
Star Trek: Picard Pre-Show Edition


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fuck off fag-o GAY

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I wish she would do this to me and yell in greek

wait, why are you posting with a name and no trip, and shit from the 90's work out video?

>You nerds ready for the new ep to drop?
>I know I am
>Bangin' chicks (getting consent first though)
>Get rekt nerds!

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i cannot wait for the new episode!

i know right!? Star Track Picard is amazing! I love all the nerdy references!

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>go back to STO after like a week
>get to a shitty on-foot portion
>bored out of my fucking mind
>game crashes right in the middle of it
Jesus christ

Also, how long do I have to play until I don't have to do on foot stuff? It's the worst part of the game by far and away, I just want to blow up spaceships

F for Icheb edition

Fuck Picard. I made it all the way through Discovery but this made me drop Picard.

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Will Neelix fag be brave enough to try it twice?

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Shouldn't have tweeted those tweets

I really hope that elnor meets a cat. that would be so cute. he is probably my favourite so far.

The actor that portrayed him failed to believe a gay victim on Twitter. The character kind of deserved it, to be honest

i missed that. Fill me in

I was genuinely surprised by how boring the game is. it was fun meeting captain nog though.

The Dubsminion has endured for 2,000 /trek/ threads and will continue to endure long after we have justice for Icheb.

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when the science guy on discovery made accusations against kevin spacey the icheb actor was critical of him.

He was just being honest about fag degeneracy. And for that he had to be carved up on the unholy altar of Kurtzman.

I'm transportin' ova heeeya!

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I can totally see them killing him for revenge.

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There's literally about 3 missions and then you can just fly around doing whatever the fuck you want.

It's a theme park mmo not an actual Star Trek simulator. What did you expect? Maybe you just don't like this kind of MMO.

I'm still mad they deleted my account. I played the first year it came out when it was $50+15/month for like 6 months. After the game changed hands twice, i tried to get back in the game. Fucking faggots

From what I understand, he defended spacey, both of them in question are faggots, if you didn't know spacey was a fag you're kinda retarded.


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bleh that's upsetting cause it's an actual good dnd creation, and this bellend licker knows about it from reading a monster manual this year.

He said young fags know exactly what they're doing in the fag scene when they're hanging around at Kevin Spaceys house.
And he's probably right.

>bleh that's upsetting cause it's an actual good dnd creation

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well i guess, fag on fag crime, i don't care

Wil Wheaton is the same age Patrick Stewart was at the start of TNG.

>Wil Wheaton is the same age Patrick Stewart was at the start of TNG.

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>when you think you're being clever with your "parody" hat
>but to anyone who is further than 3 feet from you, it just looks like you're wearing a normal MAGA hat
What degree of chess is this?

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Wil's barely able to wrap his head around tic-tac-toe at this point.

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It's an mmo so I don't know what I was expecting

God I hope

I actually hate mmos but I decided give this one a chance because it's Star Trek. I wish we could just get a big budget single player Trek game for once.

Can't you just make another account?

>all that pent-up anger
The life of the soi cuck is misery and rage

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Some nigger that can't read will wrap a pipe around his head if he goes out in that parody hat.

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Alright /trek/ yeah!

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>rolls a 20

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We almost had a Galaxy-class simulator but the faggots making it fucked it up and got C&D'd

If you think about it, star fleet is such a small minority of the human population, everyone else must be kicking back and munchin holo puss. That’s why humans let martial law be implemented after the planet wide power out during the Dominion War, they forgot to save.

Give me one reason why the "skin of evil" was wrong

The Federation already works on Martial Law. Starfleet is the defacto leadership of the Federation, and it's dominated by Humans, who often completely forget the other races exist. I remember when Sisko described the anti-Dominion alliance as Romulans, Klingons and Humans. I wonder if the Betazoids who had their PLANET INVADED enjoyed hearing that.

The Feddies in the fyootch will actually be socialists disguised as post-capitalistic new age gurus.

it's one of my favorite episodes, I don't know why anyone would think differently

Imagine if Kurtzman has a good conversation with Wil at some convention and they come up with an idea for a Wes Crusher series...

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punching nazi's in space, no thanks

Don't watch trek but who are these cuties?

First time I've ever heard of this

This guy was an alternate universe form of Barclay who got kicked off the Enterprise and turned into a superpowered autist by the Q

He killed Tasha Yar because she was hot and she never would've banged him. He engulfs Riker because he was intimidated by him (as the chad that he is.) And just like always, he was obsessed with Troi.

This scene must've been hard for him to portray knowing the subtle suggestions of "The Traveler" as a Podesta tier stand-in.

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>Shave Motherfucker

pretty sure they were both ok with it

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>computer, simulate an alien planet with me as the only inhabitant
>now give me superpowers and have the enterprise land there. >deploy tasha yar, commander riker and counselor troi in the away team and disengage safety protocols

Fuck actors. The character deserved it. Also I think eyes cannot be repared in star treck lore. May as well shoot his ass.

Bf take zolibumab to get rid xer cold sore!!

Why are you guys so obsessed with BF and VF?


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no one is, it's their own circle jerking, and you're probably one of them

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>wagie seethes about trips again
Hard day in the cagie

I like them when they discuss star trek and they can be really funny sometimes

how the fuck does phase shifting work?
How are there beings on the enterprise crew in phantasms but they are out of phase?
it doesn't make sen!!

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Wil uses his Traveler powers to go back in time to stop Romulans that have also gone back in time to make sure Hitler won.

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Temporal time loop where Wil chases them in pic related, an LGBT battle cruiser, to stop the implementation of the Fourth Reich.

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the piece is cut on the wrong side, unless you flipped the photo

nevermind I misremembered

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shut up nerd they are real trek fans having fun as Data and Troy keep your neg comments to yourself

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imagine getting mad over words over star trek

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My real name is Star Trek.

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What if this race became the Changelings?

They didn't.

The Changelings are Progenitor offshoots.
Look it up.

Wonder what his cut is

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They are, they stated it in TNG and DS9 retard.

He's definitely circumcised.

here he goes, the fags ruining another thread

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