In the era of body positivity and acceptance...

In the era of body positivity and acceptance, why is Hollywood allowed to get away with promoting unrealistic male body standards that are achieved through roids?

Attached: CA59265D-599E-427B-9D5B-B74703E1DA66.jpg (1280x720, 116.74K)

Because they are hot

LOL the only thing unrealistic about their bodies is how quickly they can get shredded. otherwise, it isnt exactly hard to achieve that body, you just need discipline

Post ur body or shut the fuck up


>replied within 30 seconds
>didn't post body


He doesn't need to be the proof of his own argument, of which he is correct.

You need to understand that there's a difference between going to the gym twice a week and practically living there with people who get paid to sculpt you

>LOL the only thing unrealistic about their bodies is how quickly they can get shredded
yes thats where the steroids come in stupid

>just work hard bro you can look like that

Found the guy that doesnt work out or lift weights

because men see something impressive and want to achieve it for themselves. body positivity is a female concept, seeing something they could only ever strive towards just hurts them.

it has been confirmed that hollywood actors never use steroids

it's all, 100%, NATTY. the only people that use steroids are gymfreaks from Yas Forums who can't act.

Thor is the only natty person in that picture. Other three, all steroids. You can always tell by the traps and shoulder striations.

Men are disposable. No one cares about men. The empathy gap between men and women is natural. Learn to deal with it or die trying.


>no timestamp
Still cute though

would lick armpits

Short guy, you have nowhere near their mass and they are taller.

Lol 6'1 brah. Very tall brah.
Stop mirin you jealous nerd.

Can you post a pic without the pants? Thanks

6’1” is above average, not very tall.

I dont know where the traps and shoulder = roids meme comes from but it's not true at all

This guy actually thinks his body is anywhere near Hollywood movie star roiders

You're right.
Just memeing brah.
It's a quote from zyzz ;)

I would be fine I'd the actors admitted they were on roids instead of giving some bullshit about their diet or workout plants. It's called lift heavy and roid, there's no fucking secret


This is something i think is so fucked up. Feminists back in the 80s or whatever were like "there are unrealistic expectations of beauty being placed on women. this is unfair and bad." and like, yeah they're right

Then Hollywood saw this criticism, realised that maybe they should get on board with gender equality, but INSTEAD of lowering the expectations for women to be ideal, they just fucking raised the expectations of men.

m8 just eat clen and tren hard

Not near old mate thor.
But I'm a dead ringer for Henry Cavill man.
Many people at my university and people I meet out are always telling me a look very much like him.
But I can just go on here and lie dude, you don't have to trust me man. But you seem a little mad?
Also Cavill's physique was at its peak in man of steel, nowadays it's not that amazing.
He's for sure natty, the only thing that made me question that he might be on roids is because of his hair line.
But maybe home boy is unlucky

They are relentlessly handsome

One more for the positive lads in the thread.
Been training since 15 now 23 and a half.
I've stayed consistent for all those years boys, you must show up, rise and grind.
Fuck roids
Hear failure
No family jewels.

Attached: VideoCapture_20191216-135238~2.jpg (960x496, 59.98K)

>No family jewels
What did you mean by this

Mirin bro. Got some back pics?

not him but roids negatively affect both the reproductive and immune system

Poor guy

Your balls shrink man.
I had a friend that I think had some issues with his body.
He was a lovely guy, but yeah had some bigorexia issues.
Anyways I moved in with him and he had a pretty good job so he decided to get on Tren and Dbol.
I was injecting him in the shoulders every so often when his buttocks where too corked; corking is what happens when you regularly use needles basically you get a hard somewhat sore lump. Which is why you have to change spots for injecting.
Anyways so with the family jewels comment, you know how when your scrotum gets cold and the balls don't sag, they're just kinda up nice and close to the shaft. So essentially that's what your nuts look like all the time because you're testicles shrink.
If you're putting excess testosterone in your body, your two little homies chill out and stop producing as much hormones.

Nice gains, bro.

>If you're putting excess testosterone in your body, your two little homies chill out and stop producing as much hormones.
So, it's like the reverse balls dropping?

I saw first hand how much the roids can give you and also take away.
He stayed on the juice for too long, started to get thin hair and his androgen receptors where beginning to not be as responsive which meant he wasn't getting proper results from the roids.
That's why homies go on cycles.
Anyways brahs. Unfortunately it really messed him up a little bit, went to have a threesome with some of our social group chick mates, and he couldn't get his Wang up.
Fuck roids dudes.

I'm still waiting for that no pants shot

You don’t look hollywood ripped at all tho. Too much bodyfat

but you're still a manlet. only now you're narcissistic so people probably hate you more than when you started.

6'1 is definitely tall in virtually any country, except for maybe the Netherlands where it is still above average (for a guy).

I like your anti roid message so you're alright in my book

Because you have more androgen receptors there you fucking retard

Congratulations on once again ejaculating your fetid, flaccid excuse for a shit stained thought into a discussion that was, as always, better off without you

This is why feminism is a load of shit. It's just about making life easier for women, it doesn't care about how or at what cost such as fucking over men or fetuses. It's never been about equality

>You can always
Not always. Hemsworth is also the biggest so the probability of him being on roids is the highest.

>and like, yeah they're right
They weren't though, it's not hard to not be a fat slob and that's pretty much everything the average women has to do to be attractive.

And the men fall for 6.5 retards when they're 10/10 elites. Take me back to the 90's/early 2000's where average looking people were the norm.

The Peloton ad backlash is everything you need to know about their hypocrisy

Henry is natty, the others were on gear yeah

Even grannys can have that body

Attached: natty.png (720x838, 677.49K)

That's a good looking grandma

>you just need discipline
And the test levels of a 17-23yo.

t. 30yo whos been natty lifting since 16. Strongest Ive ever been, look the worst.

You can always get your balls back with HCG and other stuff. Proviron alone i would say is a worthwhile "roid" because it has no negative sides besides hairloss but azelaic acid is a topical cure/preventative measure to mpb

post body

Literally every guy who is in that industry for ages and also commits taking roids (and even telling you what exact amount) says Cavill is natty.
But I know, some sub 2pl8 bencher on Yas Forums knows more than people like Greg Doucette.

this queer doesnt lift and thinks he has any idea about reality

You sound like a woman

FARK no. Not only do I look like shit but I have tattoos.

Even better

Why are roids so looked down upon? It's okay for a dude to take oestrogen and cut his dick off but extra testosterone is evil? Side note they really should just do away with drug testing for pro athletes because they all take it anyway, you're just penalising honest people