Why didn't they just scale down the building?

why didn't they just scale down the building?

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Why didn’t they use a parachute or wing suit like any sane person.

Why didn't they just fly on an eagle to the ground

Why didn't they climb to the top and then hold onto the roof Titanic style as it went down?

Why don't you go ask them?

Why didnt they just not have an imperialist government that invites aggression

why didn't iron man save them?

Why didn't they just eat the plane?

Why didnt they just get rid the thermites?

Attached: 1466329385522.webm (550x310, 2.45M)

Crisis actors. All of them.

Why have I never seen this? It’s the most obvious proof it was rigged to fall.

Attached: C0D70E2F-0C21-47F2-9A93-AFF563E32C5C.png (2048x1536, 2.11M)

They stick all the jerks in tower 1

Why did this guy just stop the buildings from falling?


Scale down using what?

Molten aluminum.

They were weak jewish vampire thralls

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Why didn’t they just make the whole building out of the black box?

government must have removed all the footage except this one! don't save it or else they'll break into your home and make you disappear tonight

>they killed 3000 crisis actors just to keep up the charade
Damn, that takes dedication

Why didn't they just insulate the structure with passports?


>lamp post makes a Jew face at the end

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why not just grab someone to jump out with and spin them around as you're falling to make sure they hit the ground first so they cushion your fall?

Because black boxes are actually orange and that would be ugly as fuck to look at.

>build a structure designed to collapse in a ritualistic sacrifice

Who wants to work in a building that looks like a big black dick?

There's a picture of some guy who tried to make a glider out of sheets or curtains or something. It didn't work.

Yeah, lazy fat Amerisplats lol

why not just prove jet fuel doesn't melt steel beams

That makes me a sad panda

A jumper tried to move down to another window in one footage, immediately slipped and fell

Attached: A1856DD3-F235-44B9-A4A2-7368AD6A3FA3.jpg (750x793, 429.74K)

>hit upper floors
>make both towers crumble perfectly

Attached: 911.jpg (400x534, 101.41K)

It’s just weird I’ve watched all kind of truther shit and listened to podcast about it and I’ve never heard someone mention there is footage of thermite clearly melting the beams.

Nothing will ever told 9/11 horror kino.

I remember in the early days of YouTube there used to be a shit ton more 9/11 videos than what you can find on there today.


>elevators out of service
>Americans are still too fat and lazy to take the stairs
>would rather jump out a window and pray to jesus


Lol people really believe tower 7 fell from the attack.

Reminder 9/11 was an act of terrorism committed by a group of radical Saudi men funded by Osama Bin Laden's wealthy connections to George Bush Sr who had helped funded the mujahideen in Afghanistan. They pulled it off by the sheer incompetence (or ignorance) of the CIA. There is deep conspiracy.

Not this again

You shouldn't even be posting on Reddit.

>hey goys, we found the passports of the hijackers!
>what do you mean that's not very likely?

Goddamn. No matter how many times you see it, there is just something horrifyingly awe-inspiring about seeing that mega structure just collapse.

I thought ayys were involved

yep, they've been flagged and removed. There used to be a second video of the Pentagon "plane" that shows it clearly as a missile (propulsion flame and smoke shooting out out the back, and no wings). This was back in like 2012, and remember it was literally gone in a few weeks. Now we just have that super shitty gas station security footage that is blurry as fuck and is like 2 frames per second.

Why did they start dancing?

Why didn't they just leave the building the second they saw a FREAKING PLANE fly towards their building? Were they just all "hurr, this TV looks so real durr I can see that mexican fly the plane so good duhhhhhh-"

>both buildings perfectly collapse straight down

Attached: 1553797962378.gif (658x800, 2.54M)

Israel literally did 9/11, and there is proof directly from the FBI but no one cares because Israel owns Washington

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probably stared at it until it hit like lemmings

Because they accomplished their mission successfully and knew they would get away with it

Imagine if social media and live streaming were a thing back then.

So many wagies in the other building would have live streamed their own deaths.

Guy like 7 minutes in

>You're probably wondering how I ended up here...

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Why didn't they just use their faith in God and their patriotism to avoid dying?

Well that's fucked up.


They did, why do you think you don’t see the bodies hit the ground?

>work in twin towers
>clock in on a date that literally translates to "no twin towers"
They got what they deserved to be honest.

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It's almost like victims of serious tragedy don't like being harassed by schizophrenics who refuse to take their meds

the footage is old it makes it feel dated. imagine this happening in the age of HD video on everyone's phone...

>aprox. 3 mins.
imagine the last thing you hear, as you desperately try to escape burning alive and are on the verge of falling in terror and agony, is muzak version of "She's Always a Woman To Me" by Billy Joel. Must have been surreal.

There's some eyewitness account of a jumper actually survived the landing but she's basically a lucid pile of flesh. Is there any source of that?


Nice dude I love how fucking faggots literally not once ever expand on your shit and just bait for yous

the facade columns were 17 inches (43 cm) across and clad in aluminum with no handholds. The windows between were 22 inches. I don't know how far the columns extended out but it looks like maybe 10-12 inches.
A world champion free climber maybe could have wedged themselves between the columns and walked themselves down. But remember these people were all above the impact zone so at least 800 feet up and above all the smoke/heat/updraft and winds.

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Are you really this stupid?

I would have just called in sick that day. Too much drama.

you're mum