Why does Hollywood always portray cats as evil?

Why does Hollywood always portray cats as evil?

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Ghosts lobby.

Because cats are fags

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Secret lives of Pets 2 - Cats and russian wolfs are the villians

that's a cute cat

Jews hate cats

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Cats are girls, user. Dogs are boys.

because Hollywood jews fuck dogs

Cats are literally demons the devil saw as too worthless for hell

holy fuvk

cats are jews though

the joos fear what they cannot control

Cats bullied jews back in ancient Egypt you stupid doggo no brain nigger
You've been brainwashed by kikes. Sad!

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No lie guys, I went to work hungover as fuck today thanks to a night of solo binge drinking. Anyway, I make it to work and survive til break time, but I gotta take a massive shit. Go to this washroom I think only I know about and let the fuck loose. Like CANNON my wet and watery shit right into the core of the earth. Smelly as fuck rotten liquor shit, too.

Found out this really quiet Indian guy likes to spend his lunchbreak in this hidden washroom. And today I smoked that boy the fuck out.

jews didnt exist in ancient egypt
i can see your whiskers from here mr katz

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>when a nice guy touches you

Why do niggers and chinks hate cats so much?

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tfw you step on your cat's tail

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Niggers should be ground up and made into cat food.

They were the slaves dummy

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sometimes dogs are ok

Egyptians worshipped them and for some reason Jews still believe that Egyptians enslaved them.

jewish hands wrote this post

Niggers and chinks don't have empathy for anybody but themselves, having empathy is a higher brain function mostly prevalent in whites. Which coincidentally also seems to be our downfall.

Because they infect you with brain parasites that make you want even more parasite ridden bastards and ultimately your brain chemistry becomes so fucked you end up manic depressive and suicidal.

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In "cat's eye" a kitty saves young Drew Barrymore from an evil troll creature.

I like both cats and dogs

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Niggers really don't get how to modify behaviour through anything other than corporal punishment, do they? Legitimately still tribal and primitive. No shock to me that Africans never domesticated any animals.

I'm more of a dog person. I have a beagle. Having said that, I love my cat. We found her left in a box at my girlfriend's work and we've had her for a year now. I didn't want her and then she started sleeping on my chest and I made the mistake of naming her Minerva while waiting to "find her a home" Oh well, guess I'm a cat guy now as well.

>he doesn't know that its more common to get toxo from eating red meat

They literally domesticated cats in ancient Egypt

Coraline was good too

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I knew I should have put in "Sub-Saharan". Niggers are not remotely related to Egyptians.

>Ancient Egypt
i hate this meme

user, Egyptians weren't black.

le epic reddit sfw Yas Forums caterino threadoo


Ancient Egyptians were Nordic
Cats are also Nordic

>not training your cat in dancing, fencing, and debate

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Reminds me of those pictures of animals in captivity that miss their habitats

>Polar bear looking up at a mural of the arctic
>Parrot sleeping against a picture of jungle plants
and now
>Bald cat wishes to be covered in fur again

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is this real?

>Ancient Egyptians were Nordic

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Because dogs are for normalfags

They just do this shit because it's cute. They know what they are doing.


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Did you notice that the cat has no legs?

I wish this webm went on for like 5 more minutes. The dog is so happy.

holy shit how did they get the cat to do the whip nae nae?

Chad move

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shitskin mexican tourist

that's literal niggerdom

Leaving empty glasses on the table? Yes that's extremely niggerish and in glad the cat is doing something about it

It's what they do.

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>ywn be this comfy

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that's right cracka'

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wow i didn't know cats could be trained to dance

They're very talented

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>Jews hate cats
Cats hunt and kill vermit

because they kill and torture for fun