand, do trannies and tranny lovers expect to be liked with all that bullshit they do and say?
it's like muslims in the internet, you can't say anything to them except blind praise and "DINDU NUTHIN(wrong)"


Nothing wrong with being transgender.

in your dreams, trannoid

Attached: DEAD SPACE 2 - CUT OFF THE LIMBS.webm (358x358, 1.32M)

hair metal is back?


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For today's late morning story time, I would like to share a classic piece known and loved by all.

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>actually needign to check on reddit to see if somebody stealing your tampons to drink your period blood is bad

how much of a fucking mindless NPC does somebody need to be to even need to ask this on reddit?

>popular liberal university
Isn't Jazz going to Harvard or something too? This is the absolute state of American education.

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all redditors lack any semblance of common sense (aside from the highly specialized education or skill subs)

Why is it so bad if children want to remove their penis or nipples?

Have you seen this show? That's why.

the season ending early is a huge bummer and surely not a good sign for the future of the show.

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el troon

Does jazz use this or is it something else?

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I Am Jazz is literally the only show on the jew box worth watching.

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>watching tv
>not torrenting
sports fan?

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Tsamina mina zangalewa
'Cause this is Africa
Tsamina mina eh eh
Waka waka eh eh
Tsamina mina zangalewa
This time for Africa

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Please get checked for teratoma. I saw some pics of them and it is not good.

Lmao Nigger How Can You Even Be Skinny Lmao Just Eat Nigger

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Ye gods

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Are they...you know...homos?

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kek. what a fucking cow!
the show needs to continue so we can watch Jeanette go off to Harvard with Jazz and live in the dorms together, so she can continue to micro-,manage his life and make sure he doesn't attempt suicide.

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