Why did they make fascism look so appealing? Or rather, why was it appealing despite Verhoeven's efforts?

Why did they make fascism look so appealing? Or rather, why was it appealing despite Verhoeven's efforts?

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Young, attractive people on a mission are appealing. Nothing about their mission--killing bugs and protecting their home--was unappealing.

the whole point was to exaggerate it to a point where it was unquestionably an allegory of how Nazi Germany came to be, and shows how easily we can fall into fascism if we are fed the right propaganda.

I unironically joined the Marines because of this movie


No it wasn't. You fucking galaxybrains have been going full english teacher on this movie since it dropped. It's just a wacky action movie with a fascist society as a backdrop.

Cuz they dangled Denise Richards and that sexy ass redhead in front of you

Brainlet cope

>I unironically joined the Marines because of this movie

>join Marines to kill bugs
>spend most of the time cleaning rocks

fascist women look like THAT?!

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thank u 4 defending my freedoms

BA was an inside job.

>It's just a wacky action movie with a fascist society as a backdrop.

How is it actually Fascist? Because of limited suffrage? That's not Fascism. Fascism is most importantly defined by Fascist corporatism, which is the government's relationship with the economic sphere.

>so appealing
It really didn't.

The government looked completely incompetent, the military acted retarded, the price of citizen was basically getting maimed, and the world was completely globalized.

Rico bascially goes from someone who has a modicum of individuality into a brainwashed doorkicker that lost out on both the best puss and a peaceful future.

It was meant to look like a government propaganda film.

I finally watched this the other day and the humor is so on-the-nose it makes Dr. Strangelove look subtle in comparison.
How are there so many people who don't realize it's satire?

lots of attempts to make fascism look bad end up backfiring

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>Rico bascially goes from someone who has a modicum of individuality into a brainwashed doorkicker that lost out on both the best puss and a peaceful future.

If he wasn't at boot camp wouldn't he have been killed anyway when Buenos Aires was blown up?

Or on that pleasure world that his parents were going to send him to that was also destroyed

That's because you're a bootlicker with no personality.

Every heinlein book have this martial vibe and strong sense of hierarchy Also the book is from the 60’s
So 60’s sci-fi by a guy fascinated with military and order plus late 90s verhoeven (always been fascinated by themes like women betrayal, the system letting you down, violence) = hey that book about a violent war and a woman cucking a guy is pretty good, I should make a movie about it

Every verhoeven movie from flesh and blood to elle is about how women climb the ladder and survive with their pussy and how men are used and broken by them and the system
With Elle being a meditation about how women are impossible to get (perpetual theme) so much that you can’t even rape them or force them to anything

Tl:dr starship troopers isn’t about fascism, it’s about women being whores for verhoeven, only heinlein care about the military aspect

>lots of attempts to make fascism look bad end up backfiring

They are trying to present nation, unity, dedication, order and strength as bad things.

The most accomplishes Verhoeven movie is flesh + blood
Most accomplished in the sense it show what his message is about the best, with more honesty and in a more frontal way that any other movie he made
His best movie is robocop but only because he knew his secondary obsession about the system breaking you was a softer pill for the audience than his women are whores primary
That’s why he went full force into robocop
But his most honest and personal movie is flesh + blood
Starship is in between his two themes and as a result end up very balanced and good when it should have be bad considering the material
Showgirl with flesh + blood are the two keys of his psychology and fixation on suffering heroically for a girl, goddesses whores schizophrenia
Elle is a pseudo intellectual late effort to go deeper but it actually isn’t deeper than that

Carmen is Lori Quaid is agnes, dizzy is robocop lewis partner, Huppert in Elle is the black book girl etc etc, that’s all he care about deep down

Fascism is like the family you never had

what's fascism? law? order? tradition? purpose?

those are bad things?

Same thing in Showgirls. He tried to make a satire on exploitation but all I could do was drool over Nomi's hot thighs

But the only major difference in government was that only people who served in the military could vote or hold public office and that isn't in the tenants of facism at all.

His first budget movie flesh blood have a guy raping the girl he want and still getting cucked
His late movie elle have a guy raping the girl he want and still ending cucked by her
The real story of starship troopers is a combat story in the book but in the movie the story is about the feel of losing Carmen to another guy and getting your balls ripped off even though you get the girl and win the day and how in the end getting what you want is a tasteless feel
Used up Carmen ready to settle after using her pussy for success isn’t so appealing once you know her true face but still it’s young Denise Richards so your mind can’t be sure even though you’re basically relieved the girl who actually wanted you is dead because you actually don’t want what you can have
... or something like that

what is remotely appealing from the incredibly degenerated society of the federation?

when Rico has doubts about the military? Boom, Buenos Aires is destroyed. Talk about narratively convenient.
Yes, the government was monitoring Rico specifically because they knew would be the key to finding a brain bug, so they orchestrated an cataclysmic attack against his home city right when he needed the push to stay in federal service. It's all a conspiracy and not as you said a narrative convenience to give the hero reason for staying in the story.

The backdrop isn’t fascist, it’s just serve the purpose of showing the hero is from a lower class than what he want and that even though he excel in what he does, he wants more, he wants status
Climbing the lobster hierarchy and shit
At the cost of letting your friend dies (Martin and his friends) partner in robocop, dizzy etc and sabotaging your viable option willingly to go after something you know is an illusion
His movies are good because they make you feel bad about yourself for being so thirsty but validate you for doing so at the same time implying the only way is forward whatever the cost to chase your own meaning risking everything
Very good sense of epic that so many film makers lack

People said it was fascist because they never read heinlein and because Barney stinson is showed to be a ruler during the anus mind reading and he happened to wear a long ss like coat
Change this scene with him wearing a bombers and being dark haired and the fascist interpretation become invalid

underrated movie, good pleb filter

>this movie

kek, they live in a globohomo society.
maybe it's time to re-watch the movie again if you don't remember how degenerate it is.

because it's way less shitty than what we have now

god i wish that were me

>the whole point was to exaggerate it to a point where it was unquestionably an allegory of how Nazi Germany came to be, and shows how easily we can fall into fascism if we are fed the right propaganda.
...except that it wasn't actually all that fascist. Verhoeven didn't even read the book.

Because it's le epic satire, he show thing in way that look good but really he mean it bad xD this is deep...


The fucking book isn't even fascist! It's more like some old Greek sytem.

>The fucking book isn't even fascist! It's more like some old Greek sytem.
Roman republicanism, actually. The book doesn't even say that you have to sign up for the military. You just have to do a hard job in service of the Federation.


The Roman Republic was basically the origin of fascism as a word.

THANK YOU!!!. I told my brother this when he showed me the movie and he refused to believe it.
It's literally the only way that anything makes sense.
Why did they try so hard to keep Rico alive and in perfect health? He was in an embryonic stem cell vat thing while everyone else was on stretchers. (after the failed invasion). They also kept Rico in the military after his leadership led to a squad member dying
Also the psychic guy, I think he definitely has something to do with the conspiracy

>free speech
>all-volunteer military
>rich openly mock service


Why do people respond seriously to bait threads?

What's another incorrect opinion that outs someone as a midwit?

The more important question is why do you? You know damn well that almost every board on this site is just nu/b/ but you still come back every day to bitch and moan FOR FREE.

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The director doesn't understand satire.

>The Roman Republic was basically the origin of fascism as a word.
The bundle of sticks' association with fascism actually came about in the 19th Century. Before and after that, it was just a symbol for a magistrate.

>What's another incorrect opinion that outs someone as a midwit?

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Government=bad, but only government should have guns

Haha stupid facists, they sent all those people to die because fascism is so stupid! We're the smart democratic society!

>spends 10 years in Iraq and Afghanistan because saudi terrorists flew a plane into a building

Ah, fellow men of culture.

The director said the negress who was raped was the only good/pure character in the film.

Apparently he forgot how she saw/knew that the main character pushed her rival down the stairs on purpose then turned a blind eye to it when she got invited to meet her favorite singer; the same one who ends up raping her.

Black pussy!

Daily reminder that klendathu was on the other side of the galaxy. In order for the bugs to knock an asteroid onto a collision course with earth, even at the fastest known asteroid speeds it would have to have been set into motion several billion years ago when only basic life existed on our planet.


Because it's based on a book that didn't portray a fascistic society but rather a society that values Civic duty and responsibility. Non-citizen weren't even treated poorly they just couldn't vote. If it was truly fascistic they would have strapped those who didn't serve onto the Bottom of their dropships as cushions.

Just adding Nazi uniforms and funny propaganda to it doesn't change the fact that the core story is about a strong society that thrives through Civic duty against an outside invader.

Hello 101st based airborne division?

No, the director, writers and producers are just retards who didn't understand that space is very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, vrey, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, fucking big.

That’s false. There’s nothing remotely military in Stranger in a Strange Land or most of the Heinlein juveniles. He writes working class characters in a SciFi world.

Starship Troopers is the Marine story.

>Or rather, why was it appealing despite Verhoeven's efforts?

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The Co-Ed shower scene with the cute black girl awoken something in me that day. She is still an 11/10 to me.

This one? Not bad

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Fascism is appealing to autists and brainlets because it reinforces their myopic black-and-white view of the world

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>it’s just serve the purpose of showing the hero is from a lower class
what? rico is shown to be from a very obviously wealthy background in the film